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Sql Server 2012 fetch 与旧 row_number 性能。我缺少什么?为什么 row_number 快 17 倍?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 11:40:27 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

更新:事实上,请留下以下复杂的查询,请检查此查询。它说 Fetch 为 98%,而 Row_Number 中为 2%?

enter image description here

Fetch 是 SQL Server 2012 的另一个营销关键字吗?


让我澄清一下,无论我读到什么,我都发现 Fetch 比旧的 Row_Number 函数非常快。然而,我发现情况几乎相反,而且相差甚远。我的数据库有近 20 万条记录。这是我使用 Fetch 的查询:

exec sp_executesql N'set arithabort off;set transaction isolation level read uncommitted;
Select cte.DocumentID, cte.IsReEfiled, cte.IGroupID, cte.ITypeID, cte.RecordingDateTime, cte.CreatedByAccountID, cte.JurisdictionID,
cte.LastStatusChangedDateTime as LastStatusChangedDateTime
, cte.IDate, cte.InstrumentID, cte.DocumentStatusID,ig.Abbreviation as IGroupAbbreviation, u.Username, j.JDAbbreviation, inf.DocumentName,
it.Abbreviation, cte.DocumentDate, ds.Abbreviation as DocumentStatusAbbreviation, ds.Name as DocumentStatusName,
( SELECT CAST(CASE WHEN cte.DocumentID = (
SELECT TOP 1 doc.DocumentID
FROM Documents doc
WHERE doc.JurisdictionID = cte.JurisdictionID
AND doc.DocumentStatusID = cte.DocumentStatusID
ORDER BY LastStatusChangedDateTime)
) AS CanChangeStatus ,

Upper((Select Top 1 Stuff( (Select ''='' + dbo.GetDocumentNameFromParamsWithPartyType(Business, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, t.Abbreviation, NameTypeID, pt.Abbreviation, IsGrantor, IsGrantee) From DocumentNames dn
Left Join Titles t
on dn.TitleID = t.TitleID
Left Join PartyTypes pt
On pt.PartyTypeID = dn.PartyTypeID
Where DocumentID = cte.DocumentID
For XML PATH('''')),1,1,''''))) as FlatDocumentName

FROM Documents cte Left Join DocumentStatuses ds On
cte.DocumentStatusID = ds.DocumentStatusID
Inner Join Users u on cte.UserID = u.UserID
Inner Join IGroupes ig On ig.IGroupID = cte.IGroupID
Inner Join ITypes it On ig.IGroupID = it.IGroupID
Left Join InstrumentFiles inf On cte.DocumentID = inf.DocumentID
Left Join Jurisdictions j on j.JurisdictionID = cte.JurisdictionID Where 1=1
Order by cte.LastStatusChangedDateTime OFFSET 110700 Rows FETCH Next 50 Rows ONLY',N'@0 int,@1 int,@2 int,@3 int,@4 int,@5 int,@6 int,@7 int,@8 int,@9 int,@10 int,@11 int',

上述查询需要 17 秒才能生成 50 条记录。这是查询计划:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

这是查询计划 XML,以防图像不清楚:

现在,这是使用旧 Row_Number 的相同查询(并使用与 Fetch 相同的数据库索引和列以及联接):

exec sp_executesql N'set arithabort off;set transaction isolation level read uncommitted;With cte as (Select peta_rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY  d.LastStatusChangedDateTime  asc )  
, d.DocumentID
, u.Username
, it.Abbreviation AS ITypeAbbreviation
, ig.Abbreviation AS IGroupAbbreviation
, d.IsReEfiled
, d.IGroupID
, d.ITypeID
, d.RecordingDateTime
, d.CreatedByAccountID
, d.JurisdictionID
, d.LastStatusChangedDateTime AS LastStatusChangedDateTime
, d.IDate
, d.InstrumentID
, d.DocumentStatusID
, d.DocumentDate
From Documents d
Inner Join Users u on d.UserID = u.UserID Inner Join IGroupes ig on ig.IGroupID = d.IGroupID
Inner Join ITypes it on it.ITypeID = d.ITypeID Where 1=1 ANd d.IGroupID = @0 And (d.JurisdictionID = @1 Or DocumentStatusID = @2 Or DocumentStatusID = @3
Or DocumentStatusID = @4 Or DocumentStatusID = @5) And d.DocumentStatusID <> 3 And d.DocumentStatusID <> 8 And d.DocumentStatusID <> 7 AND
((CreatedByJurisdictionID = @6 Or DocumentStatusID = @7 Or DocumentStatusID = @8
Or DocumentStatusID = @9 Or DocumentStatusID = @10
Or CreatedByAccountID IN (Select AccountID From AccountsJurisdictions Where JurisdictionID = @11)))) Select cte.DocumentID, cte.IsReEfiled, cte.IGroupID, cte.ITypeID, cte.RecordingDateTime, cte.CreatedByAccountID, cte.JurisdictionID,
cte.LastStatusChangedDateTime as LastStatusChangedDateTime
, cte.IDate, cte.InstrumentID, cte.DocumentStatusID,cte.IGroupAbbreviation, cte.Username, j.JDAbbreviation, inf.DocumentName,
cte.ITypeAbbreviation, cte.DocumentDate, ds.Abbreviation as DocumentStatusAbbreviation, ds.Name as DocumentStatusName,
( SELECT CAST(CASE WHEN cte.DocumentID = (
SELECT TOP 1 doc.DocumentID
FROM Documents doc
WHERE doc.JurisdictionID = cte.JurisdictionID
AND doc.DocumentStatusID = cte.DocumentStatusID
ORDER BY LastStatusChangedDateTime)
) AS CanChangeStatus ,

Upper((Select Top 1 Stuff( (Select ''='' + dbo.GetDocumentNameFromParamsWithPartyType(Business, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, t.Abbreviation, NameTypeID, pt.Abbreviation, IsGrantor, IsGrantee) From DocumentNames dn
Left Join Titles t
on dn.TitleID = t.TitleID
Left Join PartyTypes pt
On pt.PartyTypeID = dn.PartyTypeID
Where DocumentID = cte.DocumentID
For XML PATH('''')),1,1,''''))) as FlatDocumentName

FROM cte Left Join DocumentStatuses ds On
cte.DocumentStatusID = ds.DocumentStatusID Left Join InstrumentFiles inf On cte.DocumentID = inf.DocumentID
Left Join Jurisdictions j on j.JurisdictionID = cte.JurisdictionID Where 1=1 And peta_rn>@12 AND peta_rn<=@13 Order by peta_rn',N'@0 int,@1 int,@2 int,@3 int,@4 int,@5 int,@6 int,@7 int,@8 int,@9 int,@10 int,@11 int,@12 int,@13 int',@0=4,@1=1,@2=5,@3=9,@4=4,@5=1,@6=1,@7=5,@8=9,@9=4,@10=1,@11=1,@12=110700,@13=110750

此查询耗时不到 1 秒!这是其查询计划: enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

那么,我错过了什么?为什么 row_number 比 Fetch 快?

这是 rownum 的查询计划:




第一个查询(OFFSET/FETCH)错过了参数的所有过滤条件,因此它适用于更大的基础数据,并且,通过许多 JOINS,记录数量可能会快速增长

在第二个查询 (ROW_NUMBER) 中,左联接在 CTE 执行后应用,并且仅适用于匹配记录 (peta_rn>@12 AND peta_rn<=@13),从而减少了要联接的记录数量。


事实上,谈论您的编辑/更新时,不要考虑执行计划告诉您的内容,只需执行两者并测量时间。您会发现 OFFSET/FETCH 无论如何都更快。

2018-10-04 编辑/更新
我对不同的场景进行了更多测试,发现结果可能会有所不同,具体取决于索引和表基数(又名 COUNT(*))

如果您按具有聚集索引的列进行排序,OFFSET/FETCH 将比 ROW_NUMBER 快得多。在小表(少于 20000 行)上,执行时间几乎相同,但在大表上 OFFSET/FETCH 很快就会变得更快 (200-300%)。

如果您按具有非聚集索引的列进行排序,OFFSET/FETCH 绝不会比 ROW_NUMBER 最差,但后者可以根据参数(表行)执行良好的操作计数、起始记录和获取的行数)。

如果您按没有任何索引的列进行排序,OFFSET/FETCH 仍然比 ROW_NUMBER 快一点,但它们的性能几乎相同。

关于Sql Server 2012 fetch 与旧 row_number 性能。我缺少什么?为什么 row_number 快 17 倍?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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