- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
Windows 中的某些键盘布局(例如 US-QWERTY)将右 Alt 视为常规 Alt 键,而其他(例如 US International)将其视为 AltGr,并在按下时同时生成 Ctrl 和 Alt。 Microsoft 键盘布局创建器提供了“将右 Alt 视为 Ctrl+Alt(也称为 AltGr)”选项来确定给定布局使用的模式。
Windows 10 中的屏幕键盘似乎将两者区分开来(根据布局将键标记为“Alt”或“AltGr”),但我不确定它是否通过公共(public) API、通过更深层次的 Hook 来确定操作系统,或者仅仅通过了解 Windows 附带的布局。
function有以下 返回值 :
If the function succeeds, the low-order byte of the return value contains the virtual-key code and the high-order byte contains the shift state, which can be a combination of the following flag bits.
Return value Description
1 Either SHIFT key is pressed.
2 Either CTRL key is pressed.
4 Either ALT key is pressed.
8 The Hankaku key is pressed
16 Reserved (defined by the keyboard layout driver).
32 Reserved (defined by the keyboard layout driver).If the function finds no key that translates to the passed character code, both the low-order and high-order bytes contain
.… For keyboard layouts that use the right-hand ALT key as a shift key (for example, the French keyboard layout), the shift state is represented by the value
, because the right-hand ALT key is converted internally into CTRL+ALT.
在以下 PowerShell 脚本
(对应于 RightAlt)并且对于任何已安装的输入区域设置标识符应用蛮力方法:检查来自
的输出对于每个可能的字符(Unicode 范围从
Function Get-KeyboardRightAlt {
Param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int32]$HKL=0,
[parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$All # returns all `RightAlt` codes
begin {
$InstalledInputLanguages = [System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage]::InstalledInputLanguages
if ( $HKL -eq 0 ) {
$DefaultInputLanguage = [System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage]::DefaultInputLanguage
$HKL = $DefaultInputLanguage.Handle
Write-Warning ( "input language {0:x8}: system default" -f $HKL )
} else {
if ( $HKL -notin $InstalledInputLanguages.Handle ) {
Write-Warning ( "input language {0:x8}: not installed!" -f $HKL )
$resultFound = $False
$result = [PSCustomObject]@{
VkKey = '{0:x4}' -f 0
Unicode = '{0:x4}' -f 0
Char = ''
RightAltKey = ''
Process {
Write-Verbose ( "input language {0:x8}: processed" -f $HKL )
for ( $i = 0x0020; # Space (1st "printable" character)
$i -le 0xFFFD; # Replacement Character
$i++ ) {
if ( $i -ge 0xD800 -and # <Non Private Use High Surrogate, First>
# DB7F # <Non Private Use High Surrogate, Last>
# DB80 # <Private Use High Surrogate, First>
# DBFF # <Private Use High Surrogate, Last>
# DC00 # <Low Surrogate, First>
# DFFF # <Low Surrogate, Last>
# E000 # <Private Use, First>
$i -le 0xF8FF # <Private Use, Last>
) { continue } # skip some codepoints
$VkKey = [Win32Functions.KeyboardScan]::VkKeyScanEx([char]$i, $HKL)
if ( ( $VkKey -ne -1 ) -and ( ($VkKey -band 0x0600) -eq 0x0600) ) {
$resultFound = $True
if ( $All.IsPresent ) {
$result.VkKey = '{0:x4}' -f $VkKey
$result.Unicode = '{0:x4}' -f $i
$result.Char = [char]$i
$result.RightAltKey = [Win32Functions.KeyboardScan]::
VKCodeToUnicodeHKL($VkKey % 0x100, $HKL)
} else {
if ( -not ($All.IsPresent) ) { $resultFound }
} # Function Get-KeyboardRightAlt
# abbreviation HKL (Handle Keyboard Layout) = an input locale identifier
if ( $null -eq ( 'Win32Functions.KeyboardScan' -as [type]) ) {
Add-Type -Name KeyboardScan -Namespace Win32Functions -MemberDefinition @'
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern short VkKeyScanEx(char ch, IntPtr dwhkl);
public static extern uint MapVirtualKeyEx(uint uCode, uint uMapType, IntPtr dwhkl);
static extern int GetKeyNameText(int lParam,
[Out] System.Text.StringBuilder lpString,
int nSize);
static extern int ToUnicodeEx(
uint wVirtKey, uint wScanCode, byte [] lpKeyState,
[Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] System.Text.StringBuilder pwszBuff,
int cchBuff, uint wFlags, IntPtr dwhkl);
public static extern bool GetKeyboardState(byte [] lpKeyState);
static extern uint MapVirtualKey(uint uCode, uint uMapType);
public static extern IntPtr GetKeyboardLayout(uint idThread);
public static string VKCodeToUnicodeHKL(uint VKCode, IntPtr HKL)
System.Text.StringBuilder sbString = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
byte[] bKeyState = new byte[255];
bool bKeyStateStatus = GetKeyboardState(bKeyState);
if (!bKeyStateStatus)
return "";
uint lScanCode = MapVirtualKey(VKCode,0);
uint xflags = 4; // If bit 2 is set, keyboard state is not changed (Windows 10, version 1607 and newer)
ToUnicodeEx(VKCode, lScanCode, bKeyState, sbString, (int)5, xflags, HKL);
return sbString.ToString();
// ↓ for the present: unsuccessful
public static string VKCodeToUnicodeHKLRightAlt(uint VKCode, IntPtr HKL)
System.Text.StringBuilder sbString = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
byte[] bKeyState = new byte[255];
// bool bKeyStateStatus = GetKeyboardState(bKeyState);
// if (!bKeyStateStatus)
// return "";
bKeyState[118] = 128; // LeftCtrl
bKeyState[120] = 128; // LeftAlt
bKeyState[121] = 128; // RightAlt
uint lScanCode = MapVirtualKey(VKCode,0);
uint xflags = 4; // If bit 2 is set, keyboard state is not changed (Windows 10, version 1607 and newer)
ToUnicodeEx(VKCode, lScanCode, bKeyState, sbString, (int)5, xflags, HKL);
return sbString.ToString();
// ↑ for the present: unsuccessful
if ( -not ('System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage' -as [type]) ) {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
# EOF 58633725_RightAltFinder.ps1
如果提供的键盘布局支持 RightAlt 功能,false
否则),或 -all
开关)包含完整 RightAlt+ 的对象?具有以下属性的列表:VkKey
- 结果字符的代码点,Char
- 结果字符本身,RightAltKey
- 按住 RightAlt 时按下字符。 ¨
. D:\PShell\SO\58633725_RightAltFinder.ps1 # activate the function
Get-KeyboardRightAlt -HKL 0x04090405 # US keyboard
Get-KeyboardRightAlt -HKL 0xf0330419 # Russian - Mnemonic
Get-KeyboardRightAlt -HKL 0xf0330419 -all # Russian - Mnemonic
VkKey Unicode Char RightAltKey
----- ------- ---- -----------
06c0 00a8 ¨ ъ
06de 2019 ’ ь
0638 20bd ₽ 8
可靠地获取任何进程的当前 Windows 键盘布局的函数(在
this my answer 中描述):
if ( $null -eq ('Win32Functions.KeyboardLayout' -as [type]) ) {
Add-Type -MemberDefinition @'
public static extern IntPtr GetKeyboardLayout(uint thread);
'@ -Name KeyboardLayout -Namespace Win32Functions
Function Get-KeyboardLayoutForPid {
Param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipeline=$False)]
[int]$Id = $PID,
# used formerly for debugging
[parameter(Mandatory=$False, DontShow=$True)]
$InstalledInputLanguages = [System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage]::InstalledInputLanguages
$CurrentInputLanguage = [System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage]::DefaultInputLanguage # CurrentInputLanguage
$CurrentInputLanguageHKL = $CurrentInputLanguage.Handle # just an assumption
### Write-Verbose ('CurrentInputLanguage: {0}, 0x{1:X8} ({2}), {3}' -f $CurrentInputLanguage.Culture, ($CurrentInputLanguageHKL -band 0xffffffff), $CurrentInputLanguageHKL, $CurrentInputLanguage.LayoutName)
Function GetRealLayoutName ( [IntPtr]$HKL ) {
$regBase = 'Registry::' +
'HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts'
$LayoutHex = '{0:x8}' -f ($hkl -band 0xFFFFFFFF)
if ( ($hkl -band 0xFFFFFFFF) -lt 0 ) {
$auxKeyb = Get-ChildItem -Path $regBase |
Where-Object {
$_.Property -contains 'Layout Id' -and
(Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "Registry::$($_.Name)" `
-Name 'Layout Id' `
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
) -eq $LayoutHex.Substring(2,2).PadLeft(4,'0')
} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSChildName
} else {
$auxKeyb = $LayoutHex.Substring(0,4).PadLeft(8,'0')
$KbdLayoutName = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path (
Join-Path -Path $regBase -ChildPath $auxKeyb
) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Name 'Layout Text'
# Another option: grab localized string from 'Layout Display Name'
} # Function GetRealLayoutName
Function GetKbdLayoutForPid {
Param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False)]
[parameter(Mandatory=$False, DontShow=$True)]
[string]$Parent = ''
$Processes = Get-Process -Id $Id
$Weirds = @('powershell_ise','explorer') # not implemented yet
$allLayouts = foreach ( $Proces in $Processes ) {
$LayoutsExtra = [ordered]@{}
$auxKLIDs = @( for ( $i=0; $i -lt $Proces.Threads.Count; $i++ ) {
$thread = $Proces.Threads[$i]
## The return value is the input locale identifier for the thread:
$LayoutInt = [Win32Functions.KeyboardLayout]::GetKeyboardLayout( $thread.Id )
$LayoutsExtra[$LayoutInt] = $thread.Id
if ($Raw.IsPresent) {
$auxIndicator = if ($LayoutInt -notin ($CurrentInputLanguageHKL, [System.IntPtr]::Zero)) { '#' } else { '' }
Write-Verbose ('thread {0,6} {1,8} {2,1} {3,8} {4,8}' -f $i,
(('{0:x8}' -f ($LayoutInt -band 0xffffffff)) -replace '00000000'),
('{0:x}' -f $thread.Id),
Write-Verbose ('{0,6} ({1,6}) {2}: {3}' -f $Proces.Id, $Parent,
$Proces.ProcessName, (($LayoutsExtra.Keys |
Select-Object -Property @{ N='Handl';E={('{0:x8}' -f ($_ -band 0xffffffff))}} |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Handl) -join ', '))
foreach ( $auxHandle in $LayoutsExtra.Keys ) {
$InstalledInputLanguages | Where-Object { $_.Handle -eq $auxHandle }
$ConHost = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "Name = 'conhost.exe'"
$isConsoleApp = $ConHost | Where-Object { $_.ParentProcessId -eq $Proces.Id }
if ( $null -ne $isConsoleApp ) {
GetKbdLayoutForPid -Id ($isConsoleApp.ProcessId) -Parent ($Proces.Id -as [string])
if ( $null -eq $allLayouts ) {
# Write-Verbose ('{0,6} ({1,6}) {2}: {3}' -f $Proces.Id, $Parent, $Proces.ProcessName, '')
} else {
} # GetKbdLayoutForPid
$allLayoutsRaw = GetKbdLayoutForPid -Id $Id
if ( $null -ne $allLayoutsRaw ) {
if ( ([bool]$PSBoundParameters['Raw']) ) {
} else {
$retLayouts = $allLayoutsRaw |
Sort-Object -Property Handle -Unique |
Where-Object { $_.Handle -ne $CurrentInputLanguageHKL }
if ( $null -eq $retLayouts ) { $retLayouts = $CurrentInputLanguage }
$RealLayoutName = $retLayouts.Handle |
ForEach-Object { GetRealLayoutName -HKL $_ }
$ProcessAux = Get-Process -Id $Id
$retLayouts | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ProcessId' -Value "$Id"
$retLayouts | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ProcessName' -Value ($ProcessAux | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProcessName )
# $retLayouts | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'WindowTitle' -Value ($ProcessAux | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MainWindowTitle )
$retLayouts | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'RealLayoutName' -Value ($RealLayoutName -join ';')
Get the current Windows Keyboard Layout for a process.
Gets the current Windows Keyboard Layout for a process. Identify the process
using -Id parameter.
.Parameter Id
A process Id, e.g.
- Id property of System.Diagnostics.Process instance (Get-Process), or
- ProcessId property (an instance of the Win32_Process WMI class), or
- PID property from "TaskList.exe /FO CSV", …
.Parameter Raw
Parameter -Raw is used merely for debugging.
This example shows output for the current process (-Id $PID).
Note that properties RealLayoutName and LayoutName could differ (the latter is wrong; a bug in [System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage] implementation?)
ProcessId : 2528
ProcessName : powershell
RealLayoutName : United States-International
Culture : cs-CZ
Handle : -268368891
LayoutName : US
. D:\PShell\tests\Get-KeyboardLayoutForPid.ps1 # activate the function
Get-Process -Name * |
ForEach-Object { Get-KeyboardLayoutForPid -Id $_.Id -Verbose }
This example shows output for each currently running process, unfortunately
even (likely unusable) info about utility/service processes.
The output itself can be empty for most processes, but the verbose stream
shows (hopefully worthwhile) info where current keboard layout is held.
Note different placement of the current keboard layout ID:
- console application (cmd, powershell, ubuntu): conhost
- combined GUI/console app (powershell_ise) : the app itself
- classic GUI apps (notepad, notepad++, …) : the app itself
- advanced GUI apps (iexplore) : Id ≘ tab
- "modern" GUI apps (MicrosoftEdge*) : Id ≟ tab (unclear)
- combined GUI/service app (explorer) : indiscernible
- etc… (this list is incomplete).
For instance, iexplore.exe creates a separate process for each open window
or tab, so their identifying and assigning input languages is an easy task.
On the other side, explorer.exe creates the only process, regardless of
open visible window(s), so they are indistinguishable by techniques used here…
gps -Name explorer | % { Get-KeyboardLayoutForPid -Id $_.Id } | ft -au
This example shows where the function could fail in a language multifarious environment:
ProcessId ProcessName RealLayoutName Culture Handle LayoutName
--------- ----------- -------------- ------- ------ ----------
5344 explorer Greek (220);US el-GR -266992632 Greek (220)
5344 explorer Greek (220);US cs-CZ 67699717 US
- scenario:
open three different file explorer windows and set their input languages
as follows (their order does not matter):
- 1st window: let default input language (e.g. Czech, in my case),
- 2nd window: set different input language (e.g. US English),
- 3rd window: set different input language (e.g. Greek).
- output:
an array (and note that default input language window isn't listed).
No object can be piped to the function. Use -Id pameter instead,
named or positional.
[System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage] extended as follows:
note the <…> placeholder
Get-KeyboardLayoutForPid | Get-Member -MemberType Properties
TypeName: System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
ProcessId NoteProperty string ProcessId=<…>
ProcessName NoteProperty System.String ProcessName=powershell
RealLayoutName NoteProperty string RealLayoutName=<…>
Culture Property cultureinfo Culture {get;}
Handle Property System.IntPtr Handle {get;}
LayoutName Property string LayoutName {get;}
To add the `Get-KeyboardLayoutForPid` function to the current scope,
run the script using `.` dot sourcing operator, e.g. as
. D:\PShell\tests\Get-KeyboardLayoutForPid.ps1
Auhor: https://stackoverflow.com/users/3439404/josefz
Created: 2019-11-24
} # Function Get-KeyboardLayoutForPid
if ( -not ('System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage' -as [type]) ) {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
# EOF Get-KeyboardLayoutForPid.ps1
关于c++ - Windows:检测右 alt 是否在当前布局中生成 Ctrl+Alt (AltGr),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58633725/
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这是网站的身份验证脚本。这安全吗?是最近的节目吗?它已经过时了吗?是否有“更好更安全的方法”我很新,但我没有看到太多地方使用 header 授权。 如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激!这是我制作的第一个登录
我已经在其他 stackoverflow 线程上检查过这个错误,但在我的代码中没有发现任何错误。也许我累了,但我觉得还好。 网站.urls.py: from django.conf.urls impo