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f# - 使用不可变列表创建具有链接节点的邻接列表

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 08:04:25 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


type Node =
Name: string
Neighbors: Node list

type AdjacencyList(nodes: Node list) =

interface IHasNodes with
/// Gets the number of nodes in the adjacency list.
member this.NodeCount = nodes.Length

/// Gets a list of all nodes in the adjacency list.
member this.Nodes = nodes


node_name neighbor_name_1 ... neighbor_name_n

所以,基本上这应该是一个简单的任务,但我想不出一种方法来更新节点而不会在一个节点运行时进入循环,例如A,有一条到 B 的边,B 有一条到 A 的边。在这种情况下,我必须在创建其节点对象时更新 B 的邻居,然后将节点 A 中的邻居引用更新为节点 B,这又让我离开再次更新节点 B 等等。

module List =

/// <summary>
/// Replaces the first item in a list that matches the given predicate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="predicate">The predicate for the item to replace.</param>
/// <param name="item">The replacement item.</param>
/// <param name="list">The list in which to replace the item.</param>
/// <returns>A new list with the first item that matches <paramref name="predicate"/> replaced by <paramref name="item"/>.</returns>
let replace predicate item list =
let rec replaceItem remainingItems resultList =
match remainingItems with
| [] -> resultList |> List.rev
| head::tail ->
match predicate(head) with
| false -> replaceItem tail (head::resultList)
| true -> (item::resultList |> List.rev) @ tail

replaceItem list []

module AdjacencyList =

let create (rows: seq<string>) =
let mutable preBuiltNodes: Node list = []
let rowsToEnumerate = rows |> Seq.where (fun str -> not (System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) || not (str.StartsWith("//")))
let neighborsForNodes = Dictionary<string, string array>()

// Build the base nodes and get the neighbors of each node.
for row in rowsToEnumerate do
let rowData = row.Split(' ')

neighborsForNodes.Add(rowData.[0], rowData |> Array.skip 1)
preBuiltNodes <- { Name = rowData.[0]; Neighbors = [] } :: preBuiltNodes

// Build the final nodes from the pre-built nodes.
let rec buildAdjacencyList remainingNodes (builtNodes: Node list) =
match remainingNodes with
| [] -> builtNodes
| head::tail ->
let neighbors = preBuiltNodes |> List.where (fun node -> neighborsForNodes.[head.Name] |> Array.exists (fun name -> name = node.Name))
let newNode = { head with Neighbors = neighbors };

// Update nodes referencing an old version of the new node.
let mutable newBuiltNodes: Node list = []

for i = 0 to (builtNodes.Length - 1) do
if builtNodes.[i].Neighbors |> List.exists (fun node -> node.Name = head.Name) then
let updatedNode = { builtNodes.[i] with Neighbors = builtNodes.[i].Neighbors |> List.replace (fun n -> n.Name = newNode.Name) newNode }
newBuiltNodes <- updatedNode :: newBuiltNodes

// Cycle here when updating newNode
// if it has an edge to the node at builtNodes.[i]

newBuiltNodes <- builtNodes.[i] :: newBuiltNodes

preBuiltNodes <- preBuiltNodes |> List.replace (fun n -> n.Name = newNode.Name) newNode
buildAdjacencyList tail (newNode::newBuiltNodes)

buildAdjacencyList preBuiltNodes [] |> AdjacencyList

我之前已经在 C# 中实现了该算法(使用可变列表),所以我在这里可能遗漏了一点。当然我也可以使用可变列表,但我想尝试使用不可变列表。



type node<'a> = {
id : 'a
neighbors : Lazy<node<'a> list>

let convert (m:Map<'a, 'a list>) =
let rec nodes = [
for KeyValue(k,vs) in m ->
{ id = k;
neighbors = lazy
|> (fun id ->
|> List.find (fun n -> = id))}]

convert (Map [1,[2;3]; 2,[3]; 3,[1]])

关键是通过使邻居列表变得惰性,我们可以首先创建我们关心的所有节点的集合,然后填充邻居集合(邻居计算 在创建节点的同时指定,但直到稍后才运行)。

关于f# - 使用不可变列表创建具有链接节点的邻接列表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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