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java - Eclipse 拒绝我的公共(public) void init 方法

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 11:06:14 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

Eclipse SDK v3.2.1 拒绝我的 公共(public)无效初始化 方法。

import acm.program.*;
import acm.util.*;

我的程序有一个 run() 方法和一个 init() 方法,但是 init() 导致了这些错误
- overrides acm.program.Program.init
- Cannot override the final method from Program

请注意,这还不是一个独立的应用程序。只需从 Eclipse 编辑器运行它。

显然 acm.program 库中有一个 init 方法。如何在不尝试覆盖 acm.program 内置方法的情况下实现自己的初始化方法?我尝试使用 将我的 init 方法设为私有(private)。私有(private)无效初始化 但后来我得到:
- Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from Program
- Cannot override the final method from Program

这是到目前为止的代码。错误在于 init()。
public class Hangman extends GraphicsProgram {

private static int NUMBER_OF_INCORRECT_GUESSES = 8;

//Initialize the program
public void init() { //this gives compiler a problem
HangmanCanvas canvas = new HangmanCanvas();

public void run() {

/* 当用户玩刽子手时,计算机首先在
用户不断猜测字母,直到 (1) 用户正确猜出所有字母
单词中的字母或 (2) 用户进行了 8 次错误猜测。 */
HangmanLexicon lexicon = new HangmanLexicon();
RandomGenerator rgen = new RandomGenerator();
int wordIndex = rgen.nextInt(0, lexicon.getWordCount()-1);

while (true) { //allows multi-play
int play = 0;
String answer = readLine ("Want to play?");
if(answer.equals("Y") || answer.equals("y") || answer.equals("yes") || answer.equals("Yes")) {play = 1;}
if(play == 0) {break;}
//Initialize some stuff
//get new random word
secretWord = lexicon.getWord(rgen.nextInt(0,wordIndex));
println("Welcome to Hangman.");
secretWord = secretWord.toUpperCase(); // convert secret word to upper case
int length = secretWord.length();
//reset game variables
String guess = "";
//clear the canvas
//reset the wrong answer count
wrong = 0;

        currentWord = ""; //reset the word for multi-play

//在状态字中建立与 secret 字一样长的破折号。
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
currentWord += "-";
println("The word looks like this " + currentWord);

while (wrong<NUMBER_OF_INCORRECT_GUESSES && !currentWord.equals(secretWord)) {
guess = ".";
char g = guess.charAt(0);
while (!Character.isLetter(g)){ //if input is not a character, keep asking
guess = readLine("Guess a letter: ");
guess = guess.toUpperCase();
g = guess.charAt(0);
if (!Character.isLetter(g)){println("Your guess is not a single letter. Guess again: ");}
if(secretWord.indexOf(guess) < 0) {/*if guess is not in the secret word, increment wrong answer count and print message
to that effect. */
println("Threre are no " + guess + "\'s in the word.");
println("You have " + (NUMBER_OF_INCORRECT_GUESSES - wrong) + " guesses left.");
else {
println("That guess is correct.");
currentWord = wordBuild(guess);
if (currentWord.equals(secretWord)) { //if win print win but don't bother with the update to display
println("You win! You guessed the word: " + secretWord);}

else { println("The word now looks like this " + currentWord); //print the updated dash word
println("You have " + (NUMBER_OF_INCORRECT_GUESSES - wrong) + " guesses left.");

if(!currentWord.equals(secretWord)) {println("You lose.");} //out of guesses and word is not good.

//构建和/或更新破折号 ------ 显示
    public String wordBuild(String guess) {
String dashWord = "";
for (int i = 0; i < secretWord.length(); i++) {
if(secretWord.charAt(i) == guess.charAt(0)) {
dashWord = dashWord + guess;
else {dashWord = dashWord + currentWord.charAt(i);
return dashWord;



int wrong = 0;
String currentWord = "";
String secretWord = "";
private HangmanCanvas canvas;

} //end of class


我想你正在服用Stanford CS106A course这导致了 init 最终问题。问题是 Karel.jar 图书馆你必须在前几节课中导入。我想该库将 init() 方法作为 final方法,这是根本原因。所以简单的解决方案是从引用库中删除 Karel.jar:

  • 在包资源管理器中选择 引用库 .
  • 右击 Karel.jar .
  • 选择构建路径 从上下文菜单中。
  • 选择从构建路径中删除 .

  • 但是,如果您需要再次使用 Eclipse 进行 Karel 编程,您必须通过遵循类似的类(class)但选择导入库来再次从作业 1 包中导入引用库。
    为确保您继续使用 acm 方法,请确保通过从 下载 acm.jar 来导入它。 .要添加您使用的库 Eclipse Documentation或者只是谷歌它。

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