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mobile - 亚马逊 S3 权限

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 09:48:24 26 4
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我在 Amazon S3 中使用 GetSessionToken/GetFederationToken 的临时 session ,我计划拥有超过 10K 个用户,每个用户都可以上传到 S3,所以一开始我想到为每个用户使用一个存储桶并设置写入(上传)权限每个用户每个存储桶,但由于每个亚马逊帐户的存储桶数量有限制,我放弃了这个想法。


例如,如果用户名 X 上传文件,则 key 必须类似于 X_filename。



我已尝试使用以下策略执行 GetFederationToken 操作


我在 S3 上有存储桶 user.uploads 和文件夹 john

但是,使用 session 凭据将任何上传到存储桶 user.uploads 的 key john/filename 都会失败,并且访问被拒绝”


Amazon's Identity and Access Management (IAM)服务就是您所需要的。 documentation有很多示例,其中一些符合您的场景。


Example 5: Allow a partner to drop files into a specific portion of the corporate bucket

In this example, we create a group called WidgetCo that represents the partner company, then create a user for the specific person (or application) at the partner company who needs access, and then put the user in the group.

We then attach a policy that gives the group PutObject access to the following directory in the corporate bucket: my_corporate_bucket/uploads/widgetco.

We also want to prevent the WidgetCo group from doing anything else with the bucket, so we add a statement that denies permission to any Amazon S3 actions except PutObject on any Amazon S3 resource in the AWS account. This is only necessary if there's a broad policy in use elsewhere in your AWS account that gives users wide access to Amazon S3.

"NotResource": ”arn:aws:s3:::my_corporate_bucket/uploads/widgetco/*"


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