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c++ - 在类类内不必要使用枚举类

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 10:08:40 26 4
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  • 是否有任何理由在类内使用enum class?还是应该只使用enum?只是好奇。我在下面发布了示例代码以供引用。
  • 是否有任何理由为什么要在类里面公开枚举是一个非常糟糕的主意?

  • #include <iostream>

    enum class Color {
    red = 0,
    green = 1,
    blue = 2

    class CodeLibray {
    enum Color2 {
    red = 0,
    green = 1,
    blue = 2
    enum class Color3 {
    red = 0,
    green = 1,
    blue = 2
    Color color;
    Color2 color2;
    Color3 color3;

    int main(){
    CodeLibray c;
    c.color = Color::red;
    c.color2 = CodeLibray::Color2::blue;
    c.color3 = CodeLibray::Color3::blue;


    • Is there any reason to use an enum class inside a class, or should I just use enum? Just curious. I posted sample code for reference below.

    很明显,如果您在其中忽略 enum,则在 CodeLibray中定义的 enum class值将变得模棱两可。

    • Also, If I want enums to be accessible for assigning public member values but I do not want values in the enum to be changed is this possible?

    enum Color2 {
    red = ::red,
    // ^^ Refer to the enum declaration in the global namespace
    green = ::green,
    blue = ::blue
    enum class Color3 {
    red = ::red,
    green = ::green,
    blue = ::blue

    关于c++ - 在类类内不必要使用枚举类,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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