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android - 如何使用JNI将数据从 native c二进制传递到android模型?

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#pragma once

#include <dlib/dnn.h>
#include <dlib/string.h>
#include <jni_common/jni_fileutils.h>
#include <jni_common/jni_utils.h>
#include <dlib/image_processing.h>
#include <dlib/image_processing/frontal_face_detector.h>
#include <dlib/opencv/cv_image.h>
#include <dlib/image_loader/load_image.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <memory>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <time.h>
#include <dirent.h>

using namespace dlib;
using namespace std;

// ResNet network copied from dnn_face_recognition_ex.cpp in dlib/examples
template <template <int,template<typename>class,int,typename> class block, int N, template<typename>class BN, typename SUBNET>
using residual = add_prev1<block<N,BN,1,tag1<SUBNET>>>;

template <template <int,template<typename>class,int,typename> class block, int N, template<typename>class BN, typename SUBNET>
using residual_down = add_prev2<avg_pool<2,2,2,2,skip1<tag2<block<N,BN,2,tag1<SUBNET>>>>>>;

template <int N, template <typename> class BN, int stride, typename SUBNET>
using block = BN<con<N,3,3,1,1,relu<BN<con<N,3,3,stride,stride,SUBNET>>>>>;

template <int N, typename SUBNET> using ares = relu<residual<block,N,affine,SUBNET>>;
template <int N, typename SUBNET> using ares_down = relu<residual_down<block,N,affine,SUBNET>>;

template <typename SUBNET> using alevel0 = ares_down<256,SUBNET>;
template <typename SUBNET> using alevel1 = ares<256,ares<256,ares_down<256,SUBNET>>>;
template <typename SUBNET> using alevel2 = ares<128,ares<128,ares_down<128,SUBNET>>>;
template <typename SUBNET> using alevel3 = ares<64,ares<64,ares<64,ares_down<64,SUBNET>>>>;
template <typename SUBNET> using alevel4 = ares<32,ares<32,ares<32,SUBNET>>>;

using anet_type = loss_metric<fc_no_bias<128,avg_pool_everything<

class DLibFaceRecognizer {
std::string landmark_model;
std::string model_dir_path;
std::string image_dir_path;
std::string dnn_model;
anet_type net;
dlib::shape_predictor sp;
std::unordered_map<int, dlib::full_object_detection> mFaceShapeMap;
dlib::frontal_face_detector face_detector;
std::vector<dlib::rectangle> rects;
std::vector<std::string> rec_names;
std::vector<matrix<float,0,1>> rec_face_descriptors;
std::vector<dlib::rectangle> rec_rects;
std::vector<std::string> rec_labels;
std::vector<matrix<float,0,1>> match_face_descriptors;
bool is_training;

inline void init() {
LOG(INFO) << "init DLibFaceRecognizer";
face_detector = dlib::get_frontal_face_detector();
landmark_model = model_dir_path + "/shape_predictor_5_face_landmarks.dat";
dnn_model = model_dir_path + "/dlib_face_recognition_resnet_model_v1.dat";
image_dir_path = model_dir_path + "/images";
is_training = false;

inline void train() {
LOG(INFO) << "train DLibFaceRecognizer";
struct dirent *entry;
DIR *dp;

dp = opendir((image_dir_path).c_str());
if (dp == NULL) {
LOG(INFO) << ("Opendir: Path does not exist or could not be read.");

std::vector<matrix<rgb_pixel>> faces;
std::vector<std::string> names;

// load images from dlib image directory and extract faces
while ((entry = readdir(dp))) {
std::string filename = entry->d_name;
if (filename=="." || filename=="..") continue;

cv::Mat file_image = cv::imread(image_dir_path + "/" + filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
LOG(INFO) << "Load image " << (entry->d_name);
dlib::cv_image<dlib::bgr_pixel> img(file_image);

std::vector<dlib::rectangle> frects = face_detector(img);
if (frects.size()==1) {
auto face = frects[0];
auto shape = sp(img, face);
matrix<rgb_pixel> face_chip;
extract_image_chip(img, get_face_chip_details(shape,150,0.25), face_chip);
LOG(INFO) << "Added image " << filename;
} else if (frects.size()==0) {
LOG(INFO) << "No face found in image " << filename;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "More than one face found in image " << filename;

is_training = true;
// calculate face descriptors and set global vars
LOG(INFO) << "Calculating face descriptors " << jniutils::currentDateTime();
rec_face_descriptors = net(faces);
LOG(INFO) << "Calculated face descriptors " << jniutils::currentDateTime()<<" Size "<<rec_face_descriptors.size();
rec_names = names;
is_training = false;

DLibFaceRecognizer() { init(); }

DLibFaceRecognizer(const std::string& dlib_rec_example_dir)
: model_dir_path(dlib_rec_example_dir) {
if (!landmark_model.empty() && jniutils::fileExists(landmark_model) && !dnn_model.empty() && jniutils::fileExists(dnn_model)) {
// load the model weights
dlib::deserialize(landmark_model) >> sp;
dlib::deserialize(dnn_model) >> net;
LOG(INFO) << "Models loaded";

inline int rec(const cv::Mat& image) {
if (is_training) return 0;
if (image.empty())
return 0;
if (image.channels() == 1) {
cv::cvtColor(image, image, CV_GRAY2BGR);
CHECK(image.channels() == 3);

dlib::cv_image<dlib::bgr_pixel> img(image);

std::vector<matrix<rgb_pixel>> faces;
std::vector<dlib::rectangle> frects = face_detector(img);
for (auto face : frects)
auto shape = sp(img, face);
matrix<rgb_pixel> face_chip;
extract_image_chip(img, get_face_chip_details(shape,150,0.25), face_chip);

if (faces.size() == 0)
LOG(INFO) << "No faces found in image!";
LOG(INFO) << "calculating face descriptor in image..." << jniutils::currentDateTime();
std::vector<matrix<float,0,1>> face_descriptors = net(faces);
LOG(INFO) << "face descriptors in camera image calculated "<<jniutils::currentDateTime()<<" Size "<<face_descriptors.size();

for (size_t i = 0; i < face_descriptors.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < rec_face_descriptors.size(); ++j) {
if (length(face_descriptors[i]-rec_face_descriptors[j]) < 0.6) {
LOG(INFO) << "HELLO "<< rec_names[j]<<" FOUND ";
//LOG(INFO) << "128 input"<< face_descriptors[i] ;
//LOG(INFO) << "128 enroll"<< rec_face_descriptors[j];
LOG(INFO) << "Length" << length(face_descriptors[i]-rec_face_descriptors[j]);
LOG(INFO) << "Row : " << face_descriptors[i].NR<< ",Column : "<<face_descriptors[i].NC ;
dlib::rectangle r = frects[i];
LOG(INFO) << "128 enroll last"<< match_face_descriptors[i];

return rec_rects.size();

virtual inline int det(const cv::Mat& image) {
if (is_training) return 0;
if (image.empty())
return 0;
if (image.channels() == 1) {
cv::cvtColor(image, image, CV_GRAY2BGR);
CHECK(image.channels() == 3);
// TODO : Convert to gray image to speed up detection
// It's unnecessary to use color image for face/landmark detection

dlib::cv_image<dlib::bgr_pixel> img(image);

std::vector<matrix<rgb_pixel>> faces;
rects = face_detector(img);
return rects.size();

inline std::vector<dlib::rectangle> getRecResultRects() { return rec_rects; }
inline std::vector<std::string> getRecResultLabels() { return rec_labels; }
inline std::vector<dlib::rectangle> getDetResultRects() { return rects; }
//inline std::vector<matrix<float,0,1>> getExtractedResult() { return match_face_descriptors; }

并且JNI文件是 jni_face_rec.cpp:
#include <android/bitmap.h>
#include <jni_common/jni_bitmap2mat.h>
#include <jni_common/jni_primitives.h>
#include <jni_common/jni_fileutils.h>
#include <jni_common/jni_utils.h>
#include <recognizer.h>
#include <jni.h>

using namespace cv;

extern JNI_VisionDetRet* g_pJNI_VisionDetRet;

namespace {

#define JAVA_NULL 0
using RecPtr = DLibFaceRecognizer*;

class JNI_FaceRec {
JNI_FaceRec(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass clazz = env->FindClass(CLASSNAME_FACE_REC);
mNativeContext = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "mNativeFaceRecContext", "J");

RecPtr getRecognizerPtrFromJava(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) {
RecPtr const p = (RecPtr)env->GetLongField(thiz, mNativeContext);
return p;

void setRecognizerPtrToJava(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jlong ptr) {
env->SetLongField(thiz, mNativeContext, ptr);

jfieldID mNativeContext;

// Protect getting/setting and creating/deleting pointer between java/native
std::mutex gLock;

std::shared_ptr<JNI_FaceRec> getJNI_FaceRec(JNIEnv* env) {
static std::once_flag sOnceInitflag;
static std::shared_ptr<JNI_FaceRec> sJNI_FaceRec;
std::call_once(sOnceInitflag, [env]() {
sJNI_FaceRec = std::make_shared<JNI_FaceRec>(env);
return sJNI_FaceRec;

RecPtr const getRecPtr(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(gLock);
return getJNI_FaceRec(env)->getRecognizerPtrFromJava(env, thiz);

// The function to set a pointer to java and delete it if newPtr is empty
void setRecPtr(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, RecPtr newPtr) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(gLock);
RecPtr oldPtr = getJNI_FaceRec(env)->getRecognizerPtrFromJava(env, thiz);
if (oldPtr != JAVA_NULL) {
DLOG(INFO) << "setMapManager delete old ptr : " << oldPtr;
delete oldPtr;

if (newPtr != JAVA_NULL) {
DLOG(INFO) << "setMapManager set new ptr : " << newPtr;

getJNI_FaceRec(env)->setRecognizerPtrToJava(env, thiz, (jlong)newPtr);

} // end unnamespace

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


DLIB_FACE_JNI_METHOD(jniNativeClassInit)(JNIEnv* env, jclass _this) {}

jobjectArray getRecResult(JNIEnv* env, RecPtr faceRecognizer,
const int& size) {
LOG(INFO) << "getRecResult";
jobjectArray jDetRetArray = JNI_VisionDetRet::createJObjectArray(env, size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
jobject jDetRet = JNI_VisionDetRet::createJObject(env);
env->SetObjectArrayElement(jDetRetArray, i, jDetRet);
dlib::rectangle rect = faceRecognizer->getRecResultRects()[i];
std::string label = faceRecognizer->getRecResultLabels()[i];
//std::matrix<float,0,1> value = faceRecognizer->getExtractedResult()[i];
g_pJNI_VisionDetRet->setRect(env, jDetRet, rect.left(),,
rect.right(), rect.bottom());
g_pJNI_VisionDetRet->setLabel(env, jDetRet, label);
//g_pJNI_VisionDetRet->setValue(env, jDetRet, value);
return jDetRetArray;

jobjectArray getDetResult(JNIEnv* env, RecPtr faceRecognizer,
const int& size) {
LOG(INFO) << "getDetResult";
jobjectArray jDetRetArray = JNI_VisionDetRet::createJObjectArray(env, size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
jobject jDetRet = JNI_VisionDetRet::createJObject(env);
env->SetObjectArrayElement(jDetRetArray, i, jDetRet);
dlib::rectangle rect = faceRecognizer->getDetResultRects()[i];
std::string label = "face";
g_pJNI_VisionDetRet->setRect(env, jDetRet, rect.left(),,
rect.right(), rect.bottom());
g_pJNI_VisionDetRet->setLabel(env, jDetRet, label);
return jDetRetArray;

DLIB_FACE_JNI_METHOD(jniBitmapDetect)(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz,
jobject bitmap) {
LOG(INFO) << "jniBitmapFaceDet";
cv::Mat rgbaMat;
cv::Mat bgrMat;
jniutils::ConvertBitmapToRGBAMat(env, bitmap, rgbaMat, true);
cv::cvtColor(rgbaMat, bgrMat, cv::COLOR_RGBA2BGR);
RecPtr mRecPtr = getRecPtr(env, thiz);
jint size = mRecPtr->det(bgrMat);
LOG(INFO) << "det face size: " << size;
return getDetResult(env, mRecPtr, size);

DLIB_FACE_JNI_METHOD(jniBitmapRec)(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz,
jobject bitmap) {
LOG(INFO) << "jniBitmapFaceDet";
cv::Mat rgbaMat;
cv::Mat bgrMat;
jniutils::ConvertBitmapToRGBAMat(env, bitmap, rgbaMat, true);
cv::cvtColor(rgbaMat, bgrMat, cv::COLOR_RGBA2BGR);
RecPtr mRecPtr = getRecPtr(env, thiz);
jint size = mRecPtr->rec(bgrMat);
LOG(INFO) << "rec face size: " << size;
return getRecResult(env, mRecPtr, size);

jint JNIEXPORT JNICALL DLIB_FACE_JNI_METHOD(jniInit)(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz,
jstring jDirPath) {
LOG(INFO) << "jniInit";
std::string dirPath = jniutils::convertJStrToString(env, jDirPath);
RecPtr mRecPtr = new DLibFaceRecognizer(dirPath);
setRecPtr(env, thiz, mRecPtr);
return JNI_OK;

jint JNIEXPORT JNICALL DLIB_FACE_JNI_METHOD(jniTrain)(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) {
LOG(INFO) << "jniTrain";
RecPtr mRecPtr = getRecPtr(env, thiz);
return JNI_OK;

DLIB_FACE_JNI_METHOD(jniDeInit)(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) {
LOG(INFO) << "jniDeInit";
setRecPtr(env, thiz, JAVA_NULL);
return JNI_OK;

#ifdef __cplusplus


import java.util.ArrayList;

* A VisionDetRet contains all the information identifying the location and confidence value of the detected object in a bitmap.
public final class VisionDetRet {
private String mLabel;
private float mConfidence;
private int mLeft;
private int mTop;
private int mRight;
private int mBottom;
private ArrayList<Point> mLandmarkPoints = new ArrayList<>();
private float[] extractedValue;

VisionDetRet() {

* @param label Label name
* @param confidence A confidence factor between 0 and 1. This indicates how certain what has been found is actually the label.
* @param l The X coordinate of the left side of the result
* @param t The Y coordinate of the top of the result
* @param r The X coordinate of the right side of the result
* @param b The Y coordinate of the bottom of the result
* @param extractedValue The Extracted 128 as float value
public VisionDetRet(String label, float confidence, int l, int t, int r, int b, float[] extractedValue) {
mLabel = label;
mLeft = l;
mTop = t;
mRight = r;
mBottom = b;
mConfidence = confidence;
this.extractedValue = extractedValue;

* @return The X coordinate of the left side of the result
public int getLeft() {
return mLeft;

* @return The Y coordinate of the top of the result
public int getTop() {
return mTop;

* @return The X coordinate of the right side of the result
public int getRight() {
return mRight;

* @return The Y coordinate of the bottom of the result
public int getBottom() {
return mBottom;

* @return A confidence factor between 0 and 1. This indicates how certain what has been found is actually the label.
public float getConfidence() {
return mConfidence;

* @return The label of the result
public String getLabel() {
return mLabel;

* Add landmark to the list. Usually, call by jni
* @param x Point x
* @param y Point y
* @return true if adding landmark successfully
public boolean addLandmark(int x, int y) {
return mLandmarkPoints.add(new Point(x, y));

* Return the list of landmark points
* @return ArrayList of
public ArrayList<Point> getFaceLandmarks() {
return mLandmarkPoints;

public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(", Top:");
sb.append(", Right:");
sb.append(", Bottom:");
sb.append(", Label:");
return sb.toString();

public float[] getExtractedValue() {
return extractedValue;

public void setExtractedValue(float[] extractedValue) {
this.extractedValue = extractedValue;

我想在Java中将 match_face_descriptors vector 的值(定义如下)作为 float[]
std::vector<matrix<float,0,1>> match_face_descriptors;

我可以将其导出为逗号分隔的 String,但希望使用 float[]


在没有更多信息的情况下,我假设您想将矩阵 vector 结构保留为float[][],其中每个float[]都对应一个矩阵。

// This will convert the passed vector of matrices into a Java float[][], preserving
// the outside structure.
jobject convert_to_float(JNIEnv* env, const std::vector<dlib::matrix<float,0,1>> & match_face_descriptors) {
// We first create the outer float[][] array.
jclass cls_floatA = env->FindClass("[F");
jobjectArray ret = env->NewObjectArray(match_face_descriptors.size(), cls_floatA,NULL);

// Now create float[] instances and assign them to ret[i]
for (int i = 0; i < match_face_descriptors.size(); i++) {
auto& mat = match_face_descriptors[i];

// mat.begin() returns a pointer to the first element of the one-row
// matrix, so we can pass it to SetFloatArrayRegion, which expects a float*.
jfloatArray elem = env->NewFloatArray(mat.size());
env->SetFloatArrayRegion(elem, 0, mat.size(), mat.begin());

// ret[i] = elem
env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, i, elem);

// FIXME: This is not necessary if you can guarantee match_face_descriptors
// is small enough. It is included for completeness.

return ret;

关于android - 如何使用JNI将数据从 native c二进制传递到android模型?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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