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vba - 通过 sFTP 和 FTP 使用 VBA 上传,记录输出以检测错误

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 10:42:47 27 4
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我编写了以下代码来尝试上传到两个不同的服务器,一个通过 ftp,另一个通过 sftp。

我想知道是否有更好的方法通过 SFTP 上传,因为我当前的方法如果任何部分失败都不会触发 FTP 错误。

我想一个解决办法,我想要的就是让他们两个将输出记录到一个文本文件中,然后从中我可以手动查看错误是什么,如果我想设置一个简单的读取日志,检查错误,如果 x 执行 y...

        On Error GoTo Err_FTPFile


'Build up the necessary parameters
sHost = ""
sUser = ""
sPass = "password"
sSrc = """" + Environ("TEMP") + "\" + file + ".txt" + """"
sDest = "/remote/folder/"

'Write the FTP commands to a file
iFNum = FreeFile
sFTPCmds1 = Environ("TEMP") & "\" & "FTPCmd1.tmp"
Open sFTPCmds1 For Output As #iFNum
Print #iFNum, "ftp"
Print #iFNum, "open " & sHost
Print #iFNum, sUser
Print #iFNum, sPass
Print #iFNum, "cd " & sDest
Print #iFNum, "put " & sSrc
Print #iFNum, "disconnect"
Print #iFNum, "bye"
Close #iFNum

'Upload the file
Shell Environ("WINDIR") & "\System32\ftp.exe -s:" & sFTPCmds1
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"))


'Build up the necessary parameters
sFTPDetails = "C:\psftp.exe -b C:\commands.tmp -pw password"
sSrc = """" + Environ("TEMP") + "\" + file + ".txt" + """"
sDest = "/remote/folder/"

'Write the FTP commands to a file
iFNum = FreeFile
sFTPCmds2 = sFolder & "\" & "commands.tmp"
Open sFTPCmds2 For Output As #iFNum
Print #iFNum, "cd " & sDest
Print #iFNum, "put " & sSrc
Print #iFNum, "quit"
Print #iFNum, "bye"
Close #iFNum

'Upload the file
Call Shell(sFTPDetails, vbNormalFocus)
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"))

On Error Resume Next
Close #iFNum

'Delete the temp FTP command file
Kill sFTPCmds1
Kill sFTPCmds2
Kill Environ("TEMP") + file + ".txt"

GoTo ContinuePoint

Shell "C:\FailPushBullet.exe"
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & " Failed.", vbOKOnly, "Error"
GoTo ContinuePoint

' Do stuff

我理想地希望底部的 SFTP 能够像上面的 FTP 一样工作和运行。


    sClient = "C:\psftp.exe"
sArgs = " -pw passexample -b C:\commands.tmp"
sFull = sClient & " " & sArgs

sSrc = """" + Environ("TEMP") + "\" + "test" + ".txt" + """"
sDest = "folder"

'Write the FTP commands to a text file
iFNum = FreeFile
sFTPCmds = "C:\" & "commands.tmp"
Open sFTPCmds For Output As #iFNum
Print #iFNum, "cd " & sDest
Print #iFNum, "put " & sSrc
Print #iFNum, "quit"
Print #iFNum, "bye"
Close #iFNum

'Upload the file
Call Shell(sFull, vbNormalFocus)

但是如果我将 sArgs 更改为 sArgs = " -pw passexample -b C:\commands.tmp 1> log.txt" 它不会运行,它只是关闭而不执行任何操作。我认为 1> log.txt 应该将输出放入文件


是否需要使用 Putty?我推荐WinSCP用于 VBA 中的 FTP 操作。实际上有一个 .NET 程序集/COM 库可用于使用 VBA 轻松实现自动化(甚至比我下面的示例更容易)。也就是说,我的公司环境禁止用户安装 .NET/COM(有充分的理由),因此我编写了自己的代码,简化如下。

要使用下面的内容,请从上面的链接下载可移植可执行文件,因为您需要 来编写脚本。


  • 对 FTP 和 SFTP 传输使用相同的协议(protocol) (WinSCP)
  • 写入压缩的、机器可读的 XML 日志以及全文记录到文件
  • 使用批处理文件而不是直接执行 Shell();这允许您暂停代码(或注释掉最后的 Kill 语句)以查看原始命令和批处理文件,方便调试。
  • 在尝试解析 XML 时显示一条用户友好的错误消息日志;保留 XML 和 txt 日志(没有密码数据)供以后使用审查。


Public Sub FTPUpload()
'Execute the upload commands

'Create the commands file
Dim ObjFSO As Object
Dim ObjFile As Object
Dim ObjShell As Object
Dim ErrorCode As Integer
Dim sTempDir As String
Dim sType As String
Dim sUser As String
Dim sPass As String
Dim sServer As String
Dim sHostKey As String
Dim file As String 'Using your variable name here.
Dim sLocal As String
Dim sRemote As String
Dim sWinSCP As String

'Set FTP Options
sTempDir = Environ("TEMP") & "\" 'Log/batch files will be stored here.
sType = "ftp://" 'Or use "sftp://"
sUser = "user"
sPass = "password"
file = "example.txt" 'Assuming you will set this earlier in your code
sServer = ""
sLocal = Chr(34) & Environ("TEMP") & "\" & file & Chr(34) 'Note that I included the full filename in the file variable; change this as necessary.
sRemote = "/remote/folder"
sWinSCP = "C:\Path\To\WinSCP\"

'Create batch file and command script
On Error Resume Next
'Delete existing files
Kill sTempDir & "winscp.txt"
Kill sTempDir & "winscp.bat"
Kill sTempDir & "winscplog.xml"
Kill sTempDir & "winscplog.txt"
On Error GoTo 0

Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ObjFile = ObjFSO.CreateTextFile(sTempDir & "winscp.txt", True)
ObjFile.writeline "open " & sType & sUser & ":" & sPass & "@" & sServer & "/" & IIf(sHostKey <> vbNullString, " -hostkey=" & Chr(34) & sHostKey & Chr(34), vbNullString)
ObjFile.writeline "put " & sLocal & " " & sRemote
ObjFile.writeline "close"
ObjFile.writeline "exit"
Set ObjFile = Nothing
Set ObjFile = ObjFSO.CreateTextFile(sTempDir & "\winscp.bat", True)
ObjFile.writeline sWinSCP & " /script=" & sTempDir & "winscp.txt /xmllog=" & sTempDir & "winscplog.xml /log=" & sTempDir & "winscplog.txt"
Set ObjFile = Nothing
Set ObjFSO = Nothing

'Execute batch file and process output log
Set ObjShell = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ErrorCode = ObjShell.Run(sTempDir & "\winscp.bat", 0, True)
Set ObjShell = Nothing
If CheckOutput(sTempDir) <> "All FTP operations completed successfully." Then
MsgBox CheckOutput(sTempDir)
ElseIf ErrorCode > 0 Then
MsgBox "Excel encountered an error when attempting to run the FTP program. Error code: " & ErrorCode
MsgBox "All FTP operations completed successfully."
End If

'Done with the FTP transfer. If you want to SFTP transfer immediately thereafter, use the below code
'Re-set FTP Options
sType = "sftp://"
'sHostKey = "ssh-rsa 1024 9d:d9:e9:69:db:cf:9c:71:8d:cb:da:a5:cf:a7:41:a7" 'Set this if you have a hostkey that should be auto-accepted
'I assume all other options are the same, but you can change user, password, server, etc. here as well.
'Note that all code from here down is exactly the same as above; only the options have changed.

'Create batch file and command script
On Error Resume Next
'Delete existing files
Kill sTempDir & "winscp.txt"
Kill sTempDir & "winscp.bat"
Kill sTempDir & "winscplog.xml"
Kill sTempDir & "winscplog.txt"
On Error GoTo 0

Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ObjFile = ObjFSO.CreateTextFile(sTempDir & "winscp.txt", True)
ObjFile.writeline "open " & sType & sUser & ":" & sPass & "@" & sServer & "/" & IIf(sHostKey <> vbNullString, " -hostkey=" & Chr(34) & sHostKey & Chr(34), vbNullString)
ObjFile.writeline "put " & sLocal & " " & sRemote
ObjFile.writeline "close"
ObjFile.writeline "exit"
Set ObjFile = Nothing
Set ObjFile = ObjFSO.CreateTextFile(sTempDir & "\winscp.bat", True)
ObjFile.writeline sWinSCP & " /script=" & sTempDir & "winscp.txt /xmllog=" & sTempDir & "winscplog.xml /log=" & sTempDir & "winscplog.txt"
Set ObjFile = Nothing
Set ObjFSO = Nothing

'Execute batch file and process output log
Set ObjShell = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ErrorCode = ObjShell.Run(sTempDir & "\winscp.bat", 0, True)
Set ObjShell = Nothing
If CheckOutput(sTempDir) <> "All FTP operations completed successfully." Then
MsgBox CheckOutput(sTempDir)
ElseIf ErrorCode > 0 Then
MsgBox "Excel encountered an error when attempting to run the FTP program. Error code: " & ErrorCode
MsgBox "All FTP operations completed successfully."
End If

On Error Resume Next
'Clean up (leave log files)
Kill sTempDir & "winscp.txt" 'Remove scripting commands (note: this file will contain the password)
Kill sTempDir & "winscp.bat" 'Remove batch file
'Clear all objects
Set ObjFSO = Nothing
Set ObjFile = Nothing
Set ObjShell = Nothing
Exit Sub

End Sub


Private Function CheckOutput(sLogDir As String) As String

Dim ObjFSO As Object
Dim ObjFile As Object
Dim StrLog As String

'Open log file
Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ObjFile = ObjFSO.OpenTextFile(sLogDir & "winscplog.xml")
StrLog = ObjFile.readall
Set ObjFile = Nothing
Set ObjFSO = Nothing

'Check log file for issues
If InStr(1, StrLog, "<message>Authentication failed.</message>") > 0 Then
CheckOutput = "The supplied password was rejected by the server. Please try again."
ElseIf InStr(1, StrLog, "<failure>") Then
If InStr(1, StrLog, "<message>Can't get attributes of file") > 0 Then
CheckOutput = "The requested file does not exist on the FTP server or local folder."
CheckOutput = "One or more attempted FTP operations has failed."
End If
ElseIf InStr(1, StrLog, " <result success=" & Chr(34) & "false" & Chr(34)) > 0 Then
CheckOutput = "One or more attempted FTP operations has failed."
ElseIf InStr(1, StrLog, " <result success=" & Chr(34) & "true" & Chr(34)) = 0 Then
CheckOutput = "No FTP operations were performed. This may indicate that no files matching the file mask were found."
End If

'Enter success message or append log file details.
If CheckOutput = vbNullString Then
CheckOutput = "All FTP operations completed successfully."
CheckOutput = CheckOutput & vbLf & vbLf & "Please see the below files for additional information. Note that passwords are not logged for security reasons." & _
vbLf & "Condensed log: " & sLogDir & "winscplog.xml" & vbLf & "Complete log: " & sLogDir & "winscplog.txt"
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set ObjFile = Nothing
Set ObjFSO = Nothing
Exit Function

End Function

注意:我使用的实际代码要详细得多,因为它允许比上传更多的 (S)FTP 操作,使用 FTP 类来利用对象,等等。我认为这有点超出了答案的范围,但如果有帮助,我很乐意发布。

关于vba - 通过 sFTP 和 FTP 使用 VBA 上传,记录输出以检测错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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