gpt4 book ai didi

haskell - 在 Haskell 中创建解释器

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 11:08:24 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

因此,我需要编写一个函数 evalS::Statement -> Store -> Store ,它将语句和存储作为输入,并返回可能修改的存储。


evalS w@(While e s1) s = case (evalE e s) of
(BoolVal True,s') -> let s'' = evalS s1 s' in evalS w s''
(BoolVal False,s') -> s'
_ -> error "Condition must be a BoolVal


evalS Skip s             = ...
evalS (Expr e) s = ...
evalS (Sequence s1 s2) s = ...
evalS (If e s1 s2) s = ...

在 If 情况下,如果 e 计算结果为非 bool 值,我需要使用错误函数抛出错误。


> run stmtParser "x=1+1" evalS
fromList [("x",2)]
> run stmtParser "x = 2; x = x + 3" evalS
fromList [("x",5)]
> run stmtParser "if true then x = 1 else x = 2 end" evalS
fromList [("x",1)]
> run stmtParser "x=2; y=x + 3; if y < 4 then z = true else z = false end" evalS
fromList [("x",2),("y",5),("z",false)]
> run stmtParser "x = 1; while x < 3 do x = x + 1 end" evalS
fromList [("x",3)]
> run stmtParser "x = 1 ; y = 1; while x < 5 do x = x + 1 ; y = y * x end" evalS
fromList [("x",5),("y",120)]

stmtParser 代码:

-- Sequence of statements
stmtParser :: Parser Statement
stmtParser = stmtParser1 `chainl1` (P.semi lexer >> return Sequence)

-- Single statements
stmtParser1 :: Parser Statement
stmtParser1 = (Expr <$> exprParser)
<|> do
P.reserved lexer "if"
cond <- exprParser
P.reserved lexer "then"
the <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "else"
els <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "end"
return (If cond the els)
<|> do
P.reserved lexer "while"
cond <- exprParser
P.reserved lexer "do"
body <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "end"
return (While cond body)


我不确定在这个问题中是否需要使用 evalE。我在之前的问题中已经写过。 evalE 的签名是 evalE::Expression -> Store -> (Value, Store) 并要求我写:

evalE (Var x) s = ...
evalE (Val v) s = ...
evalE (Assignment x e) s = ...



evalS Skip s             = show s -- I am assuming that since Skip returns an empty String, I just need to return an empty String.
evalS (Sequence s1 s2) s = evalS s1 >> evalS s2 -- sequence1 then sequence2. I am not quite sure what to do with the s.
evalS (Expr e) s = ... Not sure what to do, here.
evalS (If e s1 s2) s = do
x <- evalE e
case x of
BoolVal True -> evalS s1
BoolVal False -> evalS s2



-- Necessary imports
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),liftA,liftA2)
import Data.Map
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P

--------- AST Nodes ---------

-- Variables are identified by their name as string
type Variable = String

-- Values are either integers or booleans
data Value = IntVal Int -- Integer value
| BoolVal Bool -- Boolean value

-- Expressions are variables, literal values, unary and binary operations
data Expression = Var Variable -- e.g. x
| Val Value -- e.g. 2
| BinOp Op Expression Expression -- e.g. x + 3
| Assignment Variable Expression -- e.g. x = 3

-- Statements are expressions, conditionals, while loops and sequences
data Statement = Expr Expression -- e.g. x = 23
| If Expression Statement Statement -- if e then s1 else s2 end
| While Expression Statement -- while e do s end
| Sequence Statement Statement -- s1; s2
| Skip -- no-op

-- All binary operations
data Op = Plus -- + :: Int -> Int -> Int
| Minus -- - :: Int -> Int -> Int
| Times -- * :: Int -> Int -> Int
| GreaterThan -- > :: Int -> Int -> Bool
| Equals -- == :: Int -> Int -> Bool
| LessThan -- < :: Int -> Int -> Bool

-- The `Store` is an associative map from `Variable` to `Value` representing the memory
type Store = Map Variable Value

--------- Parser ---------

-- The Lexer

lexer = P.makeTokenParser (emptyDef {
P.identStart = letter,
P.identLetter = alphaNum,
P.reservedOpNames = ["+", "-", "*", "!", ">", "=", "==", "<"],
P.reservedNames = ["true", "false", "if", "in", "then", "else", "while", "end", "to", "do", "for"]

-- The Parser

-- Number literals
numberParser :: Parser Value
numberParser = (IntVal . fromIntegral) <$> P.natural lexer

-- Boolean literals
boolParser :: Parser Value
boolParser = (P.reserved lexer "true" >> return (BoolVal True))
<|> (P.reserved lexer "false" >> return (BoolVal False))

-- Literals and Variables
valueParser :: Parser Expression
valueParser = Val <$> (numberParser <|> boolParser)
<|> Var <$> P.identifier lexer

-- -- Expressions
exprParser :: Parser Expression
exprParser = liftA2 Assignment
(try (P.identifier lexer >>= (\v ->
P.reservedOp lexer "=" >> return v)))
<|> buildExpressionParser table valueParser
where table = [[Infix (op "*" (BinOp Times)) AssocLeft]
,[Infix (op "+" (BinOp Plus)) AssocLeft]
,[Infix (op "-" (BinOp Minus)) AssocLeft]
,[Infix (op ">" (BinOp GreaterThan)) AssocLeft]
,[Infix (op "==" (BinOp Equals)) AssocLeft]
,[Infix (op "<" (BinOp LessThan)) AssocLeft]]
op name node = (P.reservedOp lexer name) >> return node

-- Sequence of statements
stmtParser :: Parser Statement
stmtParser = stmtParser1 `chainl1` (P.semi lexer >> return Sequence)

-- Single statements
stmtParser1 :: Parser Statement
stmtParser1 = (Expr <$> exprParser)
<|> do
P.reserved lexer "if"
cond <- exprParser
P.reserved lexer "then"
the <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "else"
els <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "end"
return (If cond the els)
<|> do
P.reserved lexer "while"
cond <- exprParser
P.reserved lexer "do"
body <- stmtParser
P.reserved lexer "end"
return (While cond body)

-------- Helper functions --------

-- Lift primitive operations on IntVal and BoolVal values
liftIII :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Value -> Value -> Value
liftIII f (IntVal x) (IntVal y) = IntVal $ f x y
liftIIB :: (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> Value -> Value -> Value
liftIIB f (IntVal x) (IntVal y) = BoolVal $ f x y

-- Apply the correct primitive operator for the given Op value
applyOp :: Op -> Value -> Value -> Value
applyOp Plus = liftIII (+)
applyOp Minus = liftIII (-)
applyOp Times = liftIII (*)
applyOp GreaterThan = liftIIB (>)
applyOp Equals = liftIIB (==)
applyOp LessThan = liftIIB (<)

-- Parse and print (pp) the given WHILE programs
pp :: String -> IO ()
pp input = case (parse stmtParser "" input) of
Left err -> print err
Right x -> print x

-- Parse and run the given WHILE programs
run :: (Show v) => (Parser n) -> String -> (n -> Store -> v) -> IO ()
run parser input eval = case (parse parser "" input) of
Left err -> print err
Right x -> print (eval x empty)



I am not sure if I need to use evalE in this problem or not. I have written it in a previous problem. The signature for evalE is evalE :: Expression -> Store -> (Value, Store)

evalS (Expr e) s = ... Not sure what to do, here.



evalS w@(While e s1) s = case (evalE e s) of`
(BoolVal True,s') -> let s'' = evalS s1 s' in evalS w s''
(BoolVal False,s') -> s'
_ -> error "Condition must be a BoolVal"


evalS (If e s1 s2) s     = do
x <- evalE e
case x of
BoolVal True -> evalS s1
BoolVal False -> evalS s2


evalE :: Expression -> State Store Value
evalS :: Statement -> State Store ()

一元风格是一种非常好的方式,可以让变异存储通过评估过程,而无需过多讨论。例如,您的x <- evalE e意思是“让 x 成为评估 e 的结果(安静地接收初始存储并传递结果存储)”。这是一种很好的工作方式,我希望您能在适当的时候进行探索。


evalE :: Expression -> Store -> (Value, Store)
evalS :: Statement -> Store -> Store


evalS w@(While e s1) s = case (evalE e s) of`
(BoolVal True,s') -> let s'' = evalS s1 s' in evalS w s''
(BoolVal False,s') -> s'
_ -> error "Condition must be a BoolVal"

看到了吗? evalS收到其初始存储,s ,显式地,并在 evalE e s 中显式地使用它。由此产生的新商店名为 s'两者皆 case分支机构。如果循环结束,则s'作为最终商店归还。否则,s'用作循环体一次传递的存储,s1 ,以及商店s''由此产生的结果将用于下一次循环, w .


evalS Skip s             = show s -- I am assuming that since Skip returns an empty String, I just need to return an empty String.

你的假设是错误的。 evalS函数不返回 String 、空或其他:它返回 Store 。现在,哪个Store ?您的初始商店是s :“跳过”后的商店将如何与s相关?

evalS (Sequence s1 s2) s = evalS s1 >> evalS s2 -- sequence1 then sequence2. I am not quite sure what to do with the s.

同样,这是一种不适合这个问题的单一方法。您需要首先对商店进行线程 s ,通过评估语句s1的过程和s2按顺序。 “while”案例有一个很好的例子来说明如何做类似的事情。

evalS (Expr e) s         = ... Not sure what to do, here.


evalS (If e s1 s2) s     = ...



  • 暂时放弃一元样式代码,但稍后在适当的时候再回来使用它;
  • 阅读“while”的示例实现,了解它如何处理表达式和语句序列,并显式传递存储;
  • 部署类似的技术来实现其他构造。


关于haskell - 在 Haskell 中创建解释器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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