gpt4 book ai didi

arrays - 如何在字典中为唯一值的二维数组设置字典?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 10:40:28 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


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我看到有人推荐一本字典中的字典,但我很难理解这个概念。我尝试了多种方法来设置文本字典,但始终收到 Argument NotOptionalObjectRequired 错误。我只是语法错误还是我想做的事情存在根本问题?


Dim Arr As Variant
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
Dim newRng As Range
Dim name As String
Dim text As String
Dim j As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim dcName As Scripting.Dictionary

Set dcName = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set rng1 = tbl.ListColumns("Name1").DataBodyRange
Set rng2 = tbl.ListColumns("Name5 Text").DataBodyRange
Set newRng = Range(rng1, rng2)

Arr = newRng

For i = 1 To 10 Step 2
For j = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
name = Arr(j, i)
text = Arr(j, i + 1)
If name <> vbNullString Then
dcName(name) = dcName(name) & "|" & text
End If
Next j
Next i

ReDim arrSort(0 To dcName.Count - 1, 0 To 1)
For Key = 0 To dcName.Count - 1
arrSort(Key, 0) = dcName.Keys(Key)
arrSort(Key, 1) = dcName.Items(Key)
Next Key

For i = LBound(arrSort) To UBound(arrSort) - 1
For j = i + 1 To UBound(arrSort)
If UCase(arrSort(i, 0)) > UCase(arrSort(j, 0)) Then
tempName = arrSort(j, 0)
tempText = arrSort(j, 1)
arrSort(j, 0) = arrSort(i, 0)
arrSort(j, 1) = arrSort(i, 1)
arrSort(i, 0) = tempName
arrSort(i, 1) = tempText
End If
Next j
Next i

Me.cbName.List = arrSort


Private Sub cbName1_Change()
Dim i As Integer
Dim selName As String
Dim arrText As Variant

selIndex = Me.cbName1.ListIndex

text = arrSort(selIndex, 1)
arrText = Split(text, "|")

For i = LBound(arrText) To UBound(arrText)
If arrText(i) <> vbNullString Then
Me.cbName1Text.AddItem arrText(i)
End If
Next i

End Sub


Sub GetAbilities()
Dim Arr As Variant
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
Dim newRng As Range
Dim name As Variant
Dim text As Variant

Dim dcName As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim dcText As Scripting.Dictionary
Set dcName = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set dcText = New Scripting.Dictionary

Set rng1 = tbl.ListColumns("Name1").DataBodyRange
Set rng2 = tbl.ListColumns("Text3").DataBodyRange
Set newRng = Range(rng1, rng2)

Arr = newRng
counter = 0

For j = 1 To 10 Step 2
For i = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
name = Arr(i, j)
text = Arr(i, j + 1)

If dcName.Exists(name) Then
If Not dcText.Exists(text) Then
dcText.Add text, counter
End If
Set dcText = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dcName.Add name, dcText
If text <> vbNullString Then
dcText.Add text, counter
End If
End If
counter = counter + 1
Next i
Next j

For Each n In dcName.Keys
For Each t In dcName.item(n).Keys
Debug.Print n, t
Next t
Next n

End Sub



下面的解决方案仅使用一本字典。我尝试复制您的设置,但不确定您的工作表名称和表名称,因此我使用了 Sheet1 和 Table1,如下图所示



Sheet1 模块:

Option Explicit

Private d As Dictionary 'Private variable (global / visible to this module only)

Private Sub SetupDictionary() 'Initialize both combo boxes --- MAIN SUB
Set d = GetUniques(Me.ListObjects(1))
If Not d Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
With Me.ComboBox1
.List = d.Keys
.ListIndex = 0
End With
With Me.ComboBox2
.List = Split(d.Items(0), LINK)
.ListIndex = 0
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
If Not d Is Nothing Then
With Me.ComboBox2
.List = Split(d.Items(Me.ComboBox1.ListIndex), LINK)
.ListIndex = 0
End With
End If
End Sub


Option Explicit

Public Const LINK = "||" 'Public (global) - visible to all modules

Public Function GetUniques(ByRef tbl As ListObject) As Dictionary
If Not tbl Is Nothing Then
Dim d As Dictionary, fullRng As Variant, dKey As String, dItm As String
Dim rowIndex As Long, colIndex As Long, maxRow As Long, maxCol As Long
fullRng = tbl.DataBodyRange 'get entire table data into a 2D variant array
Set d = New Dictionary
maxRow = UBound(fullRng, 1) 'dimension 1 of the 2D array (rows)
maxCol = UBound(fullRng, 2) 'dimension 2 of the 2D array (columns)
For rowIndex = 1 To maxRow 'iterate all rows
For colIndex = 1 To maxCol - 1 Step 2 'iterate every 2nd column
dKey = fullRng(rowIndex, colIndex) '-> country
dItm = fullRng(rowIndex, colIndex + 1) '-> fruit (next col)
If Len(dKey) > 0 And Len(dItm) > 0 Then
If Not d.Exists(dKey) Then 'if key doesn't exist
d(dKey) = dItm 'create 1st dictionary item
Else 'else check for dupes
If InStr(1, d(dKey), dItm, vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
d(dKey) = d(dKey) & LINK & dItm 'append next item
End If
End If
End If
Next colIndex
Next rowIndex
Dim k As Variant 'sort dictionary items for each key
For Each k In d.Keys
d(k) = BubbleSortStrItems(d(k), LINK)
Next k
Set GetUniques = d
End If
End Function


Public Function BubbleSortStrItems(ByRef itms As String, ByVal sep As String) As String
Dim vArr As Variant, i As Long, tmp As String, vArrMax As Long

If Len(itms) > 0 And Len(sep) > 0 Then
vArr = Split(itms, sep)
vArrMax = UBound(vArr)
If vArrMax > 0 Then
For i = 0 To vArrMax - 1
If vArr(i) > vArr(i + 1) Then
tmp = vArr(i)
vArr(i) = vArr(i + 1)
vArr(i + 1) = tmp
End If
Next i
End If
End If
BubbleSortStrItems = Join(vArr, sep)
End Function

GetUniques() 中,fullRng = tbl.DataBodyRange 行将所有表数据获取到 2D 变体数组中:


GetUniques() 中的第一个 For 循环设置初始字典(未排序):

dictionary - unsorted

第二个 For 对每个键的项目进行排序,类似于最终结果:

dictionary - sorted 。 。 。 initial end result


示例:nested dictionaries

关于arrays - 如何在字典中为唯一值的二维数组设置字典?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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