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assembly - 管道危险

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考虑以下 MIPS 汇编代码,并在假设没有实现管道优化(包括转发)的情况下识别所有管道危险。第一列数字是您可以在说明中引用的行号。

1. addi $3, $0, 100
2. addi $4, $0, 0
3. loop: addi $4, $4, 4
4. add $5, $4, $3
5. sw $5, 100($4)
6. addi $1, $1, -1
7. slt $2, $4, $3
8. bne $2, $0, loop
9. jr $31



从第 2 行移动到第 3 行(从外部循环到内部循环),存在危险,因为第 3 行添加所需的 $4 取决于第 2 行 $4 中设置的值。

第 4 行存在危险,因为它依赖于第 3 行中为 $4 设置的值。

第 5 行存在危险,因为它依赖于第 4 行中为 $4 设置的值。

第 8 行有一个危险,因为它依赖于第 7 行中为 $2 设置的值。


        addi $4, $0, 0      2
addi $3, $0, 100 1
loop: addi $4, $4, 4 3
addi $1, $1, -1 6
add $5, $4, $3 4
slt $2, $4, $3 7
sw $5, 100($4) 5
bne $2, $0, loop 8
jr $31 9


Data hazards:
(a) Line 3 needs to wait for line 2 to evaluate the value of $4 (in the
first iteration)
(b) Line 4 needs to wait for line 2 to evaluate the value of $4 (every
(c) Line 5 needs to wait for line 4 to evaluate the value of $5 (every
(d) Line 8 needs to wait for line 7 to evaluate the value of $2

Control hazard
(a) Line 8 will stall while determining if $2 is equal to $0

Moving lines 6 and 7 to between lines 4 and 5 (alternatively moving
line 5 to between line 7 and 8) and swapping the order, i.e. line 7
before line 6, would provide the most savings with stalls, because that
stall occurs on each iteration of the loop. The swap is necessary to
avoid the data hazard with line 8.

关于assembly - 管道危险,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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