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vim - 即使不是运算符,Vim 中的 x 命令如何处理在可视模式下选择的文本?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 08:34:43 26 4
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引用 :h operator 中提到的操作符列表:

The motion commands can be used after an operator command, to have the command
operate on the text that was moved over. That is the text between the cursor
position before and after the motion. Operators are generally used to delete
or change text. The following operators are available:

|c| c change
|d| d delete
|y| y yank into register (does not change the text)
|~| ~ swap case (only if 'tildeop' is set)
|g~| g~ swap case
|gu| gu make lowercase
|gU| gU make uppercase
|!| ! filter through an external program
|=| = filter through 'equalprg' or C-indenting if empty
|gq| gq text formatting
|g?| g? ROT13 encoding
|>| > shift right
|<| < shift left
|zf| zf define a fold
|g@| g@ call function set with the 'operatorfunc' option

引用 :h operator 中的操作符如何使用可视化模式:

Instead of first giving the operator and then a motion you can use Visual
mode: mark the start of the text with "v", move the cursor to the end of the
text that is to be affected and then hit the operator. The text between the
start and the cursor position is highlighted, so you can see what text will
be operated upon. This allows much more freedom, but requires more key
strokes and has limited redo functionality.

所以我明白,如果我在可视模式下选择几个单词并按 d,所选单词将被删除,因为 d 运算符可以指定其操作数通过 Action 键或在可视模式下选择文本。

但我看到如果我在可视模式下选择几个单词并按 x,那么所选单词也会被删除。但是 x 不是运算符。虽然这应该有效,但我无法从 Vim 的帮助中理解。

能否请您帮助我了解哪些命令适用于在可视模式下选择的文本,哪些不适用,以及我如何从 Vim 的帮助中理解这一点?


首先,d:d[elete] 不是删除,而是剪切。在 d 中使用 delete 这个词是一个严重的错误,它在整个 Vim 文档中重复出现,因此几乎在网上无处不在。使 d 和 friend 真正删除 某些内容的唯一方法是使用“blackhole”寄存器,:help "_

其次,您可以通过从您引用的 :help 向下滚动一点找到问题的答案:

Additionally the following commands can be used:
: start Ex command for highlighted lines (1) |v_:|
r change (4) |v_r|
s change |v_s|
C change (2)(4) |v_C|
S change (2) |v_S|
R change (2) |v_R|
x delete |v_x|

然后阅读 :h x 并再次向下滚动一点,或者更简单地说,跟随行尾的 v_x 标记。


关于vim - 即使不是运算符,Vim 中的 x 命令如何处理在可视模式下选择的文本?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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