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我正在尝试实现 Negamax Haskell 中的算法。
为此,我代表了游戏在玫瑰树中可能呈现的 future 可能性(Data.Tree.Forest(深度、移动、位置)
实现 Tying the Knot 的变体共享共同的子结果。但是,我只能找到有关(可能是无限的)列表的解释,而没有找到有关重用子树的解释。
我考虑过的另一种方法是在 State
monad 内构建一棵树,其中要保留的状态将是 Map (深度, 位置) (Forest (深度, move,position))
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module ZeroSumGame where
import qualified Control.Arrow
import Data.Tree
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
x |> f = f x
infixl 0 |>
{-# INLINE (|>) #-}
class Ord s => Game s where
data Move s
initial :: s -- | Beginning of the game
applyMove :: Natural -> s -> Move s -> s -- | Moving from one game state to the next
possibleMoves :: Natural -> s -> [Move s] -- | Lists moves the current player is able to do.
isGameOver :: s -> Bool -- | True if the game has ended. TODO: Maybe write default implementation using `possibleMoves state == []`?
scorePosition :: Natural -> Move s -> s -> Int -- | Turns a position in an integer, for the Negamax algorithm to decide which position is the best.
type Trimove state = (Natural, Move state, state) -- | Depth since start of game, move to next position, new position
gameforest :: Game s => Natural -> s -> Forest (Trimove s)
gameforest start_depth start_state = unfoldForest buildNode (nextpositions start_depth start_state)
buildNode (depth, move, current_state) =
isGameOver current_state
((depth, move, current_state), [])
((depth, move, current_state), nextpositions depth current_state)
nextpositions depth current_state =
|> possibleMoves depth
|> fmap (\move -> (succ depth, move, applyMove depth current_state move))
scoreTree :: Game s => Ord (Move s) => Natural -> Tree (Trimove s) -> (Move s, Int)
scoreTree depth node =
case (depth, subForest node) of
(0, _) ->
node |> rootLabel |> uncurry3dropFirst scorePosition
(_, []) ->
node |> rootLabel |> uncurry3dropFirst scorePosition
(_, children) ->
|> scoreForest (pred depth)
|> map (Control.Arrow.second negate)
|> maximum
uncurry3dropFirst :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a, b, c) -> (b, d)
uncurry3dropFirst fun (a, b, c) = (b, fun a b c)
scoreForest :: Game s => Ord (Move s) => Natural -> Forest (Trimove s) -> [(Move s, Int)]
scoreForest depth forest =
|> fmap (scoreTree depth)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module TicTacToe where
import qualified Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State (State)
import qualified Data.Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Control.Arrow
import Data.Tree
import Data.Array (Array)
import qualified Data.Array
import qualified Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Foldable
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import ZeroSumGame
data CurrentPlayer = First | Second
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Enum CurrentPlayer where
fromEnum First = 1
fromEnum Second = -1
toEnum 1 = First
toEnum (-1) = Second
toEnum _ = error "Improper player"
newtype TicTacToe = TicTacToe (Array (Int, Int) (Maybe CurrentPlayer))
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Game TicTacToe where
data Move TicTacToe = TicTacToeMove (Int, Int)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded)
initial = TicTacToe initialTicTacToeBoard
possibleMoves _depth = possibleTicTacToeMoves
applyMove depth (TicTacToe board) (TicTacToeMove (x, y)) =
TicTacToe newboard
newboard = board Data.Array.// [((x, y), Just player)]
player = case depth `mod` 2 of
0 -> First
_ -> Second
isGameOver state = Data.Maybe.isJust (findFilledLines state)
scorePosition _ _ state =
|> findFilledLines
|> fmap fromEnum
|> Data.Maybe.fromMaybe 0
|> (* (-10000))
findFilledLines :: TicTacToe -> Maybe CurrentPlayer
findFilledLines (TicTacToe board) =
(rows ++ columns ++ diagonals)
|> map winner
|> Data.Foldable.asum
rows = vals rows_indexes
columns = vals columns_indexes
diagonals = vals diagonals_indexes
rows_indexes = [[(i, j) | i <- [0..2]]| j <- [0..2]]
columns_indexes = [[(i, j) | j <- [0..2]]| i <- [0..2]]
diagonals_indexes = [[(i, i) ]| i <- [0..2]] ++ [[(i, 2 - i) ]| i <- [0..2]]
vals = map (map (\index -> board Data.Array.! index))
winner :: Eq a => [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
winner [x,y,z] =
if x == y && x == z then x else Nothing
winner _ = Nothing
initialTicTacToeBoard :: (Array (Int, Int) (Maybe CurrentPlayer))
initialTicTacToeBoard =
Data.Array.array ((0, 0), (2, 2)) [((i, j), Nothing) | i <- [0..2], j <- [0..2]]
possibleTicTacToeMoves :: TicTacToe -> [Move TicTacToe]
possibleTicTacToeMoves (TicTacToe board) = foldr checkSquareForMove [] (Data.Array.assocs board)
checkSquareForMove (index, val) acc = case val of
Nothing -> TicTacToeMove index : acc
Just _ -> acc
printBoard :: TicTacToe -> String
printBoard (TicTacToe board) =
unlines [unwords [showTile (board Data.Array.! (y, x)) | x <- [0..2]] | y <- [0..2]]
showTile loc =
case loc of
Nothing -> " "
Just Second -> "X"
Just First -> "O"
(TypeFamilies 用于允许每个 Game
实现拥有自己的 Move
概念,然后需要使用 FlexibleContexts 来强制实现 Move
> 实现 Ord
如果我正确理解了这个问题,你就有一个函数可以返回游戏中可能的下一步 Action ,以及一个执行该 Action 的函数:
start :: Position
moves :: Position -> [Move]
act :: Position -> Move -> Position
的一部分) code> 类型,你会发现这里并没有失去一般性):
states :: Forest (Position, Move)
states = forest start
forest :: Position -> Forest (Position, Move)
forest p = [ Node (m, p') (states p') | m <- moves p, let p' = act p m ]
forest :: Position -> Forest (Position, Move)
forest = memo forest'
forest' :: Position -> Forest (Position, Move)
forest' p = [ Node (m, p') (states p') | m <- moves p, let p' = act p m ]
memo :: (Position -> a) -> (Position -> a)
此时,我们需要了解更多有关 Position
关于haskell - 如何记住游戏树(潜在无限的玫瑰树)的重复子树?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57153341/
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