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好吧,Windows 上的 Spotify 应用程序没有对全局热键和非常基本的热键的内置支持,即使应用程序窗口当前处于事件状态也是如此。令人沮丧的是,即使窗口处于事件状态,“主演”当前正在播放的歌曲也没有键盘快捷键。
所以我有一个 Autohotkey 脚本,它为我提供了用于播放控制、音量和复制歌曲标题(包括破折号修复)的全局热键,但我在试图弄清楚如何为当前歌曲加注星标时遇到了困难。
为了让事情变得更困难,我只希望 Autohotkey 脚本为尚未加星标的歌曲加星标。如果它已经加星标,那么就不要管它。
<小时/>所以我想出了一个合理的解决方案,即使程序最小化,它也会打开一个上下文菜单,并执行所有操作,包括不取消加星标的歌曲。不幸的是,上下文菜单意味着它将瞬间最小化游戏等全屏应用程序。根据游戏的不同,这可能会很痛苦,但这是我能做的最好的事情,不需要花哨的 DLL 调用和其他东西。
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
;|--[ SOURCES ]--|
;Base Spotify Script from: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/36239-spotify-global-hotkeys/
;Base Starring Script from: http://superuser.com/questions/324416/any-spotify-tweaks-with-keyboard-shortcut-to-star-tracks
;|--[ SETTING UP ]--|
DetectHiddenWindows, On ;Detect Spotify even if it's minimized
#IfWinExist ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow ;Only do the following if Spotify is running
spotify = ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow ;Set variable for Spotify Window Name
;|--[ HOTKEYS ]--|
; "CTRL + ALT + PAGEUP" for previous
ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Left}, %spotify%
; "CTRL + ALT + PAGEDOWN" for next
ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Right}, %spotify%
; "CTRL + ALT + HOME" for pause
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {Space}, %spotify%
; "CTRL + ALT + END" for track-name
WinGetTitle, spotify_playing, %spotify% ;Get the title of Spotify which contains the track-name
StringTrimLeft, trimmed_playing, spotify_playing, 10 ;Get rid of extra text and place into 'trimmed_playing'
StringReplace, replaced_playing, trimmed_playing, –, -, All ;Replace en dash with normal dash and place into 'replaced_playing'
clipboard = %replaced_playing% ;Copy the fixed text to clipboard
; "CTRL + ALT + UP" for volume up
ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Up}, %spotify%
; "CTRL + ALT + DOWN" for volume down
ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Down}, %spotify%
; "CTRL + ALT + INSERT" for starring the current song
;Store active window and mouse position.
MouseGetPos, , , winID
;Right click near the song title in the "Now Playing" box.
WinGetPos, , , , spotifyHeight, %spotify%
clickX := 100
clickY := spotifyHeight-70
ControlClick, x%clickX% y%clickY% , %spotify%, , Right, , NA
;Get the contents of the context menu.
WinWait, ahk_class #32768
SendMessage, 0x1E1 ;MN_GETHMENU
allContextMenuInfo := ErrorLevel
;The "Star" command is the 2nd menu item.
;If the song is Unstarred the text is Star, and vice versa. But sometimes some wierd characters are included.
;The only reliable way I found is to check if the first letter is S.
menuText_StarUnstar := GetContextMenuItemText(allContextMenuInfo, 2)
StringGetPos, positionOfS, menuText_StarUnstar, S
;If S is the first letter, star the song.
notStarred := (%positionOfS% = 0)
If notStarred
;Arrow down to the Star menu item and press enter.
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {Down}{Down}{Enter}, %spotify%
;Just close the context menu.
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {Escape}, %spotify%
;Restore original window and mouse position.
WinActivate ahk_id %winID%
;|--[ FUNCTIONS ]--|
;Context menu helper function.
GetContextMenuItemText(hMenu, nPos)
length := DllCall("GetMenuString"
, "UInt", hMenu
, "UInt", nPos
, "UInt", 0 ; NULL
, "Int", 0 ; Get length
, "UInt", 0x0400) ; MF_BYPOSITION
VarSetCapacity(lpString, length + 1)
length := DllCall("GetMenuString"
, "UInt", hMenu
, "UInt", nPos
, "Str", lpString
, "Int", length + 1
, "UInt", 0x0400)
return lpString
<小时/>在 Spotify 中为歌曲加星标似乎只有 2 种途径。
为了让事情变得尴尬,如果某些内容已经加星标,则加星标菜单选项将在完全相同的位置替换为取消加星标菜单选项。当菜单打开时,它们也具有相同的快捷键(t 键)。因此,您不能在没有先进行某种检查的情况下进行盲目的菜单选择。
如果我们可以在最小化时从上下文菜单中读取文本,我们可以通过文本从“星号”到“取消星号”的变化来判断某些内容是否已经加星标。测试结束后,我们可以决定是否按 T 键来真正为歌曲加星。
我还花了一些时间与 Window Detective 合作,看看是否可以只发送一个相对简单的 PostMessage/SendMessage 来为这首歌加注星标。但我的经验很少,我不知道如何将它们链接在一起以获得我想要的结果。
Star -> WM_MENUSELECT (0x11F) | item identifier = 11 | flags = NONE | MF_HILITE
Unstar -> WM_MENUSELECT (0x11F) | item identifier = 12 | flags = NONE | MF_HILITE
但是我不知道如何实际链接 PostMessages/SendMessages 来打开菜单,然后只选择项目 #11,然后按 Enter 键。
以防万一,这有助于确定是否可以执行 PostMessage/SendMessage 路由。
->WM_RBUTTONUP (0x205)
->WM_KEYDOWN (0x100)
->WM_KEYUP (0x101)
我搜索了一段时间,试图找到用于执行此类上下文菜单选择的 PostMessages/SendMessages 的好示例,但没有找到任何内容。
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; "CTRL + ALT + PAGEUP" for previous
DetectHiddenWindows, On
ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Left}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
; "CTRL + ALT + PAGEDOWN" for next
DetectHiddenWindows, On
ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Right}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
; "CTRL + ALT + HOME" for pause
DetectHiddenWindows, On
ControlSend, ahk_parent, {space}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
; "CTRL + ALT + END" for info
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGetTitle, spotify_playing, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
StringTrimLeft, trimmed_playing, spotify_playing, 10
StringReplace, replaced_playing, trimmed_playing, –, -, All
clipboard = %replaced_playing%
; "CTRL + ALT + UP" for volume up
DetectHiddenWindows, On
ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Up}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
; "CTRL + ALT + DOWN" for volume down
DetectHiddenWindows, On
ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Down}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
PLAN: I want to make this star the current song if it's unstarred
WM_MENUSELECT for star seems to be item identifier 11, unstar is 12
Star -> WM_MENUSELECT (0x11F) | item identifier = 11 | flags = NONE | MF_HILITE
Unstar -> WM_MENUSELECT (0x11F) | item identifier = 12 | flags = NONE | MF_HILITE
; "CTRL + ALT + INSERT" for starring the current song
DetectHiddenWindows, On
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
MouseGetPos, x, y, origwin
WinActivate, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
click 183, 1000 ;
WinActivate, ahk_id %origwin%
MouseMove, %x%, %y%
完美替代您的其他代码; Spotify 响应媒体按钮,因此这些按钮非常有用:
编辑:Spotify 更改了布局。 + 随歌曲标题的长度而移动。为了使其工作更加一致,我将功能更改为右键单击并“保存到您的音乐”。
WinGetPos, , , SPOTIFY_X_AXIS, SPOTIFY_Y_AXIS, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
yPos := SPOTIFY_Y_AXIS - 30
ControlClick, X25 Y%yPos%, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow,, RIGHT
Sleep 75
yPos -= 54
ControlClick, X33 Y%yPos%, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow
关于spotify - 如何在最小化时使用 Autohotkey 为 Spotify 歌曲加注星标?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16775905/
我正在从事从媒体选择器中挑选歌曲并将数据发送到服务器的项目。我正在转换选择的歌曲。它适用于普通歌曲(即不属于购买的 iTunes 的歌曲),对于购买的歌曲,我收到错误消息。我集成了由苹果提供的这个示例
一旦进入包含.mp3 文件的目录,我就可以随机播放歌曲了 mpg123 -Z *.mp3 但是如果我想递归搜索目录及其子文件夹中的 .mp3 文件并随机播放它们,我尝试了以下命令,但它不起作用。 mp
我有 2 种不同的方法来使用内容解析器检索歌曲。一个用于获取手机上的所有歌曲,一个用于从手机中检索所有播放列表,然后,对于每个播放列表,我获取其中的歌曲并将其添加到播放列表对象。为此,我在所有歌曲列表
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