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kotlin - ojAlgo-连续 block 逻辑的优化问题?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 13:38:51 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


一切顺利,直到我开始实现连续的块逻辑which I've described over on Math Exchange为止。基本上,如果一个类 session 需要4个块,则这4个块需要在一起。

出于某种原因,当我实现连续逻辑in this part of the code时,此建模逻辑会停止运行。它正在无限地搅动。


import org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
import org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
import java.time.DayOfWeek
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.LocalTime
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

// declare model
val model = ExpressionsBasedModel()

val funcId = AtomicInteger(0)
val variableId = AtomicInteger(0)
fun variable() = Variable(variableId.incrementAndGet().toString().let { "Variable$it" }).apply(model::addVariable)
fun addExpression() = funcId.incrementAndGet().let { "Func$it"}.let { model.addExpression(it) }

// Any Monday through Friday date range will work
val operatingDates = LocalDate.of(2017,10,16)..LocalDate.of(2017,10,20)
val operatingDay = LocalTime.of(8,0)..LocalTime.of(17,0)

val breaks = listOf<ClosedRange<LocalTime>>(

// classes
val scheduledClasses = listOf(
ScheduledClass(id=1, name="Psych 101", hoursLength=1.0, repetitions=2),
ScheduledClass(id=2, name="English 101", hoursLength=1.5, repetitions=3),
ScheduledClass(id=3, name="Math 300", hoursLength=1.5, repetitions=2),
ScheduledClass(id=4, name="Psych 300", hoursLength=3.0, repetitions=1),
ScheduledClass(id=5, name="Calculus I", hoursLength=2.0, repetitions=2),
ScheduledClass(id=6, name="Linear Algebra I", hoursLength=2.0, repetitions=3),
ScheduledClass(id=7, name="Sociology 101", hoursLength=1.0, repetitions=2),
ScheduledClass(id=8, name="Biology 101", hoursLength=1.0, repetitions=2)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

println("Job started at ${}")



Session.all.forEach {
println("${}-${it.repetitionIndex}: ${it.start.dayOfWeek} ${it.start.toLocalTime()}-${it.end.toLocalTime()}")

println("Job ended at ${}")


data class Block(val dateTimeRange: ClosedRange<LocalDateTime>) {

val timeRange = dateTimeRange.let { it.start.toLocalTime() }

fun addConstraints() {
val f = addExpression().upper(1)

OccupationState.all.filter { it.block == this }.forEach {
f.set(it.occupied, 1)
companion object {

// Operating blocks
val all by lazy {
generateSequence(operatingDates.start.atTime(operatingDay.start)) {
it.plusMinutes(15).takeIf { it.plusMinutes(15) <= operatingDates.endInclusive.atTime(operatingDay.endInclusive) }
}.filter { it.toLocalTime() in operatingDay }
.map { Block( }

data class ScheduledClass(val id: Int,
val name: String,
val hoursLength: Double,
val repetitions: Int) {

val sessions by lazy {
Session.all.filter { it.parentClass == this }

fun addConstraints() {

//guide 3 repetitions to be fixed on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY
if (repetitions == 3) {
sessions.forEach { session ->
val f = addExpression().level(session.blocksNeeded)

.filter {
it.block.dateTimeRange.start.dayOfWeek ==
when(session.repetitionIndex) {
1 -> DayOfWeek.MONDAY
2 -> DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY
3 -> DayOfWeek.FRIDAY
else -> throw Exception("Must be 1/2/3")
.forEach {

//guide two repetitions to be 48 hours apart (in development)
if (repetitions == 2) {
val first = sessions.find { it.repetitionIndex == 1 }!!
val second = sessions.find { it.repetitionIndex == 2 }!!

companion object {
val all by lazy { scheduledClasses }

data class Session(val id: Int,
val name: String,
val hoursLength: Double,
val repetitionIndex: Int,
val parentClass: ScheduledClass) {

val blocksNeeded = (hoursLength * 4).toInt()

val occupationStates by lazy {
OccupationState.all.asSequence().filter { it.session == this }.toList()

val start get() = occupationStates.asSequence().filter { it.occupied.value.toInt() == 1 }
.map { it.block.dateTimeRange.start }

val end get() = occupationStates.asSequence().filter { it.occupied.value.toInt() == 1 }
.map { it.block.dateTimeRange.endInclusive }

fun addConstraints() {

val f1 = addExpression().level(0)
//block out exceptions
.filter { os -> breaks.any { os.block.timeRange.start in it } || os.block.timeRange.start !in operatingDay }
.forEach {
// b = 0, where b is occupation state
// this means it should never be occupied
f1.set(it.occupied, 1)

//sum of all boolean states for this session must equal the # blocks needed
val f2 = addExpression().level(blocksNeeded)

occupationStates.forEach {
f2.set(it.occupied, 1)

//ensure all occupied blocks are consecutive
// PROBLEM, not finding a solution and stalling

b1, b2, b3 .. bn = binary from each group

all binaries must sum to 1, indicating fully consecutive group exists
b1 + b2 + b3 + .. bn = 1
val consecutiveStateConstraint = addExpression().level(1)

(0..occupationStates.size).asSequence().map { i ->
occupationStates.subList(i, (i + blocksNeeded).let { if (it > occupationStates.size) occupationStates.size else it })
}.filter { it.size == blocksNeeded }
.forEach { grp ->
b = 1,0 binary for group
n = blocks needed
x1, x2, x3 .. xn = occupation states in group

x1 + x2 + x3 .. + xn - bn >= 0
val binaryForGroup = variable().binary()

consecutiveStateConstraint.set(binaryForGroup, 1)

addExpression().lower(0).apply {
grp.forEach {
set(binaryForGroup, -1 * blocksNeeded)


companion object {
val all by lazy {
ScheduledClass.all.asSequence().flatMap { sc ->
.map { Session(,, sc.hoursLength, it, sc) }

data class OccupationState(val block: Block, val session: Session) {
val occupied = variable().binary()

companion object {

val all by lazy {
Block.all.asSequence().flatMap { b ->
Session.all.asSequence().map { OccupationState(b,it) }

fun applyConstraints() {
Session.all.forEach { it.addConstraints() }
ScheduledClass.all.forEach { it.addConstraints() }
Block.all.forEach { it.addConstraints() }


import org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
import org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
import org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

// declare ojAlgo Model
val model = ExpressionsBasedModel()

// custom DSL for expression inputs, eliminate naming and adding
val funcId = AtomicInteger(0)
val variableId = AtomicInteger(0)
fun variable() = Variable(variableId.incrementAndGet().toString().let { "Variable$it" }).apply(model::addVariable)
fun addExpression() = funcId.incrementAndGet().let { "Func$it"}.let { model.addExpression(it) }

val letterCount = 9
val numberCount = 480

val minContiguousBlocks = 4
val maxContiguousBlocks = 4

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

Letter.all.forEach { it.addConstraints() }
Number.all.forEach { it.addConstraints() }

model.countVariables().run { println("$this variables") }



Letter.all.joinToString(prefix = "\t", separator = "\t").run(::println) { it.slotsNeeded }.joinToString(prefix = "\t", separator = "\t").run(::println)

Number.all.forEach { n ->
Letter.all.asSequence().map { l -> l.slots.first { it.number == n }.occupied.value.toInt() }
.joinToString(prefix = "$n ", separator = "\t").run { println(this) }

class Letter(val value: String, val slotsNeeded: Int = 1) {

val slots by lazy {
Slot.all.filter { it.letter == this }.sortedBy { it.number.value }

fun addConstraints() {

// Letter must be assigned once
addExpression().level(1).apply {
slots.forEach { set(it.occupied, 1) }

//handle recurrences
if (slotsNeeded > 1) {
slots.rollingBatches(slotsNeeded).forEach { batch ->

val first = batch.first()

addExpression().upper(0).apply {

batch.asSequence().flatMap { it.number.slots.asSequence() }
.forEach {
set(it.occupied, 1)

set(first.number.cumulativeState, -1)

//prevent scheduling at end of window
// all slots must sum to 0 in region smaller than slots needed
addExpression().level(0).apply {
slots.takeLast(slotsNeeded - 1)
.forEach {
set(it.occupied, 1)

override fun toString() = value

companion object {

val all = ('A'..'Z').asSequence()
.map { it.toString() }
.map { Letter(it, ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(minContiguousBlocks, maxContiguousBlocks + 1)) }


class Number(val value: Int) {

val slots by lazy {
Slot.all.filter { it.number == this }

// b_x
val cumulativeState = variable().lower(0).upper(1)

fun addConstraints() {

// Number can only be assigned once
addExpression().upper(1).apply {
slots.forEach { set(it.occupied, 1) }


companion object {
val all = (1..numberCount).asSequence()
.map { Number(it) }

override fun toString() = value.toString().let { if (it.length == 1) "$it " else it }

data class Slot(val letter: Letter, val number: Number) {

val occupied = variable().binary()

companion object {
val all = Letter.all.asSequence().flatMap { letter ->
Number.all.asSequence().map { number -> Slot(letter, number) }
override fun toString() = "$letter$number: ${occupied?.value?.toInt()}"

fun <T> List<T>.rollingBatches(batchSize: Int) = (0..size).asSequence().map { i ->
subList(i, (i + batchSize).let { if (it > size) size else it })
}.filter { it.size == batchSize }




import org.ojalgo.optimisation.integer.IntegerSolver
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.LocalTime
import org.ojalgo.optimisation.ExpressionsBasedModel
import org.ojalgo.optimisation.Variable
import java.time.DayOfWeek
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

// Any Monday through Friday date range will work
val operatingDates = LocalDate.of(2017,10,16)..LocalDate.of(2017,10,20)
val operatingDay = LocalTime.of(8,0)..LocalTime.of(17,0)

val breaks = listOf<ClosedRange<LocalTime>>(

// classes
val scheduledClasses = listOf(
ScheduledClass(id=1, name="Psych 101",hoursLength=1.0, repetitions=2),
ScheduledClass(id=2, name="English 101", hoursLength=1.5, repetitions=3),
ScheduledClass(id=3, name="Math 300", hoursLength=1.5, repetitions=2),
ScheduledClass(id=4, name="Psych 300", hoursLength=3.0, repetitions=1),
ScheduledClass(id=5, name="Calculus I", hoursLength=2.0, repetitions=2),
ScheduledClass(id=6, name="Linear Algebra I", hoursLength=2.0, repetitions=3),
ScheduledClass(id=7, name="Sociology 101", hoursLength=1.0, repetitions=2),
ScheduledClass(id=8, name="Biology 101", hoursLength=1.0, repetitions=2)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

println("Job started at ${}")


model.countVariables().run { println("$this variables") }

model.options.apply {
iterations_suffice = 0


ScheduledClass.all.forEach {
println("${}- ${it.daysOfWeek.joinToString("/")} ${it.start.toLocalTime()}-${it.end.toLocalTime()}")

println("Job ended at ${}")


// declare model
val model = ExpressionsBasedModel()

val funcId = AtomicInteger(0)
val variableId = AtomicInteger(0)
fun variable() = Variable(variableId.incrementAndGet().toString().let { "Variable$it" }).apply(model::addVariable)
fun addExpression() = funcId.incrementAndGet().let { "Func$it"}.let { model.addExpression(it) }

data class Block(val dateTimeRange: ClosedRange<LocalDateTime>) {

val timeRange = dateTimeRange.let { it.start.toLocalTime() }

val available get() = (breaks.all { timeRange.start !in it } && timeRange.start in operatingDay)

//val cumulativeState = variable().apply { if (available) lower(0).upper(1) else level(0) }

val slots by lazy {
Slot.all.filter { it.block == this }

fun addConstraints() {
if (available) {
addExpression().lower(0).upper(1).apply {
ScheduledClass.all.asSequence().flatMap { it.anchorOverlapFor(this@Block) }
.filter { it.block.available }
.forEach {
set(it.occupied, 1)
} else {
ScheduledClass.all.asSequence().flatMap { it.anchorOverlapFor(this@Block) }
.forEach {

companion object {

// Operating blocks
val all by lazy {
generateSequence(operatingDates.start.atStartOfDay()) {
it.plusMinutes(15).takeIf { it.plusMinutes(15) <= operatingDates.endInclusive.atTime(23,59) }
}.map { Block( }

fun applyConstraints() {
all.forEach { it.addConstraints() }

data class ScheduledClass(val id: Int,
val name: String,
val hoursLength: Double,
val repetitions: Int,
val repetitionGapDays: Int = 2) {

val repetitionGapSlots = repetitionGapDays * 24 * 4

val slotsNeeded = (hoursLength * 4).toInt()

val slots by lazy {
Slot.all.asSequence().filter { it.session == this }.toList()

val batches by lazy {
slots.rollingRecurrences(slotsNeeded = slotsNeeded, gapSize = repetitionGapSlots, recurrencesNeeded = repetitions)

fun anchorOverlapFor(block: Block) = batches.asSequence()
.filter { it.flatMap { it }.any { it.block == block } }
.map { it.first().first() }

val start get() = slots.asSequence().filter { it.occupied.value.toInt() == 1 }.map { it.block.dateTimeRange.start }.min()!!
val end get() = start.plusMinutes((hoursLength * 60.0).toLong())

val daysOfWeek get() = (0..(repetitions-1)).asSequence().map { * repetitionGapDays) }.sorted()

fun addConstraints() {

//sum of all boolean states for this session must be 1
addExpression().level(1).apply {
slots.forEach {
set(it.occupied, 1)

//guide Mon/Wed/Fri for three repetitions
if (repetitions == 3) {
addExpression().level(1).apply {
slots.filter { it.block.dateTimeRange.start.dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.MONDAY }
.forEach {
set(it.occupied, 1)

//guide two repetitions to start on Mon, Tues, or Wed
if (repetitions == 2) {
addExpression().level(1).apply {
slots.filter { it.block.dateTimeRange.start.dayOfWeek in DayOfWeek.MONDAY..DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY }.forEach {
set(it.occupied, 1)

companion object {
val all by lazy { scheduledClasses }

data class Slot(val block: Block, val session: ScheduledClass) {
val occupied = variable().apply { if (block.available) binary() else level(0) }

companion object {

val all by lazy {
Block.all.asSequence().flatMap { b ->
ScheduledClass.all.asSequence().map { Slot(b,it) }

fun applyConstraints() {
ScheduledClass.all.forEach { it.addConstraints() }

fun <T> List<T>.rollingBatches(batchSize: Int) = (0..size).asSequence().map { i ->
subList(i, (i + batchSize).let { if (it > size) size else it })
}.filter { it.size == batchSize }

fun <T> List<T>.rollingRecurrences(slotsNeeded: Int, gapSize: Int, recurrencesNeeded: Int) =
(0..size).asSequence().map { i ->
(1..recurrencesNeeded).asSequence().map { (it - 1) * gapSize }
.filter { it + i < size}
.map { r ->
subList(i + r, (i + r + slotsNeeded).let { if (it > size) size else it })
}.filter { it.size == slotsNeeded }
}.filter { it.size == recurrencesNeeded }

关于kotlin - ojAlgo-连续 block 逻辑的优化问题?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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