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kubernetes - 有关kubernetes的initContainer的一些问题

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Kubernetes Pod lifecycle,我想你的意思是“正在运行,但没有终止”

在您的情况下,pod liveness/readiness probe更合适,因为服务器直到准备就绪才接受请求。

Straight to the Point: Kubernetes Probes读取“Peter Malina

Both readiness and liveness probe run in parallel throughout the life of a container.

  • Use the liveness probe to detect an internal failure and restart the container (e.g. HTTP server down).
  • Use the readiness probe to detect if you can serve traffic (e.g. established DB connection) and wait (not restart) for the container.

A dead container is also not a ready container.
To serve traffic, all containers within a pod must be ready.

您可以添加 pod readiness gate (stable from 1.14)以指定要评估Pod准备状态的其他条件。

另请阅读 Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness Probes: How to Avoid Shooting Yourself in the Foot中的“ Colin Breck

Should Health Checks call other App Health Checks”将该方法与 InitContainer approach进行了比较

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