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css - 如何在动画中使用剪辑路径?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 08:30:19 26 4
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我已经阅读了很多帖子,并且一直在尝试为剪辑路径设置动画。在这一点上,我只能让它在 Firefox 中显示剪辑路径,并且它总是将路径固定到 0,0。

这是一个示例代码 ->

我使用一个简单的内联 SVG 作为路径:

    <clipPath id="clipping">

<polygon fill="#FFFFFF" points="40,35 40,15 20,35 "/>
<polygon fill="#FFFFFF" points="0,35 20,35 0,15 "/>

<circle id="white_overlay_9_" fill="#FFFFFF" cx="20" cy="18.77" r="7.393"/>



我正在尝试重新创建类似于此网站的行为 ------>

enter image description here



clipPath 中不需要三个元素,您可以将其简化为单个 path 元素。

<path d="M0,0 L40,0 L20,15z M20,5 m-5,0 a5,5 0 1,0 10,0 a5,5 0 1,0 -10,0z" />


对于应用clip-path,如果你想要 maximum browser support ,您可以通过 svgforeignObject 元素将 div 导入到 svg 元素中。然后,将 clip-path 应用于 foreignObject

这是 browser support ,如果您通过 CSS 应用 clip-path


现在,为了在菜单项的中间对齐指针,您需要 JavaScript 进行一些计算并为 clipPathtransform 属性设置动画。

  1. 当页面加载时,计算从左窗口 Angular 到第一个菜单项的距离,并将 clip-path 移动到该坐标。

  2. 当窗口调整大小时,重新计算距离并移动指针。

  3. 单击菜单项时,计算距离并使用 setTimeout()同步代码为指针设置动画,直到它到达正确的位置。

Synchronous code means that the operations are performed one at a time and that, until one operation is over, the code execution is blocked from moving onto the next operation.

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演示 CodePen

var items = document.getElementsByClassName('menu-item');
var clipPath = document.getElementById('clip-path');
var lastActive = items[0];
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
items[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
var x = this.getBoundingClientRect().left + (this.offsetWidth / 2) - 20;
lastActive = this;

function animStart(end) {
for (start = 0; start <= end; start += 0.1) {

function anim(start) {
setTimeout(function() {
clipPath.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + start + ', 0)');
}, 1 * start);

function align() {
var x = lastActive.getBoundingClientRect().left + (lastActive.offsetWidth / 2) - 20;

function resize() {
var x = lastActive.getBoundingClientRect().left + (lastActive.offsetWidth / 2) - 20;
clipPath.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + x + ', 0)');
window.onresize = resize;
window.onload = align;
body {
background: #222222;
margin: 0;
.nav-container {
top: 20px;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 50px;
background: repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, palegoldenrod 5px, palegreen 10px, palegreen 15px, paleturquoise 15px, paleturquoise 20px, plum 20px, plum 25px);
.nav {
width: 100%;
height: 50px;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
.menu-item {
display: inline-block;
width: 70px;
padding: 17px 20px;
color: #222222;
font-size: 14px;
.menu-item:hover {
color: seagreen;
cursor: pointer;
#bottom {
width: 100%;
height: 35px;
background: repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, palegoldenrod 5px, palegreen 10px, palegreen 15px, paleturquoise 15px, paleturquoise 20px, plum 20px, plum 25px);
#clip-path {
transition: 0.5s transform;
<div class="nav-container">
<div class="nav">
<div id="menu-item-1" class="menu-item">Home</div>
<div id="menu-item-2" class="menu-item">About</div>
<div id="menu-item-3" class="menu-item">Services</div>
<div id="menu-item-4" class="menu-item">Locations</div>
<div id="menu-item-5" class="menu-item">Contact Us</div>
<svg style="position: relative; top: -1px;" class="svg-defs" height="35" width="100%">
<clipPath id="clipping">
<path id="clip-path" transform="translate(0,0)" d="M0,0 L40,0 L20,15z M20,6 m-5,0 a5,5 0 1,0 10,0 a5,5 0 1,0 -10,0z" />
<foreignObject x="0" y="0" clip-path="url(#clipping)" height="35" width="100%">
<div id="bottom"></div>



演示 CodePen

var items = document.getElementsByClassName('menu-item');
var clipPath = document.getElementById('clip-path');
var last = items[0];
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
items[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
var x = this.getBoundingClientRect().left + (this.offsetWidth / 2) - 20;
var currentX = clipPath.getAttribute('transform').replace('translate(', '');
currentX = parseInt(currentX.replace(', 0)', ''), 10);
animStart(currentX, x);
last = this;

function animStart(begin, end) {
if (begin < end) {
for (start = begin; start <= end; start += 0.1) {
} else {
var c = end;
for (start = begin; end <= start; start -= 0.1) {
animD(start, c);
c += 0.1

function anim(start) {
setTimeout(function() {
clipPath.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + start + ', 0)');
}, 1 * start);

function animD(start, c) {
setTimeout(function() {
clipPath.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + start + ', 0)');
}, 1 * c);

function align() {
var x = last.getBoundingClientRect().left + (last.offsetWidth / 2) - 20;
animStart(0, x);

function resize() {
var x = last.getBoundingClientRect().left + (last.offsetWidth / 2) - 20;
clipPath.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + x + ', 0)');
window.onresize = resize;
window.onload = align;
body {
background: #222222;
margin: 0;
.nav-container {
top: 20px;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 50px;
background: repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, palegoldenrod 5px, palegreen 10px, palegreen 15px, paleturquoise 15px, paleturquoise 20px, plum 20px, plum 25px);
.nav {
width: 600px;
height: 50px;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
.menu-item {
display: inline-block;
width: 70px;
padding: 17px 20px;
color: #222222;
font-size: 14px;
.menu-item:hover {
color: seagreen;
cursor: pointer;
#bottom {
width: 100%;
height: 35px;
background: repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, palegoldenrod 5px, palegreen 10px, palegreen 15px, paleturquoise 15px, paleturquoise 20px, plum 20px, plum 25px);
<div class="nav-container">
<div class="nav">
<div id="menu-item-1" class="menu-item">Home</div>
<div id="menu-item-2" class="menu-item">About</div>
<div id="menu-item-3" class="menu-item">Services</div>
<div id="menu-item-4" class="menu-item">Locations</div>
<div id="menu-item-5" class="menu-item">Contact Us</div>
<svg style="position: relative; top: -1px;" class="svg-defs" height="35" width="100%">
<clipPath id="clipping">
<path id="clip-path" transform="translate(0,0)" d="M0,0 L40,0 L20,15z M20,6 m-5,0 a5,5 0 1,0 10,0 a5,5 0 1,0 -10,0z" />
<foreignObject x="0" y="0" clip-path="url(#clipping)" height="35" width="100%">
<div id="bottom"></div>

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