gpt4 book ai didi

java - 快速简单的 Java 程序,可与 JIRA 对话并创建史诗、故事和问题

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 09:46:58 30 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在寻找一些快速简单的 java 程序,可以与 JIRA 交互并创建史诗、故事和问题


我确信这个程序可以修改/扩展并且可以优化。我正在寻找反馈。我计划添加 XML 文件,在其中可以添加所有数据,然后可以依次创建任务、史诗、故事等。

package com.xxxxxx.mavenify.HelloWorldy;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.StatusLine;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException;
import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONTokener;
import okhttp3.ResponseBody;

import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;

import okhttp3.MediaType;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.RequestBody;
import okhttp3.Response;

* Hello world!a
public class App
{public static String ticket = ""; //rest/api/2/issue/

public static void main( String[] args )

public static String encodedPassword()
{ return "Basic dT zU3NjI3MjpTdW1tZXIyMDE5";

public static String generateEpic(String summary,String componentIdNumber,String componentIdText,String applicationIDNumber,
String applicationIDText,String acceptanceCriteria1, String dueDate,String descriptionText,String issueType)
return new String("{\"fields\": {\"project\": {\"key\": \"WHSAR\"},\"assignee\": {\"name\":\"u576272\"},\"summary\": \""+ applicationIDText + " - Artifactory migration"+ "\",\r\n" +
"\"customfield_12703\": \"" + applicationIDText + "\", \"customfield_19545\": {\"Option id\": \"38679\",\"value\": \"Artifactory migration\"\r\n" +
"},\"customfield_10183\": 7,\"customfield_15891\": {\"Option id\": \""+ applicationIDNumber+ "\",\"value\": \""+ applicationIDText+"\"},"
+ "\"customfield_11709\": \"Receive sign-off email or message from the app team manager.\",\"duedate\": \"26-04-19\",\r\n" +
"\"description\": \""+descriptionText+"\", \"issuetype\": {\"name\": \"Epic\"}}}\r\n");

public static String generateUserStory(String summary,String componentIdNumber,String componentIdText,String applicationIDNumber,
String applicationIDText,String acceptanceCriteria1,String dueDate,String descriptionText,String issueType, String epicLink)
return new String("{\"fields\": {\"project\": {\"key\": \"WHSAR\" }, \"summary\": \"" + summary + "\", \"customfield_19545\": { \"Option id\": \""+componentIdNumber+"\",\"value\": \""+componentIdText+"\"}, \"customfield_15891\": {\r\n" +
"\"Option id\": \""+applicationIDNumber+"\",\"value\": \""+applicationIDText+"\"},\"duedate\": \"" + dueDate +"\",\"customfield_12702\":\""+epicLink+"\", \"description\": \""+ applicationIDText + " - "+ "Ensure artifactory migration is complete.\","
+ "\"customfield_11709\": \""+acceptanceCriteria1+"\",\"issuetype\": {\"name\": \"User Story\" }}}");

public static String generateTask(String summary,String componentIdNumber,String componentIdText,String applicationIDNumber,
String applicationIDText,String acceptanceCriteria1,String dueDate,String descriptionText,String issueType, String storyLink)
return new String("{\"fields\": {\"project\": { \"key\": \"WHSAR\" },\"parent\": {\"key\": \""+ storyLink +"\"},"
+ "\"customfield_15891\": {\"Option id\": \""+applicationIDNumber+"\",\"value\": \""+applicationIDText+"\" },\"summary\": \"" + applicationIDText +" - "+ summary
+ "\",\"customfield_19545\": {\"Option id\": \""+componentIdNumber+"\",\"value\": \""+componentIdText+"\"},"
+ "\"customfield_11709\": \""+acceptanceCriteria1+ "\",\"duedate\": \"26-04-19\",\"description\": \"" + applicationIDText + " - "+ descriptionText + "\",\"issuetype\": {\"id\": \"5\"}}}");

public static void getHashmap()
try {
String applicationIDNumber = "38782";

/* 38717 = IBOSS
String applicationIDText = "1SOR";
String dueDate = "06-05-19";
org.json.simple.JSONObject jnew;
String issueType;
JSONParser j1 = new JSONParser();

org.json.simple.JSONObject jnew2;
org.json.simple.JSONObject jnew3;

jnew = genEpic(applicationIDNumber, applicationIDText, dueDate);

String summaryUS1 = applicationIDText + " - Ensure project kick off date and resource details from app manager.";
String summaryUS2 = applicationIDText + " - Ensure migration pre-requisites and Go/no go.";
String summaryUS3 = applicationIDText + " - Ensure artifactory migration is complete.";

String componentIdNoUS1 = "38680";
String componentIdTextUS1 ="Prerequisites";

String accepatanceCriteriaUS1 = "Acceptance of Project kick off date and the resources details from app manager.";
String accepatanceCriteriaUS2 = "Migration pre-requisites are complete and team decision of either Go /no go.";
String accepatanceCriteriaUS3 = "Receive sign-off email or message from the app team manager.";

String descriptionUS1 = "Ensure app manager has confirmed project kick off date and resource details for the application being migrated.";
String descriptionUS2 = "Ensure migration pre-requisites are complete before the application migration has started and team is clear on Go/no go.";
String descriptionUS3 = "Ensure artifactory migration is complete.";

String componentIdNoUS2 = "38682";
String componentIdTextUS2 ="Initiation";

String componentIdNoUS3 = "38681";
String componentIdTextUS3 ="Verification";

issueType ="user story";
String epicLink =jnew.values().toArray()[2].toString();

org.json.simple.JSONObject jnew1 = (org.json.simple.JSONObject)j1.parse(genIssue(summaryUS1, applicationIDNumber, applicationIDText, componentIdNoUS1,
componentIdTextUS1, accepatanceCriteriaUS1, dueDate, descriptionUS1, issueType, epicLink, ""));

System.out.println("story 1 done ->" +jnew1.values().toArray()[2].toString());

j1= new JSONParser();
jnew2 = (org.json.simple.JSONObject)j1.parse(genIssue(summaryUS2, applicationIDNumber, applicationIDText, componentIdNoUS2,
componentIdTextUS2, accepatanceCriteriaUS2, dueDate, descriptionUS2, issueType, epicLink, ""));

System.out.println("story 2 done ->" +jnew2.values().toArray()[2].toString());

j1= new JSONParser();
jnew3 = (org.json.simple.JSONObject)j1.parse(genIssue(summaryUS3, applicationIDNumber, applicationIDText, componentIdNoUS3,
componentIdTextUS3, accepatanceCriteriaUS3, dueDate, descriptionUS3, issueType, epicLink, ""));

System.out.println("story 3 done ->" + jnew3.values().toArray()[2].toString());

genTask(applicationIDNumber, applicationIDText, dueDate, jnew2.values().toArray()[2].toString(), jnew3.values().toArray()[2].toString());

}catch (Exception ex) {

//handle exception here
System.out.println(ex.toString() + " \n "+ ex.getMessage());

} finally {

static org.json.simple.JSONObject genEpic(String applicationIDNumber, String applicationIDText, String dueDate)
throws ParseException, IOException {
org.json.simple.JSONObject jnew;
String summaryEText = applicationIDText + " - Artifactory migration"; //1CCP
String componentIdNumber = "38679";
String componentIdText = "Artifactory migration";
String acceptanceCriteria = "Client Sign-off";

String descriptionText = applicationIDText + " - Below instructions are applicable to you or your team ONLY if you use "
+ "old artifactory instance \\n It is moved to new instance - "
+ " ";

String issueType ="epic";

JSONParser j = new JSONParser();
jnew = (org.json.simple.JSONObject)j.parse(genIssue(summaryEText, applicationIDNumber, applicationIDText, componentIdNumber,
componentIdText, acceptanceCriteria, dueDate, descriptionText, issueType, "", ""));

//{"customfield_15891":"Option id 'null' is not valid"}
System.out.println("epic done " + applicationIDText + " -> " + jnew.values().toArray()[2].toString());
return jnew;

static void genTask(String applicationIDNumber, String applicationIDText, String dueDate,
String storyLink2, String storyLink3) throws ParseException, IOException {
String issueType;
String summaryT1 = "Ensure dev-lead acceptance of migration documentation";
String componentIdT1 = "38684";
String componentTextT1 = "Documentation";
//appID and text
String acceptanceCriteriaT1 = "Confirmation from the dev-lead that migration document is received.";
String descriptionT1 ="Ensure dev-lead has received the migration documentation.";

String summaryT2 = "Identify application dependencies.";
String componentIdT2 = "38679";
String componentTextT2 = "Artifactory migration";
//appID and text
String acceptanceCriteriaT2 = "Document application dependencies in the sub-task:";
String descriptionT2 ="Identify application dependencies - set of questionnaire \\n " +
"1. if job touches AHP, MAVEN, Gradle, nuget, npm, promethus, nexus.\\n " +
"2. If other applications are dependent on application in scope - if so how many of them and what are they? \\n ";

String summaryT3 = "Ensure successful local build";
String componentIdT3 = "38683";
String componentTextT3 = "CI (Continuous Integration)";
//appID and text
String acceptanceCriteriaT3 = "email or message from SME or app team that local builds are successful";
String descriptionT3 ="Ensure successful local build. Here is the documentation:"
+ " \\n "
+ " \\n"
+ " \\n"
+ "";

String summaryT4 = "Ensure successful build from jenkin job";
String componentIdT4 = "38683";
String componentTextT4 = "CI (Continuous Integration)";
//appID and text
String acceptanceCriteriaT4 = "Receive sign-off or message from app team that jenkins builds are good.";
String descriptionT4 ="Ensure successful build from jenkin job.";

issueType ="task";

JSONParser j1 = new JSONParser();
System.out.println("sub task 1 done ->" + ((org.json.simple.JSONObject)j1.parse(genIssue(summaryT1, applicationIDNumber, applicationIDText,
componentIdT1,componentTextT1, acceptanceCriteriaT1, dueDate, descriptionT1, issueType, "", storyLink2))).values().toArray()[2].toString());

j1= new JSONParser();

System.out.println("sub task 2 done ->" + ((org.json.simple.JSONObject)j1.parse(genIssue(summaryT2, applicationIDNumber, applicationIDText,
componentIdT2,componentTextT2, acceptanceCriteriaT2, dueDate, descriptionT2, issueType, "", storyLink2))).values().toArray()[2].toString());

j1= new JSONParser();

System.out.println("sub task 3 done ->" + ((org.json.simple.JSONObject)j1.parse(genIssue(summaryT3, applicationIDNumber, applicationIDText,
componentIdT3,componentTextT3, acceptanceCriteriaT3, dueDate, descriptionT3, issueType, "", storyLink3))).values().toArray()[2].toString());

j1= new JSONParser();

System.out.println("sub task 4 done ->" + ((org.json.simple.JSONObject)j1.parse(genIssue(summaryT4, applicationIDNumber, applicationIDText,
componentIdT4,componentTextT4, acceptanceCriteriaT4, dueDate, descriptionT4, issueType, "", storyLink3))).values().toArray()[2].toString());

static String genIssue(String summary, String applicationIDNumber, String applicationIDText, String componentIdNumber,
String componentIdText, String acceptanceCriteria,String dueDate, String descriptionText, String issueType, String epicLink,String storyLink)
throws IOException {

String jsonString = "";
if(issueType == "epic")
jsonString = generateEpic(summary,componentIdNumber,componentIdText,applicationIDNumber,
applicationIDText,acceptanceCriteria,dueDate,descriptionText, issueType);
else if(issueType =="user story")
jsonString = generateUserStory(summary, componentIdNumber, componentIdText, applicationIDNumber,
applicationIDText,acceptanceCriteria, dueDate, descriptionText, issueType, epicLink);
else if(issueType == "task")
jsonString = generateTask(summary, componentIdNumber, componentIdText, applicationIDNumber,
applicationIDText,acceptanceCriteria, dueDate, descriptionText, issueType, storyLink);

OkHttpClient client1 = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType1 = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body1 = RequestBody.create(mediaType1,jsonString);
Request request1 = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic dTU3NjI3MjpTdW1tZXIyMDE5")
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
.addHeader("cache-control", "no-cache")

Response response1 = client1.newCall(request1).execute();
return response1.body().string();


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""  xsi:schemaLocation="">






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关于java - 快速简单的 Java 程序,可与 JIRA 对话并创建史诗、故事和问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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