- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
我已经能够使第 1-3 点工作,但无法使第 4 点工作:按 Ctrl-D(或输入“退出”)只会弹出下一个提示,而不是使程序退出提问。看看我的程序(请参见下文),我明白为什么会发生这种情况,但我无法弄清楚如何解决这个问题,以便 Ctrl-D (或“退出”)实际上使提问停止。我该如何修复程序才能实现这一点?
我确实看到了this question这似乎问了类似的问题,但我无法从那里得到太多;我什至不确定他们是否在问与我相同的问题。
作为第二个问题:我当前的程序有很多 case
语句,它们会打开 Maybe
值。特别是,我目前检查两到三层深度的 Nothing
,以便当用户按 Ctrl-D 时我可以正确返回 Nothing
。我有一种感觉,这可以使用(类似的)单子(monad) >>=
运算符来简化,但我无法弄清楚在这种情况下如何做到这一点。我的预感对吗?有没有办法消除所有这些寻找 Nothing
module Main where
import System.Console.Haskeline
type PersonName = String
type FruitName = String
data FruitBasket = FruitBasket { ownerName :: PersonName,
fruitCount :: Int,
fruitNames :: [FruitName]
} deriving Show
defaultBasket = FruitBasket "Mary" 2 ["Apple", "Peach"]
main :: IO ()
main = do
basket <- getBasketData defaultBasket
putStrLn $ "Got: " ++ show(basket)
-- Prompt the user for information about a fruit basket, and
-- return a FruitBasket instance containing this information. The
-- first argument is an instance of FruitBasket from which we get
-- the default values for the various prompts. The return value
-- has a Maybe type because the user may abort the questioning, in
-- which case we get nothing from them.
getBasketData :: FruitBasket -> IO (Maybe FruitBasket)
getBasketData basket = runInputT defaultSettings $ withInterrupt $ getData basket
getData :: FruitBasket -> InputT IO (Maybe FruitBasket)
getData initialBasket = handleInterrupt f $ do
outputStrLn banner
input <- getInputLine $ "Who owns this basket? [" ++ defaultOwner ++ "] : "
basket <- case input of
Nothing -> return Nothing -- User pressed Ctrl-D with the input being empty
Just "" -> return (Just initialBasket) -- User pressed Enter with the input being empty
Just "quit" -> return Nothing -- User typed in "quit" and pressed Enter
Just newOwner -> return (Just initialBasket{ownerName = newOwner})
input <- getInputLine $ "Number of kinds of fruit in the basket? [" ++ show defaultCount ++ "] : "
basket' <- case input of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just "" -> return basket
Just "quit" -> return Nothing
Just count -> return $ updateFruitCount basket (read count)
where updateFruitCount Nothing _ = Nothing
updateFruitCount (Just realBasket) newCount = Just $ realBasket{fruitCount = newCount}
let defaultFruitNames = pruneOrPadNames basket'
newNames <- getFruitNames defaultFruitNames 1
case newNames of
Nothing -> return (Just defaultBasket)
Just newSetOfNames -> return $ updateFruitNames basket' newSetOfNames
where updateFruitNames Nothing _ = Nothing
updateFruitNames (Just realBasket) realNewNames = Just $ realBasket{fruitNames = realNewNames}
where f = (outputStrLn "Press Ctrl-D or enter \"quit\" to quit." >> getData initialBasket)
defaultOwner = ownerName initialBasket
defaultCount = fruitCount initialBasket
banner :: String
banner = "Please enter details of the fruit basket below. At each prompt you can do one of the following:\n\
\\t (a) Press Enter to submit the [default] value;\n\
\\t (b) Type in a string, edit it if needed, and then press Enter to submit this value;\n\
\\t (c) Press Ctrl-C to reset all values to the defaults and start over;\n\
\\t (d) Press Ctrl-D or enter \"quit\" to quit; all the values you submitted will be lost."
pruneOrPadNames :: Maybe FruitBasket -> Maybe [String]
pruneOrPadNames Nothing = Nothing
pruneOrPadNames (Just basket) = Just $ pruneOrPad (fruitNames basket) (fruitCount basket)
-- When requiredLength is not larger than (length inputList),
-- (pruneOrPad inputList requiredLength) is the prefix of
-- inputList of length requiredLength. Otherwise, it is inputList
-- padded with as many empty strings as required to make the total
-- length equal to requiredLength.
pruneOrPad :: [String] -> Int -> [String]
pruneOrPad inputList requiredLength
| requiredLength <= inputLength = take requiredLength inputList
| otherwise = inputList ++ (replicate difference "")
where inputLength = length inputList
difference = requiredLength - inputLength
getFruitNames Nothing _ = return Nothing
getFruitNames (Just []) _ = return $ Just [""]
getFruitNames (Just (name:names)) count = do
input <- getInputLine $ "Name of fruit " ++ (show count) ++ " [" ++ name ++ "] : "
newNames <- case input of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just "" -> do -- Keep the default name for this fruit ...
newNames' <- getFruitNames (Just names) (count + 1)
case newNames' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
-- ... unless the user chose to quit
-- while entering a name
Just [""] -> return $ Just [name]
-- At this point names = [] so it is
-- already time to stop asking for
-- more names.
Just furtherNames -> return $ Just (name : furtherNames)
Just "quit" -> return Nothing
Just name' -> do
newNames' <- getFruitNames (Just names) (count + 1)
case newNames' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just [""] -> return $ Just [name']
Just furtherNames -> return $ Just (name' : furtherNames)
return newNames
在一些建议的帮助下here on the haskell-beginners mailing list我已经成功地解决了我的问题,完全解决了 Ctrl-D 问题和因式分解问题,令我满意(到目前为止!)。我将答案发布在这里,希望它能帮助其他人解决我的困境。
首先,Ctrl-D 的问题:问题是我抛弃了 Maybe monad 提供的控制逻辑,只使用了值 monad,通过引用包含这些值的各种变量名称。我执行此操作的第一个地方是这里,在 getBasketData
basket <- case input of ...
input <- getInputLine ...
basket' <- case input of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just "" -> return basket
注意计算中的情况 basket'
封装的值通过引用(并在需要时进行模式匹配)变量 basket
它仍然在 basket'
表达式的范围内.这就是 Ctrl-D 丢失的地方。作为对比,这里的代码是 getBasketData
s 穿过间隙(我将 basket
变量重命名为 maybeBasket
,因为它们实际上是 Maybe FruitBasket
getBasketData basket = runInputT defaultSettings $ withInterrupt $ getData basket
getData :: FruitBasket -> InputT IO (Maybe FruitBasket)
getData initialBasket = handleInterrupt f $ do
outputStrLn banner
input <- getInputLine $ "Who owns this basket? [" ++ defaultOwner ++ "] : "
maybeBasket <- case input of
Nothing -> return $ Nothing -- User pressed Ctrl-D with the input being empty
Just "" -> return $ Just initialBasket -- User pressed Enter with the input being empty
Just "quit" -> return $ Nothing -- User typed in "quit" and pressed Enter
Just newOwner -> return $ Just initialBasket{ownerName = newOwner}
maybeBasket' <- case maybeBasket of
Nothing -> return $ Nothing
Just realBasket -> do input <- getInputLine $ "Number of kinds of fruit in the basket? [" ++ show defaultCount ++ "] : "
case input of
Nothing -> return $ Nothing
Just "" -> return $ maybeBasket
Just "quit" -> return $ Nothing
Just count -> return $ Just $ realBasket{fruitCount = (read count)}
maybeBasket'' <- case maybeBasket' of
Nothing -> return $ Nothing
Just realBasket -> do let defaultFruitNames = pruneOrPad (fruitNames realBasket) (fruitCount realBasket)
newNames <- getFruitNames defaultFruitNames 1
case newNames of
Nothing -> return $ Nothing
Just newSetOfNames -> return $ Just $ realBasket{fruitNames = newSetOfNames}
return maybeBasket''
where f = (outputStrLn interruptMessage >> getData initialBasket)
defaultOwner = ownerName initialBasket
defaultCount = fruitCount initialBasket
因此,例如,我们尝试进行任何实际计算以获得 maybeBasket'
--- 包括提示不同种类水果的数量 --- 仅当maybeBasket
这解决了 Ctrl-D 问题:程序现在停止询问并返回 Nothing
如果用户按 Ctrl-D 来回答任何问题。
现在进行保理。这就是邮件列表答案中的建议有所帮助的地方:我首先将大的 getData
分开。函数分为三部分,每个“大”使用 <-
运算符,并将这些部分放入单独的函数中。这对我来说逻辑清晰了很多(事实上,这也是我找到解决 Ctrl-D 问题的方法)。从这里开始,我不断地重新表述各个部分,直到得到对我来说看起来足够好的以下版本。请注意getBasketData
module Main where
import System.Console.Haskeline
type PersonName = String
type FruitName = String
data FruitBasket = FruitBasket { ownerName :: PersonName,
fruitCount :: Int,
fruitNames :: [FruitName]
} deriving Show
defaultBasket :: FruitBasket
defaultBasket = FruitBasket "Mary" 2 ["Apple", "Peach"]
main :: IO ()
main = do
basket <- getBasketData defaultBasket
putStrLn $ "Got: " ++ show(basket)
-- Prompt the user for information about a fruit basket, and
-- return a FruitBasket instance containing this information. The
-- first argument is an instance of FruitBasket from which we get
-- the default values for the various prompts. The return value
-- has a Maybe type because the user may abort the questioning, in
-- which case we get nothing from them.
getBasketData :: FruitBasket -> IO (Maybe FruitBasket)
getBasketData basket = runInputT defaultSettings $ withInterrupt $ getData basket
getData :: FruitBasket -> InputT IO (Maybe FruitBasket)
getData initialBasket = handleInterrupt f $ do
outputStrLn banner
(ownerQ initialBasket) >>= (processOwner initialBasket) >>= processCount >>= processNames
where f = (outputStrLn interruptMessage >> getData initialBasket)
ownerQ :: FruitBasket -> InputT IO (Maybe PersonName)
ownerQ basket = getInputLine $ "Who owns this basket? [" ++ (ownerName basket) ++ "] : "
processOwner :: FruitBasket -> Maybe PersonName -> InputT IO (Maybe FruitBasket)
processOwner _ Nothing = return Nothing
processOwner _ (Just "quit") = return Nothing
processOwner basket (Just "") = return $ Just basket
processOwner basket (Just newOwner) = return $ Just basket{ownerName = newOwner}
processCount :: Maybe FruitBasket -> InputT IO (Maybe FruitBasket)
processCount Nothing = return Nothing
processCount (Just basket) = (fruitTypesQ basket) >>= processCount'
where processCount' :: Maybe String -> InputT IO (Maybe FruitBasket)
processCount' Nothing = return Nothing
processCount' (Just "quit") = return Nothing
processCount' (Just "") = return $ Just basket
processCount' (Just count) = return $ Just basket{fruitCount = (read count)}
fruitTypesQ :: FruitBasket -> InputT IO (Maybe String)
fruitTypesQ basket = getInputLine $ "Number of kinds of fruit in the basket? [" ++ show (fruitCount basket) ++ "] : "
processNames :: Maybe FruitBasket -> InputT IO (Maybe FruitBasket)
processNames Nothing = return Nothing
processNames (Just basket) = input >>= processNames'
where input = getFruitNames defaultFruitNames 1
defaultFruitNames = pruneOrPad (fruitNames basket) (fruitCount basket)
processNames' :: Maybe [FruitName] -> InputT IO (Maybe FruitBasket)
processNames' Nothing = return Nothing
processNames' (Just newSetOfNames) = return $ Just basket{fruitNames = newSetOfNames}
banner :: String
banner = "Please enter details of the fruit basket below. At each prompt you can do one of the following:\n\
\\t (a) Press Enter to submit the [default] value;\n\
\\t (b) Type in a string, edit it if needed, and then press Enter to submit this value;\n\
\\t (c) Press Ctrl-C to reset all values to the defaults and start over;\n\
\\t (d) Press Ctrl-D or enter \"quit\" to quit; all the values you submitted will be lost."
interruptMessage :: String
interruptMessage = "#################################################\n\
\You pressed Ctrl-C.\n\
\We will now reset all values and start over.\n\
\To quit, press Ctrl-D or enter \"quit\".\n\
pruneOrPadNames :: Maybe FruitBasket -> Maybe [String]
pruneOrPadNames Nothing = Nothing
pruneOrPadNames (Just basket) = Just $ pruneOrPad (fruitNames basket) (fruitCount basket)
-- When requiredLength is not larger than (length inputList),
-- (pruneOrPad inputList requiredLength) is the prefix of
-- inputList of length requiredLength. Otherwise, it is inputList
-- padded with as many empty strings as required to make the total
-- length equal to requiredLength.
pruneOrPad :: [String] -> Int -> [String]
pruneOrPad inputList requiredLength
| requiredLength <= inputLength = take requiredLength inputList
| otherwise = inputList ++ (replicate difference "")
where inputLength = length inputList
difference = requiredLength - inputLength
getFruitNames :: [FruitName] -> Int -> InputT IO (Maybe [FruitName])
getFruitNames [] _ = return $ Just [""]
getFruitNames (name:names) count = do
input <- getInputLine $ "Name of fruit " ++ (show count) ++ " [" ++ name ++ "] : "
newNames <- case input of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just "" -> do -- Keep the default name for this fruit ...
newNames' <- getFruitNames names (count + 1)
case newNames' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
-- ... unless the user chose to quit
-- while entering a name
Just [""] -> return $ Just [name]
-- At this point names = [] so it is
-- already time to stop asking for
-- more names.
Just furtherNames -> return $ Just (name : furtherNames)
Just "quit" -> return Nothing
Just name' -> do
newNames' <- getFruitNames names (count + 1)
case newNames' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just [""] -> return $ Just [name']
Just furtherNames -> return $ Just (name' : furtherNames)
return newNames
关于haskell - 让 Haskeline 提前退出,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29189428/
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我需要获取从当天算起的 5 个工作日的数组。 今天是:06/04/2018 我需要的输出是: { 0: 06/01/2018, //fri. 1: 05/31/2018, //th
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