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sql-server - SQL 服务器错误? group by 表达式时查询结果不确定?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 11:40:24 26 4
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with cte1 as (
select isnull(A, 'Unknown') as A,
isnull(nullif(B, 'NULL'), 'Unknown') as B,
from ... -- uses collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS when joining
group by isnull(A, 'Unknown'), isnull(nullif(B, 'NULL'), 'Unknown'), C
cte2 as (select top (2147483647) A, B, C from cte1 order by A, B, C),
-- Removing cte2 makes it work if running directly as SQL query. However,
-- it still behave the same if the code is in view or table function
ctes as (
.... -- pretty complex query joining cte2 multiple times
-- uses row_number(), ntile
select count(*) from finalCTE


  1. 具体化(临时表或永久表)CTE cte1 并改用具体化表。
  2. cte1 中的分组依据更改为以下任意形式。
    • 按 A, isnull(nullif(B, 'NULL'), '未知'), C 分组
    • group by isnull(A, 'Unknown'), nullif(B, 'NULL'), C
    • 按 A、nullif(B, 'NULL')、C 分组
    • 在其他 CTE 中使用 cte1 代替 cte2。 (更新:这一步并不总是有效。当它在表函数中时仍然存在问题,尽管如果直接运行 SQL 就可以了)

但是,为什么原始查询的行为很奇怪?这是 SQL Server 中的错误吗?


ALTER function [dbo].[fn] (@para1 char(3))
returns table
with cte1 as ( select AAA, BBB, CCC
from dbo.fnBBB(12)
where @para1 = 'xxxx'
union all
select AAA, BBB, CCC
from dbo.fnBBB2(12)
where @para1 = 'yyyy'
-- Tested not using cte2, the same behave
cte2 as (select top (2147483647) AAA, BBB, CCC from cte1 order by AAA, BBB, CCC),
t as ( select e.CCC, e.value1, cte2.BBB, cte2.AAA
from dbo.T1 e
join cte2 on e.CCC = cte2.CCC
b as ( select BBB, AAA, count(*) count,
case when count(*) / 5 > 10 then 10
else count(*) / 5
end as buckets
from t
group by BBB, AAA
having count(*) >= 5
as ( select t.*
from b
cross apply ( select *,
ntile(b.buckets) over ( partition by t.BBB, t.AAA order by value1, CCC )
as bucket
from t
where BBB = b.BBB
and AAA = b.AAA
) t
as ( select AAA, BBB, b2.CCC, Date, SId, value2, b2.bucket, --
_asc = row_number() over ( partition by BBB, AAA, bucket, Date, SId order by value2, b2.CCC ),
_desc = row_number() over ( partition by BBB, AAA, bucket, Date, SId order by value2 desc, b2.CCC desc )
,count(*) over (partition by BBB, AAA, bucket, Date, SId) scount
from b2 join dbo.T2 e on b2.CCC = e.CCC
as ( select BBB, AAA, bucket, Date, SId, avg(value2) value2Median, min(scount) sCount
from m1
where _asc in ( _desc, _desc - 1, _desc + 1 )
group by BBB, AAA, bucket, Date, SId
as ( select BBB, AAA, bucket, min(value1) dboMin, max(value1) value1Max, count(*) count
from b2
group by BBB, AAA, bucket
select m.*, b.dboMin, b.value1Max, Count
from median m join bounds b on m.BBB = b.BBB and m.AAA = b.AAA and m.bucket = b.bucket
-- order by BBB, AAA, bucket


CREATE function [dbo].[fnBBB](@param int) 
returns table
with m as ( select * -- only this view has non default collate (..._CS_AS)
from dbo.view1 -- indxed view.
select isnull(g.AAA, 'Unknown') as AAA,
isnull(nullif(m1.value, 'NULL'), 'Unknown') as BBB
, m.CCC
from m
left join dbo.mapping m0 on = 12
and m0.value = m. v1 collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
left join dbo.map1 r on r.Country = m0.value
left join dbo.map2 g on g.N = r.N
left join dbo.mapping m1 on = 20
and m1.value = m.v2 collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
where m.run_date > dateadd(mm, -@param, getdate())
group by isnull(g.AAA, 'Unknown'), isnull(nullif(m1.value, 'NULL'), 'Unknown'), m.CCC


SQL 是一种基于集合的语言。在此范例中,返回的行的顺序通常不相关。您可以将无序视为默认行为。当您确实希望对行进行排序时,您需要在查询中的某个位置显式使用 ORDER BY 来指定如何排序。

对于普通的无序查询,查询返回的行的实际顺序可能由许多因素决定。例如,磁盘上行的物理布局、查询优化器实际用于返回行的索引的 inode 顺序、查询计划步骤的实际执行顺序等 - 其中大部分是在执行时决定的,甚至可能在后续执行之间有所不同.


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