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java - 基因约束似乎没有效果

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 09:41:54 25 4
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我已经实现了 knapsack problem 的变体使用Jenetics如下:

public class Knapsack {

public static void main( final String[] args ) {
final var knapsackEngine = Engine.builder( Knapsack::fitness, Knapsack.codec() )
.constraint( Knapsack.constraint() )
final var bestPhenotype =
.limit( 1000L )
.collect( EvolutionResult.toBestPhenotype() );
final var knapsack = bestPhenotype.getGenotype().getGene().getAllele();
final var profit = bestPhenotype.getFitness();
final var weight = knapsack.getWeight();
System.out.println( "Valid: " + bestPhenotype.isValid() );
System.out.println( String.format( "Solution: profit %d | weight %d", profit, weight ) );
System.out.println( String.format( "Optimum: profit %d | weight %d", Problem.OPTIMAL_PROFIT, Problem.OPTIMAL_WEIGHT ) );

List<Item> items;

public int getProfit() {
.mapToInt( Item::getProfit )

public int getWeight() {
.mapToInt( Item::getWeight )

private static Codec<Knapsack, AnyGene<Knapsack>> codec() {
return Codec.of(
Genotype.of( AnyChromosome.of( Knapsack::create ) ),
genotype -> genotype.getGene().getAllele() );

private static Knapsack create() {
final Random rand = RandomRegistry.getRandom();
final List<Item> items =
.filter( item -> rand.nextBoolean() )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
return new Knapsack( items );

private static int fitness( final Knapsack knapsack ) {
return knapsack.getProfit();

private static Constraint<AnyGene<Knapsack>, Integer> constraint() {
return Constraint.of( phenotype -> {
final Knapsack knapsack = phenotype.getGenotype().getGene().getAllele();
final int weight = knapsack.getItems().stream()
.mapToInt( Item::getWeight )
return weight <= Problem.MAX_CAPACITY;
} );


@ValueLombok 的一部分并生成一堆代码,如构造函数、getter 等。 Problem 类为特定的背包问题定义了一些常量(来自 的 P07):

public class Problem {

public static final int MAX_CAPACITY = 750;

public static final BitChromosome OPTIMAL_SOLUTION = BitChromosome.of( "101010111000011" );

public static final int OPTIMAL_PROFIT = 1458;

public static final int OPTIMAL_WEIGHT = 749;

private static final List<Integer> profits = List.of(
135, 139, 149, 150, 156,
163, 173, 184, 192, 201,
210, 214, 221, 229, 240 );

private static final List<Integer> weights = List.of(
70, 73, 77, 80, 82,
87, 90, 94, 98, 106,
110, 113, 115, 118, 120 );

public static final List<Item> ITEMS = IntStream.range( 0, profits.size() )
.mapToObj( i -> new Item( profits.get( i ), weights.get( i ) ) )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );


尽管 Jenetics user guide说(参见第 2.5 节):

A given problem should usually encoded in a way, that it is not possible for the evolution Engine to create invalid individuals (Genotypes).

我想知道为什么引擎不断地创建重量超过背包最大容量的解决方案。因此,尽管根据给定的 Constraint 这些解决方案无效,但 Phenotype#isValid() 返回 true


private static int fitness( final Knapsack knapsack ) {
final int profit = knapsack.getProfit();
final int weight = knapsack.getWeight();
return weight <= Problem.MAX_CAPACITY ? profit : 0;


private static Knapsack create() {
final Random rand = RandomRegistry.getRandom();
final List<Item> items =
.filter( item -> rand.nextBoolean() )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
final Knapsack knapsack = new Knapsack( items );
return knapsack.getWeight() <= Problem.MAX_CAPACITY ? knapsack : create();



我在最新版本的 Jenetics 中引入了 Constraint 接口(interface)。当涉及到检查个人的有效性时,它是最后一道防线。在您的示例中,您使用了 Constraint 接口(interface)的工厂方法,该方法仅采用有效性谓词。 Constraint 的第二个重要方法是 repair 方法。此方法尝试修复给定的个人。如果不定义此方法,则只会创建一个新的随机表型。由于这个接口(interface)是新的,所以我似乎没有足够好地解释 Constraint 接口(interface)的预期用途。它在我的议程上#541#540 中给出了一种可能的用法示例。 ,在第二个示例中。

void constrainedVersion() {
final Codec<double[], DoubleGene> codec = Codecs
.ofVector(DoubleRange.of(0, 1), 4);

final Constraint<DoubleGene, Double> constraint = Constraint.of(
pt -> isValid(codec.decode(pt.getGenotype())),
(pt, g) -> {
final double[] r = normalize(codec.decode(pt.getGenotype()));
return newPT(r, g);

private static Phenotype<DoubleGene, Double> newPT(final double[] r, final long gen) {
final Genotype<DoubleGene> gt = Genotype.of(
.map(v -> DoubleGene.of(v, DoubleRange.of(0, 1)))
return Phenotype.of(gt, gen);

private static boolean isValid(final double[] x) {
return x[0] + x[1] + x[2] == 1 && x[3] > 0.8;

private static double[] normalize(final double[] x) {
double[] r = x;
final double sum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2];
if (sum != 1) {
r[0] /= sum;
r[1] /= sum;
r[2] /= sum;
if (r[3] > 0.8) {
r[3] = 0.8;
return r;

Phenotype::isValid 方法返回 true,因为它是一个本地有效性检查,仅检查是否所有染色体和基因个人有效或在有效范围内。

我希望我能回答您的问题,并且即将通过一个(或多个)示例提供更好的描述。另一方面:如果您有关于 Constraint 接口(interface)的良好使用示例的想法,请告诉我。

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