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sql - 在 SQL Server 中一次性获取 DISTINCT COUNT

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 09:12:32 24 4
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Region    Country    Manufacturer    Brand    Period    Spend
R1 C1 M1 B1 2016 5
R1 C1 M1 B1 2017 10
R1 C1 M1 B1 2017 20
R1 C1 M1 B2 2016 15
R1 C1 M1 B3 2017 20
R1 C2 M1 B1 2017 5
R1 C2 M2 B4 2017 25
R1 C2 M2 B5 2017 30
R2 C3 M1 B1 2017 35
R2 C3 M2 B4 2017 40
R2 C3 M2 B5 2017 45


SELECT [Region]
,SUM([Spend]) AS [Spend]
FROM myTable
GROUP BY [Region]
ORDER BY 1,2,3,4


Region    Country    Manufacturer    Brand    Period    Spend
R1 C1 M1 B1 2016 5
R1 C1 M1 B1 2017 30 -- this row is an aggregate from raw table above
R1 C1 M1 B2 2016 15
R1 C1 M1 B3 2017 20
R1 C2 M1 B1 2017 4 -- aggregated result
R1 C2 M2 B4 2017 25
R1 C2 M2 B5 2017 30
R2 C3 M2 B4 2017 40
R2 C3 M2 B5 2017 45

我想在上表中添加另一列,以显示按地区分组的BrandDISTINCT COUNT国家/地区制造商时期。所以决赛 table 将变成如下:

Region    Country    Manufacturer    Brand    Period    Spend    UniqBrandCount
R1 C1 M1 B1 2016 5 2 -- two brands by R1, C1, M1 in 2016
R1 C1 M1 B1 2017 30 1
R1 C1 M1 B2 2016 15 2 -- same as first row's result
R1 C1 M1 B3 2017 20 1
R1 C2 M1 B1 2017 4 1
R1 C2 M2 B4 2017 25 2
R1 C2 M2 B5 2017 30 2
R2 C3 M2 B4 2017 40 2
R2 C3 M2 B5 2017 45 2


  1. 运行此查询(查询 #1):

    选择[区域] ,[国家] ,[制造商] ,[时期] ,COUNT(DISTINCT [品牌]) AS [品牌计数]INTO临时1来 self 的 table 按[地区]分组 ,[国家] ,[制造商] ,[句号]

  2. 运行此查询(查询 #2)

    选择[区域] ,[国家] ,[制造商] ,[品牌] ,YEAR([期间]) AS 期间 ,SUM([花费]) AS [花费]进入温度2来 self 的表按[地区]分组 ,[国家] ,[制造商] ,[品牌] ,[句号]

  3. 然后LEFT JOIN Temp2Temp1从后者引入[BrandCount],例如如下:

    选择一个。* ,b.*从 Temp2 AS aLEFT JOIN Temp1 AS b ON a.[区域] = b.[区域] AND a.[国家/地区] = b.[国家/地区] AND a.[广告商] = b.[广告商] AND a.[句点] = b.[句点]




Count Distinct不起作用,因此需要dense_rank。按正序和倒序对品牌进行排名,然后减去 1 即可得出不同计数。

您的 sum 函数也可以使用 PARTITION BY 逻辑重写。这样您就可以为每个聚合使用不同的分组级别:

,dense_rank() OVER
,[Period] Order by Brand)
+ dense_rank() OVER
,[Period] Order by Brand Desc)
- 1
AS [BrandCount]
,SUM([Spend]) OVER
,[Period]) as [Spend]
ORDER BY 1,2,3,4

然后,您可能需要减少输出中的行数,因为此语法提供与 myTable 相同的行数,但聚合总计出现在它们适用的每一行上:

R1  C1  M1  B1  2016    2   5
R1 C1 M1 B1 2017 2 30 --dup1
R1 C1 M1 B1 2017 2 30 --dup1
R1 C1 M1 B2 2016 2 15
R1 C1 M1 B3 2017 2 20
R1 C2 M1 B1 2017 1 5
R1 C2 M2 B4 2017 2 25
R1 C2 M2 B5 2017 2 30
R2 C3 M1 B1 2017 1 35
R2 C3 M2 B4 2017 2 40
R2 C3 M2 B5 2017 2 45


dense_rank 技巧如何工作


Col1    Col2
B 1
B 1
B 3
B 5
B 7
B 9

dense_rank() 根据当前项之前的不同项的数量加 1 对数据进行排名。因此:

1->1, 3->2, 5->3, 7->4, 9->5.


1->5, 3->4, 5->3, 7->2, 9->1:


1+5 = 2+4 = 3+3 = 4+2 = 5+1 = 6


(number of distinct items before + 1) + (number of distinct items after + 1) 
= number of distinct OTHER items before AND after + 2
= Total number of distinct items + 1


关于sql - 在 SQL Server 中一次性获取 DISTINCT COUNT,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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