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compiler-errors - 确定哪个整数列表更大

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 10:59:38 26 4
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我试图找出哪个整数列表更大。[1;2;3] 的表示实际上是 123 .
所以给定两个整数列表,我想比较每个元素以确定最终哪个数字更大。返回 1如果 list1 > list2 , -1如果 list1 < list2 , 和 0如果他们是平等的。

let rec compare' list1 list2 currentOrder = match (list1, list2) with
| [],[] -> 0
| list1, [] -> 1
| [], list2 -> -1
| car1::cdr1, car2::cdr2 -> (*car1 contains the current element and cdr1 contains the rest of the list. Ex car1 = [1], cdr2 = [2;3]*)
let nextCompare =
if cdr1 = [] && cdr2 = []
then 0
else 1
if (nextCompare != 0)(*To check if we are not at the end of the list*)
then ( (*Compare the cars to determine the currentOrder and recursively call with the next number*)
if car1 > car2
then (compare' (cdr1 cdr2 1))
else if car1 < car2
then (compare' (cdr1 cdr2 -1))
else (compare' cdr1 cdr2 currentOrder)
else (*we are at the end of the list so we want to return the current order*)
( (*Still need to check in case there is only 1 digit number, because we did not update currentOrder for it to be returned*)
if car1 > car2
then 1
else if car1 < car2
then -1
else currentOrder

Printf.printf (compare' [1;2;3] [3;2;1] 0)


您遇到的第一个问题是一些函数应用程序(例如 (compare' (cdr1 cdr2 1)) )的参数周围有一些额外的括号,它告诉 OCaml 您想调用 cdr1带有参数 cdr21 ,然后将结果应用到 compare' .因此编译器会提示你试图使用列表 cdr1作为一个函数。如果您习惯于使用括号来运行应用程序,这是一个简单的错误。

第二个问题是你有 -1不带括号,编译器会将其解释为应用 1到二进制 -运算符,因此提示其结果是一个函数而不是一个 int,正如你所期望的那样。这种奇怪行为的原因是 OCaml 支持部分函数应用,这会导致一些歧义。消除歧义,您只需将其括在括号中:(-1) .


let rec compare' list1 list2 currentOrder =
match list1, list2 with
| [], [] -> currentOrder
| _, [] -> 1
| [], _ -> -1
| car1::cdr1, car2::cdr2 ->
let order =
if car1 > car2 then 1
else if car1 < car2 then -1
else currentOrder
compare' cdr1 cdr2 order


关于compiler-errors - 确定哪个整数列表更大,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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