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vba - 检查 ADODB 连接是否打开

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我在一些 Excel 程序中使用以下内容来建立与数据库的连接。

Private Const strConn As String = _

Sub OpenConnection()

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open strConn
cn.CommandTimeout = 0
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set rs.ActiveConnection = cn

End Sub

在后续代码中,我使用各种 SQL 字符串打开连接。
我想测试 rs 是否打开,所以我知道它需要关闭,但以下不起作用。如何更改以下条件才能工作?

If (rs.Open = True) Then
End If


On Error Resume Next


ADO Recordset具有.State属性,您可以检查其值是adStateClosed还是adStateOpen

If Not (rs Is Nothing) Then
If (rs.State And adStateOpen) = adStateOpen Then rs.Close
Set rs = Nothing
End If

MSDN about State property

编辑;不检查 .State 是否为 1 或 0 的原因是,即使它在 99.99% 的时间内有效,仍然可能有 other flags set这将导致 If 语句无法通过 adStateOpen 检查。


对于没有引用 ActiveX 数据对象的后期绑定(bind),您几乎没有选择。使用 ObjectStateEnum 中的 adStateOpen 常量值

If Not (rs Is Nothing) Then
If (rs.State And 1) = 1 Then rs.Close
Set rs = Nothing
End If


Const adStateClosed As Long = 0 'Indicates that the object is closed.
Const adStateOpen As Long = 1 'Indicates that the object is open.
Const adStateConnecting As Long = 2 'Indicates that the object is connecting.
Const adStateExecuting As Long = 4 'Indicates that the object is executing a command.
Const adStateFetching As Long = 8 'Indicates that the rows of the object are being retrieved.


If Not (rs Is Nothing) Then

' ex. If (0001 And 0001) = 0001 (only open flag) -> true
' ex. If (1001 And 0001) = 0001 (open and retrieve) -> true
' This second example means it is open, but its value is not 1
' and If rs.State = 1 -> false, even though it is open
If (rs.State And adStateOpen) = adStateOpen Then
End If

Set rs = Nothing
End If

关于vba - 检查 ADODB 连接是否打开,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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