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kubernetes - Kubernetes + Helm-仅在新版本/更改时重新启动Pod

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 11:52:40 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


helm upgrade --atomic MyInstall . -f CustomEnvironmentData.yaml
我在 Helm Upgrade documentation中没有看到任何表明该功能的东西。


您可能应该使用helm diff upgrade

$ helm diff upgrade - h
Show a diff explaining what a helm upgrade would change.

This fetches the currently deployed version of a release
and compares it to a chart plus values.
This can be used visualize what changes a helm upgrade will

diff upgrade[flags] [RELEASE] [CHART]

helm diff upgrade my-release stable / postgresql--values values.yaml

-h, --help help for upgrade
--detailed - exitcode return a non - zero exit code when there are changes
--post - renderer string the path to an executable to be used for post rendering. If it exists in $PATH, the binary will be used, otherwise it will try to look for the executable at the given path
--reset - values reset the values to the ones built into the chart and merge in any new values
--reuse - values reuse the last release's values and merge in any new values
--set stringArray set values on the command line(can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1 = val1, key2 = val2)
--suppress stringArray allows suppression of the values listed in the diff output
- q, --suppress - secrets suppress secrets in the output
- f, --values valueFiles specify values in a YAML file(can specify multiple)(default[])
--version string specify the exact chart version to use.If this is not specified, the latest version is used

Global Flags:
--no - color remove colors from the output

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