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Grails 所需的验证器在 Safari 浏览器中不起作用?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 15:09:35 26 4
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chalice 必填字段验证器 无法在 Safari 浏览器中运行。

<g:textField name="username" class="drpdwn"  required="Enter data"/>


好像是bug在 Safari 。

从 github 中的讨论:

The sad truth is, that HTML5 forms features are fragmented. Safari 5.0.0 has included very odd support for interactive form validation, removed it in 5.0.2 and hasn't done anything for Safari 6

还有一个 ticket Safari 5.1,由 Paul Irish 创建

This conversation is about interactive validation feature.

Safari supports the required attribute. - correctly matches :invalid selector - input.validity.valueMissing correctly returns true for But form submission is not prevented because Safari has no interactive validation feature.

还有一个 ticket , 哪个状态 “不会修复”并从那里引用:

We disabled the interactive form validation feature because the implementation was incomplete and there were some compatibility issues.

关于Grails 所需的验证器在 Safari 浏览器中不起作用?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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