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gettext - Homebrew doctor : gettext found

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 14:32:38 33 4
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我尝试运行 Homebrew 程序,以便在 5 月份的 mac 上安装一些 unix 工具,但开始时遇到问题。我已经删除了 fink 和 macports 并安装了 Homebrew 软件。

(我正在运行 Snow Leopard 10.6.8 并安装了 XCode 3.2.6。)

检查我的系统是否已准备好运行时,“brew doctor”命令报告了几个错误:第一个是:

Warning: gettext was detected in your PREFIX.
The gettext provided by Homebrew is "keg-only", meaning it does not
get linked into your PREFIX by default.

If you `brew link gettext` then a large number of brews that don't
otherwise have a `depends_on 'gettext'` will pick up gettext anyway
during the `./configure` step.

If you have a non-Homebrew provided gettext, other problems will happen
especially if it wasn't compiled with the proper architectures.



在/usr/local/Library/Homebrew/cmd/doctor.rb 中我发现:

def check_for_gettext
if %w[lib/libgettextlib.dylib
include/libintl.h ].any? { |f| File.exist? "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/#{f}" }

虽然我个人从/usr/local 下删除了所有 get text 和 libintl,但将 libgettextlib.dylib、libintl.dylib 和 libintl.h 重命名为其他名称(例如带有 -pre-homebrew 的 postfix)可能就足够了。

关于gettext - Homebrew doctor : gettext found,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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