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我正在使用 exim4。我安装了带有联系表格的 WordPress。我的主机名 -f 是 mydomain.com。
该表单正在向 info@mydomain.com 发送电子邮件。然而它永远不会到达我的“场外”电子邮件。我该如何设置才能使电子邮件不会卡在网络服务器上?
Exim 应将电子邮件转发(路由)至场外电子邮件 info@mydomain.com。例如,当我从 Gmail 发送到该地址时,它会立即送达。
mydomain:/var/mail# exim -bt -d info@mydomain.com 2>&1
Exim version 4.80 uid=0 gid=0 pid=23864 D=fbb95cfd
Berkeley DB: Berkeley DB 5.1.29: (October 25, 2011)
Support for: crypteq iconv() IPv6 GnuTLS move_frozen_messages DKIM
Lookups (built-in): lsearch wildlsearch nwildlsearch iplsearch cdb dbm dbmjz dbmnz dnsdb dsearch nis nis0 passwd
Authenticators: cram_md5 plaintext
Routers: accept dnslookup ipliteral manualroute queryprogram redirect
Transports: appendfile/maildir/mailstore autoreply lmtp pipe smtp
Fixed never_users: 0
Size of off_t: 8
Compiler: GCC [4.7.2]
Library version: GnuTLS: Compile: 2.12.20
Runtime: 2.12.20
Library version: PCRE: Compile: 8.31
Runtime: 8.30 2012-02-04
Total 13 lookups
TRUSTED_CONFIG_LIST: "/etc/exim4/trusted_configs"
changed uid/gid: forcing real = effective
uid=0 gid=0 pid=23864
auxiliary group list: <none>
seeking password data for user "uucp": cache not available
getpwnam() succeeded uid=10 gid=10
changed uid/gid: calling tls_validate_require_cipher
uid=106 gid=109 pid=23865
auxiliary group list: <none>
tls_validate_require_cipher child 23865 ended: status=0x0
configuration file is /var/lib/exim4/config.autogenerated
log selectors = 00000ffc 00612001
trusted user
admin user
seeking password data for user "mail": cache not available
getpwnam() succeeded uid=8 gid=8
user name "root" extracted from gecos field "root"
originator: uid=0 gid=0 login=root name=root
sender address = root@mydomain.com
Address testing: uid=0 gid=109 euid=0 egid=109
Testing info@mydomain.com
Considering info@mydomain.com
routing info@mydomain.com
--------> hubbed_hosts router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
checking domains
expansion of "${if exists{/etc/exim4/hubbed_hosts}{partial-lsearch;/etc/exim4/hubbed_hosts}fail}" forced failure: assume not in this list
hubbed_hosts router skipped: domains mismatch
--------> dnslookup_relay_to_domains router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
checking domains
mydomain.com in "@:localhost:localhost:localhost.localdomain:mydomain.com"? yes (matched "@")
mydomain.com in "! +local_domains : +relay_to_domains"? no (matched "! +local_domains")
dnslookup_relay_to_domains router skipped: domains mismatch
--------> dnslookup router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
checking domains
cached yes match for +local_domains
cached lookup data = NULL
mydomain.com in "! +local_domains"? no (matched "! +local_domains" - cached)
dnslookup router skipped: domains mismatch
--------> real_local router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
real_local router skipped: prefix mismatch
--------> system_aliases router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
checking domains
cached yes match for +local_domains
cached lookup data = NULL
mydomain.com in "+local_domains"? yes (matched "+local_domains" - cached)
R: system_aliases for info@mydomain.com
calling system_aliases router
rda_interpret (string): ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/aliases}}
search_open: lsearch "/etc/aliases"
search_find: file="/etc/aliases"
key="info" partial=-1 affix=NULL starflags=0
LRU list:
internal_search_find: file="/etc/aliases"
type=lsearch key="info"
file lookup required for info
in /etc/aliases
lookup failed
file is not a filter file
system_aliases router declined for info@mydomain.com
--------> userforward router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
checking domains
cached yes match for +local_domains
cached lookup data = NULL
mydomain.com in "+local_domains"? yes (matched "+local_domains" - cached)
checking for local user
seeking password data for user "info": cache not available
getpwnam() returned NULL (user not found)
userforward router skipped: info is not a local user
--------> procmail router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
checking domains
cached yes match for +local_domains
cached lookup data = NULL
mydomain.com in "+local_domains"? yes (matched "+local_domains" - cached)
checking for local user
seeking password data for user "info": using cached result
getpwnam() returned NULL (user not found)
procmail router skipped: info is not a local user
--------> maildrop router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
checking domains
cached yes match for +local_domains
cached lookup data = NULL
mydomain.com in "+local_domains"? yes (matched "+local_domains" - cached)
checking for local user
seeking password data for user "info": using cached result
getpwnam() returned NULL (user not found)
maildrop router skipped: info is not a local user
--------> lowuid_aliases router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
checking domains
cached yes match for +local_domains
cached lookup data = NULL
mydomain.com in "+local_domains"? yes (matched "+local_domains" - cached)
checking for local user
seeking password data for user "info": using cached result
getpwnam() returned NULL (user not found)
lowuid_aliases router skipped: info is not a local user
--------> local_user router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
checking domains
cached yes match for +local_domains
cached lookup data = NULL
mydomain.com in "+local_domains"? yes (matched "+local_domains" - cached)
checking local_parts
info in "! root"? yes (end of list)
checking for local user
seeking password data for user "info": using cached result
getpwnam() returned NULL (user not found)
local_user router skipped: info is not a local user
--------> mail4root router <--------
local_part=info domain=mydomain.com
checking domains
cached yes match for +local_domains
cached lookup data = NULL
mydomain.com in "+local_domains"? yes (matched "+local_domains" - cached)
checking local_parts
info in "root"? no (end of list)
mail4root router skipped: local_parts mismatch
no more routers
info@mydomain.com is undeliverable: Unrouteable address
search_tidyup called
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=23864 terminating with rc=2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
关于exim - "Unrouteable address"与 exim4,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17351634/
很难说出这里问的是什么。这个问题是模棱两可的、模糊的、不完整的、过于宽泛的或修辞的,无法以目前的形式得到合理的回答。如需帮助澄清这个问题以便重新打开它,visit the help center .
有谁知道区别吗? 最佳答案 如果您想玩可移植的可执行文件,就没有办法绕过 the specs 的副本。 . 已经有一段时间了,但如果内存正确地为我服务:IT 和 IAT 是相同的,除了 IAT 在解析
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