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haskell /GHC : How to write predicates on type-level naturals

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 08:06:22 25 4
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我正在尝试创建一种类型来对数字 mod n 进行二进制编码,但要做到这一点,我需要能够在类型级别自然数上编写谓词:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Modulo where

-- (pseudo-)binary representation of
-- numbers mod n
-- e.g. Mod Seven contains
-- Zero . Zero . Zero $ Stop
-- Zero . Zero . One $ Stop
-- Zero . One . Zero $ Stop
-- Zero . One . One $ Stop
-- One . Zero . Zero $ Stop
-- One . Zero . One $ Stop
-- One . One $ Stop
data Mod n where
Stop :: Mod One
Zero :: Split n => Mod (Lo n) -> Mod n
One :: Split n => Mod (Hi n) -> Mod n

-- type-level naturals
data One
data Succ n
type Two = Succ One

-- predicate to allow us to compare
-- natural numbers
class Compare n n' b | n n' -> b

-- type-level ordering
data LT
data EQ
data GT

-- base cases
instance Compare One One EQ
instance Compare One (Succ n) LT
instance Compare (Succ n) One GT

-- recurse
instance Compare n n' b => Compare (Succ n) (Succ n') b

-- predicate to allow us to break down
-- natural numbers by their bit structure
-- if every number mod n can be represented in m bits, then
class Split n where
type Lo n -- number of values mod n where the m'th bit is 0
type Hi n -- number of values mod n where the m'th bit is 1

-- base case, n = 2
-- for this, we only need m=1 bit
instance Split Two where
type Lo Two = One -- 0 mod 2
type Hi Two = One -- 1 mod 2

-- recurse
-- if (Lo n) == (Hi n), then n = 2^m, so
-- the values mod (n+1) will require one extra bit
instance (Split n, Compare (Lo n) (Hi n) EQ) => Split (Succ n) where
type Lo (Succ n) = n -- all the numbers mod n will be prefixed by a 0
type Hi (Succ n) = One -- and one extra, which will be 10...0

-- recurse
-- if (Lo n) > (Hi n), then n < 2^m, so
-- the values mod (n+1) still only require m bits
instance (Split n, Compare (Lo n) (Hi n) GT) => Split (Succ n) where
type Lo (Succ n) = Lo (n) -- we've got the same number of lower values
type Hi (Succ n) = Succ (Hi n) -- and one more higher value


Conflicting family instance declarations:
type Lo Two -- Defined at Nat.hs:60:8-9
type Lo (Succ n) -- Defined at Nat.hs:74:8-9

Conflicting family instance declarations:
type Hi Two -- Defined at Nat.hs:61:8-9
type Hi (Succ n) -- Defined at Nat.hs:75:8-9

Duplicate instance declarations:
instance (Split n, Compare (Lo n) (Hi n) EQ) => Split (Succ n)
-- Defined at Nat.hs:66:10-62
instance (Split n, Compare (Lo n) (Hi n) GT) => Split (Succ n)
-- Defined at Nat.hs:73:10-62

Conflicting family instance declarations:
type Lo (Succ n) -- Defined at Nat.hs:67:8-9
type Lo (Succ n) -- Defined at Nat.hs:74:8-9

Conflicting family instance declarations:
type Hi (Succ n) -- Defined at Nat.hs:68:8-9
type Hi (Succ n) -- Defined at Nat.hs:75:8-9




冲突问题很简单。 rules for overlapping type families非常简单:

The instance declarations of a type family used in a single program may only overlap if the right-hand sides of the overlapping instances coincide for the overlapping types. More formally, two instance declarations overlap if there is a substitution that makes the left-hand sides of the instances syntactically the same. Whenever that is the case, the right-hand sides of the instances must also be syntactically equal under the same substitution.


instance Split Two where
type Lo Two = One -- 0 mod 2
type Hi Two = One -- 1 mod 2

instance Split (Succ n) where
type Lo (Succ n) = Lo (n)
type Hi (Succ n) = Succ (Hi n)

Two 被定义为 Succ One,并且普通类型同义词出于语法平等的目的而被扩展,因此它们在左侧是相等的;但右侧不是,因此会出现错误。



-- type-level naturals
data One
data Succ n
type Two = Succ One

-- type-level ordering
data LT
data EQ
data GT

Compare 函数重写为类型族:

type family Compare n m :: *
type instance Compare One One = EQ
type instance Compare (Succ n) One = GT
type instance Compare One (Succ n) = LT
type instance Compare (Succ n) (Succ m) = Compare n m



type family Check pred a yes no :: * 


data CompareAs a
type instance (CompareAs LT) LT yes no = yes
type instance (CompareAs EQ) LT yes no = no
type instance (CompareAs GT) LT yes no = no
type instance (CompareAs LT) EQ yes no = no
type instance (CompareAs EQ) EQ yes no = yes
type instance (CompareAs GT) EQ yes no = no
type instance (CompareAs LT) GT yes no = no
type instance (CompareAs EQ) GT yes no = no
type instance (CompareAs GT) GT yes no = yes

这是一组非常乏味的定义,当然,对于比较更大的类型值集来说,预后相当严峻。存在更可扩展的方法(伪种类标签和自然数的双射是明显且有效的解决方案),但这有点超出了本答案的范围。我的意思是,我们只是在这里进行类型级计算,我们不要变得 absurd 或任何东西。


type family CaseCompare cmp lt eq gt :: *
type instance CaseCompare LT lt eq gt = lt
type instance CaseCompare EQ lt eq gt = eq
type instance CaseCompare GT lt eq gt = gt


无论如何。我们可以将......呃,Split 类拆分为不关联的类型系列:

data Oops

type family Lo n :: *
type instance Lo Two = One
type instance Lo (Succ (Succ n))
= CaseCompare (Compare (Lo (Succ n)) (Hi (Succ n)))
Oops -- yay, type level inexhaustive patterns
(Succ n)
(Lo (Succ n))

type family Hi n :: *
type instance Hi Two = One
type instance Hi (Succ (Succ n))
= CaseCompare (Compare (Lo (Succ n)) (Hi (Succ n)))
Oops -- yay, type level inexhaustive patterns
(Succ (Hi (Succ n)))

这里最重要的一点是(看似多余)使用 (Succ (Succ n)) - 这样做的原因是两个 Succ 构造函数是必要的将参数与 Two 区分开来,从而避免您看到的冲突错误。

请注意,为了简单起见,我已将所有内容移至类型系列,因为它们完全是类型级别的。如果您还希望根据上述计算以不同方式处理值(包括间接地通过 Mod 类型),您可能需要添加适当的类定义,因为这些是根据以下条件选择术语所必需的:类型,而不是仅仅根据类型选择类型。

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