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data Compound = Monoatomic String Int | Poliatomic [Compound] Int
Poliatomic [Monoatomic "Ca" 1, Poliatomic [Monoatomic "O" 1, Monoatomic "H" 1] 2 ] 1
单个原子的单原子类型构造函数,以及多个原子的多原子类型构造函数。在此示例中,(OH)2 表示内部多原子结构,并表示为多原子[(单原子O 1),(单原子H 1 )] 2 。数字 2
import Data.Char (isUpper)
data Compound = Monoatomic String Int | Poliatomic [Compound] Int
instance Functor Compound where
fmap f (Monoatomic s i) = Monoatomic (f s) i
fmap f (Poliatomic xs i) = Poliatomic (fmap f xs) i
-- Change number of a compound
changeNumber :: Compound -> Int -> Compound
changeNumber (Monoatomic xs _) n = Monoatomic xs n
changeNumber (Poliatomic xs _) n = Poliatomic xs n
-- Take a partial compound and next chracter return partial compound
parseCompound :: Compound -> Char -> Compound
parseCompound (Poliatomic x:xs n) c
| isUpper c = Poliatomic ((Monoatomic [c] 1):x:xs) n -- add new atom to compound
| isLower c = Poliatomic
-- I want to do foldl parseCompound (Poliatomic [] 1) inputstring
看起来这应该是一个相当简单的问题,但我对 Haskell 很陌生,不知道如何完成这个功能。
我已经用 Parsec 创建了您正在寻找的解析器让您了解秒差距解析器是什么样子,因为您说过您对此缺乏经验。
即使只有很少的 Haskell 经验,它也应该具有相当的可读性。我对需要特别注意的部分提供了一些评论。
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Text.Parsec (parse, many, many1, digit, char, string, (<|>), choice, try)
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
data Compound
= Monoatomic String Int
| Poliatomic [Compound] Int
deriving Show
-- Run the substance parser on "Ca(OH)2" and print the result which is
-- Right (Poliatomic [Monoatomic "Ca" 1,Poliatomic [Monoatomic "O" 1,Monoatomic "H" 1] 2] 1)
main = print (parse substance "" "Ca(OH)2")
-- parse the many parts which make out the top-level polyatomic compound
-- "many1" means "at least one"
substance :: Parser Compound
substance = do
topLevel <- many1 part
return (Poliatomic topLevel 1)
-- a single part in a substance is either a poliatomic compound or a monoatomic compound
part :: Parser Compound
part = poliatomic <|> monoatomic
-- a poliatomic compound starts with a '(', then has many parts inside, then
-- ends with ')' and has a number after it which indicates how many of it there
-- are.
poliatomic :: Parser Compound
poliatomic = do
char '('
inner <- many1 part
char ')'
amount <- many1 digit
return (Poliatomic inner (read amount))
-- a monoatomic compound is one of the many element names, followed by an
-- optional digit. if omitted, the amount defaults to 1.
-- "try" is a little special, and required in this case. it means "if a parser
-- fails, try the next one from where you started, not from where the last one
-- failed."
-- "choice" means "try all parsers in this list, stop when one matches"
-- "many" means "zero or more"
monoatomic :: Parser Compound
monoatomic = do
name <- choice [try nameParser | nameParser <- atomstrings]
amount <- many digit
return (Monoatomic name (fromMaybe 1 (readMaybe amount)))
-- a list of parser for atom names. it is IMPORTANT that the longest names
-- come first. the reason for that is that it makes the parser much simpler to
-- write, and it can execute much faster. it's common when designing parsers to
-- consider things like that when creating them.
atomstrings :: [Parser String]
atomstrings = map string (words "He Li Be Ne Na Mg Al Ca H B C N O F")
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Text.Parsec (parse, many, many1, digit, char, string, (<|>), choice, try, between)
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
data Substance
= Part [Substance] Int
| Atom String
deriving Show
main = print (parse substance "" "Ca(OH)2")
-- Right (Part [Part [Atom "Ca"] 1,Part [Part [Atom "O"] 1,Part [Atom "H"] 1] 2] 1)
substance :: Parser Substance
substance = Part <$> many1 part <*> pure 1
part :: Parser Substance
part = do
inner <- polyatomic <|> monoatomic
amount <- fromMaybe 1 . readMaybe <$> many digit
return (Part inner amount)
polyatomic :: Parser [Substance]
polyatomic = between (char '(') (char ')') (many1 part)
monoatomic :: Parser [Substance]
monoatomic = (:[]) . Atom <$> choice (map (try . string) atomstrings)
atomstrings :: [String]
atomstrings = words "He Li Be Ne Na Mg Al Ca H B C N O F"
这使用了 Haskell 中的一些“高级”技巧(例如 <$>
和 <*>
运算符),因此您可能不感兴趣,OP,但我将其用于其他可能感兴趣的人更多高级 Haskell 用户并了解 Parsec。
如您所见,这个解析器只需要大约半页,这就是 Parsec 这样的库的强大之处 - 它们使编写解析器变得既简单又有趣!
关于在 Haskell 中解析化合物,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29778508/
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前言 最近练习了一些前端算法题,现在做个总结,以下题目都是个人写法,并不是标准答案,如有错误欢迎指出,有对某道题有新的想法的友友也可以在评论区发表想法,互相学习🤭 题目 题目一: 二维数组中的