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Java Noob 创建自定义方法来打印数组并计算持续时间

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 07:33:34 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我尝试首先使用方法 printHobby 打印 person 类的 toString 中的 myHobbies 数组,并计算用户的总持续时间在 printDuration 中进行爱好。我不知道为什么我不能让它工作,并且已经为此苦苦挣扎了一段时间。


public class Person {
String fName;
String lName;
String address;
int age;

String hobbyText;
private double durationH = 0;
private double totalDuration = 0;

Person(String f, String l, String a, int ag) {
fName = f;
lName = l;
address = a;
age = ag;

static Hobby[] myHobbies = new Hobby[5];

static int i = 0;

public static void setHobby(Hobby mh) {
myHobbies[i] = mh;

public String toString() {
return fName + " " + lName + " " + address + " " + age + " "
+ printDuration() + " ";

public double printDuration() {
for (int k = 0; k < myHobbies.length; k++)
totalDuration += myHobbies[k].getDuration();
return totalDuration;

public String printHobbies() {
for (int j = 0; j < myHobbies.length; j++)
hobbyText = myHobbies[j].toString();
return hobbyText;


import java.util.Scanner;

public class HobbyDriver {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Hobby[] newHobby = {
new Hobby("Comics", "09/25/2012", "The Comic Store", 1),
new Hobby("Baseball", "09/30/2012", "Fenway Park", 3),
new Hobby("Programming", "09/212/2012", "Home", 6),
new Hobby("Board Games", "09/01/2012", "Tom's House", 3),
new Hobby("Watching Dr. Who", "09/27/2012", "Home", 1) };

String personChoice;
Scanner hobbyScan = new Scanner(;
do {

String fName;
String lName;
int age;
String address;
String hobbyName;
String partDate;
String location;
double duration;
int userHobby;
String hobbyChoice;

System.out.println("What is your first name?");

fName = hobbyScan.nextLine();

System.out.println("What is your last name?");
lName = hobbyScan.nextLine();

System.out.println("What is your address?");

address = hobbyScan.nextLine();

System.out.println("What is your age?");

age = hobbyScan.nextInt();

do {

.println("What hobbies would you like to do?\n"
+ "choose between Comics(0)\nBaseball(1)\nProgramming(2)\nBoard Games(3)\nWatching Dr.Who(4)\n"
+ "\nEnter the name of the hobby and then press enter");

userHobby = hobbyScan.nextInt();

.println("Would you like to add another hobby? (enter yes/no)");

hobbyChoice = hobbyScan.nextLine();


} while (hobbyChoice.equals("yes"));

.println("Would you like to add another person? (enter yes/no)");
personChoice = hobbyScan.nextLine();

int i = 0;

Person[] newPerson = new Person[5];
newPerson[i] = new Person(fName, lName, address, age);



} while (personChoice.equals("yes"));



public class Hobby {

private String hobbyName;
private String partDate;
private String location;
private double duration;

Hobby(String h, String p, String l, double d) {
hobbyName = h;
partDate = p;
location = l;
duration = d;


public String toString() {
return hobbyName + " " + partDate + " " + location + " " + duration;

public void setDuration(double d) {
d = duration;

public double getDuration() {
return duration;




public String printHobbies() {
for (int j = 0; j < myHobbies.length; j++)
hobbyText = myHobbies[j].toString();   
return hobbyText;


hobbyText += myHobbies[j].toString();

其次,如果你不添加 5 个 Hobbies,你将会得到一个 NPE,因为数组中的每一项一开始都是 null。

所以你必须检查 myHobbies[j] 是否不为空:

public String printHobbies() {
for (int j = 0; j < myHobbies.length; j++) {
if(myHobbies[j] != null) {
hobbyText += myHobbies[j].toString();
return hobbyText;

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