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haskell - 如何处理非详尽模式匹配的误报?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 13:18:58 27 4
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为了清楚起见,请看这个例子(不要告诉我使用 map,这只是一个例子):

processAll :: [Int] -> [Int]
processAll [] = []
processAll a = let (x, xs) = processOne a in x:processAll xs
processOne (x:xs) = (x+1,xs)

在此示例中,很明显,永远不能使用空列表调用 processOne。使用 ghc 编译并添加 -Wall 会发出警告:

Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In an equation for `processOne': Patterns not matched: []

当然,我通常不想禁用此类警告,因为我实际上可能在其他地方错过了模式匹配。但是,我希望 ghc 能够推断出该模式列表实际上在其领域中是详尽的


processAll :: [Int] -> [Int]
processAll [] = []
processAll a = let (x, xs) = processOne a in x:processAll xs
processOne (x:xs) = (x+1,xs)
processOne _ = error "processor overheat - explosion imminent"

这既多余(因为processOne []无论如何都会导致错误)而且乏味。



在这个特定的例子中,我知道有更好的方法来处理这个问题,例如 having the caller match on the pattern 。因此,如果您想要的话,这里是另一个示例,它是我正在编写的词法分析器的非常简化的摘录,您也可以运行它:

import Data.Char (isNumber, isAlpha)
import Control.Monad

data TokenType = ParenOpen -- (
| ParenClose -- )
| Plus -- +
| Number String -- A number
| Variable String -- Anything else
| End -- End of the stream
deriving (Show, Eq)

-- content is the content of a file from a line and column on
type Content = (String, Int, Int)

-- a token is a token and its position as matched by the lexer
type Token = (TokenType, Int, Int)

lexer :: String -> [Token]
lexer = lexAll . (\s -> (s, 1, 1))
-- make a maybe value based on a Bool
makeMaybe :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
makeMaybe p x = if p then return x else Nothing

-- advance the content by one, taking care of line and column numbers
advance :: Content -> Content
advance (x:xs, l, c) = (xs, l', c')
l' = if x == '\n' then l + 1 else l
c' = if x == '\n' then 1 else c + 1

-- advance the content by n
advance' n content = iterate advance content !! n

-- match a single character
matchExact :: Char -> Content -> Maybe Content
matchExact y content@(x:_, _, _) = makeMaybe (x == y) $ advance content

-- match while pattern holds for characters
matchPattern :: (Char -> Bool) -> Content -> Maybe (String, Content)
matchPattern p content@(xs, _, _) = makeMaybe (len > 0) (pfx, advance' len content)
pfx = takeWhile p xs
len = length pfx

matchParenOpen = matchExact '(' >=> (\c -> return (ParenOpen, c))
matchParenClose = matchExact ')' >=> (\c -> return (ParenClose, c))
matchPlus = matchExact '+' >=> (\c -> return (Plus, c))
matchNumber = matchPattern isNumber >=> (\(s, c) -> return (Number s, c))
matchVariable = matchPattern isAlpha >=> (\(s, c) -> return (Variable s, c))

lexOne :: Content -> (Token, Content)
lexOne cur@([], l, c) = ((End, l, c), cur)
lexOne cur@(_, l, c) = let tokenMatchers = [matchParenOpen,
] in
case msum $ map ($ cur) tokenMatchers of
-- if nothing could be matched, generate an error and skip the character
Nothing -> lexOne $ advance cur
-- otherwise, this is an interesting token
Just (t, cnt) -> ((t, l, c), cnt)

lexAll :: Content -> [Token]
lexAll ([], _, _) = []
lexAll content = token:lexAll rest
(token, rest) = lexOne content

main :: IO ()
main = getContents >>= putStrLn . unlines . map (\(t, l, c) -> show l ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ": " ++ show t) . lexer

在上面的示例中,lexOne 确保没有任何 match* 函数,因此 advance* 函数被赋予 Content 带有空字符串。 ghc 警告:

Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In an equation for `advance': Patterns not matched: ([], _, _)

Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In an equation for `matchExact': Patterns not matched: _ ([], _, _)



为什么不直接为 NonEmptyContent 添加类型?

module SO24967745 where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char

data TokenType = ParenOpen -- (
| ParenClose -- )
| Plus -- +
| Number String -- A number
| Variable String -- Anything else
| End -- End of the stream
deriving (Show, Eq)

-- content is the content of a file from a line and column on
type Content = (String, Int, Int)
type NonEmptyContent = (Char, String, Int, Int)

-- a token is a token and its position as matched by the lexer
type Token = (TokenType, Int, Int)

lexer :: String -> [Token]
lexer = lexAll . (\s -> (s, 1, 1))
-- make a maybe value based on a Bool
makeMaybe :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
makeMaybe p x = if p then return x else Nothing

toNonEmptyContent :: Content -> Maybe NonEmptyContent
toNonEmptyContent ([], _, _) = Nothing
toNonEmptyContent (x:xs,l,c) = Just (x,xs,l,c)

toContent :: NonEmptyContent -> Content
toContent (x, xs, l, c) = (x:xs, l, c)

-- advance the content by one, taking care of line and column numbers
advance :: NonEmptyContent -> Content
advance (x, xs, l, c) = (xs, l', c')
l' = if x == '\n' then l + 1 else l
c' = if x == '\n' then 1 else c + 1

-- advance the content by n
advance' :: Int -> NonEmptyContent -> Maybe Content
advance' n = foldr (>=>) Just (replicate n (fmap advance . toNonEmptyContent)) . toContent

-- match a single character
matchExact :: Char -> NonEmptyContent -> Maybe Content
matchExact y content@(x,_, _, _) = makeMaybe (x == y) $ advance content

-- match while pattern holds for characters
matchPattern :: (Char -> Bool) -> NonEmptyContent -> Maybe (String, Content)
matchPattern p content@(x,xs, _, _) = do
let pfx = takeWhile p (x:xs)
len = length pfx
guard (len > 0)
content' <- advance' len content
return (pfx, content')

matchParenOpen = matchExact '(' >=> (\c -> return (ParenOpen, c))
matchParenClose = matchExact ')' >=> (\c -> return (ParenClose, c))
matchPlus = matchExact '+' >=> (\c -> return (Plus, c))
matchNumber = matchPattern isNumber >=> (\(s, c) -> return (Number s, c))
matchVariable = matchPattern isAlpha >=> (\(s, c) -> return (Variable s, c))

lexOne :: Content -> (Token, Content)
lexOne cur@([], l, c) = ((End, l, c), cur)
lexOne (x:xs, l, c) = let cur = (x,xs,l,c)
tokenMatchers = [matchParenOpen,
] in
case msum $ map ($ cur) tokenMatchers of
-- if nothing could be matched, generate an error and skip the character
Nothing -> lexOne $ advance cur
-- otherwise, this is an interesting token
Just (t, cnt) -> ((t, l, c), cnt)

lexAll :: Content -> [Token]
lexAll ([], _, _) = []
lexAll content = token:lexAll rest
(token, rest) = lexOne content

main :: IO ()
main = getContents >>= putStrLn . unlines . map (\(t, l, c) -> show l ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ": " ++ show t) . lexer

关于haskell - 如何处理非详尽模式匹配的误报?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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