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caching - Blue Dragon Coldfusion 服务器缓存问题

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 14:22:30 24 4
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我有一个在 ColdFusion MVC 框架“Mach-II”中构建的应用程序,并托管在蓝龙 ColdFusion 服务器上。




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听起来这个服务可能正在使用查询缓存 - 看起来像这样。

<cfquery datasource="CRM" name="testQuery" cachedwithin="#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,30,0)#">
-SQL logic-





Where ColdFusion (5 and MX) defines a ‘template cache” as a place to holds templates in memory once rendered from source code, BlueDragon has the same notion but refers to this as the “file cache”. In both engines, a template once rendered from source will remain in the cache until the server (or J2EE or .NET web app) is restarted.

The cache size, specified in the Admin Console, indicates how many of these cached templates to keep. It defaults to 60 but that number may need to change for your application, depending on how many CFML templates your application uses. One entry is used for each template (CFM or CFC file) requested.

It’s very important to understand that this is not caching the OUTPUT of the page but rather the rendering of the template from source into its internal objects. One cached instance of the template is shared among all users in the application.

As in ColdFusion, once the file cache is full (for instance, you set it to 60 and 60 templates have been requested), then the next request for a template not yet cached will force the engine to flush the oldest (least recently used) entry in the cache to make room. Naturally, if you set this file cache size too low, thrashing in the cache could occur as room is made for files only to soon have the flushed file requested again.

听起来您可能必须重新启动 ColdFusion 应用程序或清除 CFAdmin 中的模板缓存。

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