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我在一个工作簿中有当前数据,在另一工作簿中有存档数据。在最近数据工作簿的“B”列中,我有一个 ID 变量。我想说:
For each of the IDs in Column B of the Recent Data, Iterate through all of the rows in Column A of the Archived Workbook. If there is a match, than copy various column entries of Recent Data Workbook into the Archived Workbook.
我编写了工作代码,但问题是,存档数据工作簿中有 1,048,575 行,因此每次匹配的 For 循环运行速度非常慢。有没有更好的方法来思考这个问题?
Sub CopyDataLines()
Dim wb As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim vFile As Variant
Dim Filter As String
Dim FilterIndex As Integer
Dim Pupid As String
'Set source workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set wbSheet = ActiveSheet
'Filters for allowed files
Filter = "Excel Later Versions (*.xlsx),*.xlsx," & _
"Excel Files (*.xls),*.xls,"
FilterIndex = 1
'Open the target workbook
vFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(Filter, FilterIndex, "Select One File to Open", , False)
'if the user didn't select a file, exit sub
If TypeName(vFile) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
'Else open the file
Workbooks.Open vFile
'Set worbook to copy from
Set wb2 = ActiveWorkbook
Set wb2sheet = ActiveSheet
With wb2.ActiveSheet
FirstRow_book2 = 3
LastRow_book2 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
'The contents of the tracking book
FirstRow_book1 = 3
LastRow_book1 = wbSheet.Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For Lrow = LastRow_book2 To FirstRow_book2 Step -1
With .Cells(Lrow, "B")
Pupid = .Value
End With
'The For Loop Now Iterates Through All of the First WorkBook
For Lrow_book1 = LastRow_book1 To FirstRow_book1 Step -1
With wbSheet.Cells(Lrow_book1, "A")
If .Value = Pupid Then
'Reference for Date Changed Cells
wbSheet.Cells(Lrow_book1, "V") = wb2sheet.Cells(Lrow, "C")
'Reference for Date Changed Cells
wbSheet.Cells(Lrow_book1, "X") = wb2sheet.Cells(Lrow, "D")
'Prepare to copy range of multiple columns
Let secondBookRange = "I" & Lrow & ":" & "N" & Lrow
Let firstBookRange = "AI" & Lrow_book1 & ":" & "AN" & Lrow_book1
wb2sheet.Range(secondBookRange).Copy Destination:=wbSheet.Range(firstBookRange)
End If
End With
Next Lrow_book1
Next Lrow
End With
当前使用字典/ HashMap 的实现:
Sub CopyLinesImproves()
Dim vFile As Variant
Dim Filter As String
Dim FilterIndex As Integer
Dim Pupid As Long
'Set Tracking Book
Set wb_TrackingBook = ActiveWorkbook
Set wbSheet_TrackingBook = ActiveSheet
'Set Last Row of TrackingBook
LastRow_TrackingBook = wbSheet_TrackingBook.Cells(wbSheet_TrackingBook.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'Filters for allowed files
Filter = "Excel Later Versions (*.xlsx),*.xlsx," & _
"Excel Files (*.xls),*.xls,"
FilterIndex = 1
'Open the target workbook
vFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(Filter, FilterIndex, "Select One File to Open", , False)
'if the user didn't select a file, exit sub
If TypeName(vFile) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
'Else open the file
Set wb_NewData = Workbooks.Open(vFile)
Set wbSheet_NewData = wb_NewData.ActiveSheet
'Set First Row and Last Row of the New Data Worksheet
FirstRow_NewData = 3
LastRow_NewData = wbSheet_NewData.Cells(wbSheet_NewData.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
'create a lookup map using a dictionary
Set rngLookup = wbSheet_TrackingBook.Range("A1").Resize(LastRow_TrackingBook, 1)
Set d = GetMap(rngLookup)
For CurrentRow = FirstRow_NewData To LastRow_NewData Step 1
Pupid = wbSheet_NewData.Cells(CurrentRow, "B").Value
If d.exists(Pupid) Then
wbSheet_TrackingBook.Cells(d(Pupid), "V") = wbSheet_NewData.Cells(CurrentRow, "C")
wbSheet_TrackingBook.Cells(d(Pupid), "X") = wbSheet_NewData.Cells(CurrentRow, "D")
Let secondBookRange = "I" & CurrentRow & ":" & "N" & CurrentRow
Let firstBookRange = "AI" & d(Pupid) & ":" & "AN" & d(Pupid)
wbSheet_NewData.Range(secondBookRange).Copy Destination:=wbSheet_TrackingBook.Range(firstBookRange)
End If
Next CurrentRow
End Sub
Function GetMap(rng) As Object
Dim d, v, arr, ub As Long, r As Long, r1 As Long
Dim c As Range
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
arr = rng.Value
r1 = rng.Cells(1).Row
ub = UBound(arr, 1)
For r = 1 To ub
v = arr(r, 1)
If Len(v) > 0 Then
If d.exists(v) Then
d(v) = d(v) & "|" & r1 + (r - 1)
d.Add v, r1 + (r - 1)
End If
End If
Next r
Set GetMap = d
End Function
通过循环单元格或使用 Find()
在大范围内运行重复查找可能会非常慢。根据正在搜索的行数和正在运行的查找次数(以及 ID 是否可以在查找范围内重复),还有一些其他选项,例如(例如)使用字典,或使用 MATCH()
这里有一些代码(如下)来说明一些不同的方法。我创建了一个包含从 1 到 1048535 的随机数字的查找列,然后使用不同的方法在不同大小的范围上运行不同数量的查找。
在 100k 值范围上运行 100 或 1000 次查找时的示例输出:
编辑:添加收集方法(感谢 Sid)
#### Searching: 100000 # lookups: 100
Loop Map: 0 Lookup: 14.777 Total: 14.777
Loop (array) Map: 0 Lookup: 0.711 Total: 0.711
Find Map: 0 Lookup: 8.762 Total: 8.762
Dictionary Map: 0.73 Lookup: 0.00391 Total: 0.73391
Collection Map: 0.723 Lookup: 0 Total: 0.723
Match Map: 0 Lookup: 0.145 Total: 0.145
#### Searching: 100000 # lookups: 1000
Loop Map: 0 Lookup: 150.984 Total: 150.984
Loop (array) Map: 0 Lookup: 6.465 Total: 6.465
Find Map: 0 Lookup: 82.527 Total: 82.527
Dictionary Map: 0.602 Lookup: 0.00781 Total: 0.60981
Collection Map: 0.672 Lookup: 0.00781 Total: 0.67981
Match Map: 0 Lookup: 1.359 Total: 1.359
基本的“就地循环单元格”方法是所测试方法中最慢的:您可以通过循环遍历从查找范围中提取的数组来将此方法改进 10 倍以上。
始终很慢(大约只比基本循环方法快两倍),并且对于大型查找来说非常慢。 Match()
在 100 次查找中击败了字典/集合方法,但字典和集合方法可以更好地适应大量查找,因为“映射”开销仅取决于查找范围的大小,而且每次“查找”操作都非常快..
Option Explicit
Sub SpeedTests()
Const NUM_ROWS As Long = 100000
Const NUM_IDS As Long = 1000
Dim rngLookup As Range, f As Range
Dim d, d2, t, l As Long, v, t1, t2
Dim arr, c As Range, ub As Long, rw As Long
Set rngLookup = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Resize(NUM_ROWS, 1)
Debug.Print "#### Searching: " & NUM_ROWS, "# lookups: " & NUM_IDS
'basic loop
t = Timer
For l = 1 To NUM_IDS
For Each c In rngLookup.Cells
If c.Value = l Then
End If
Next c
Next l
t2 = Round(Timer - t, 3)
t1 = 0
Debug.Print "Loop", "Map: 0", "Lookup: " & t2, "Total: " & (t1 + t2)
'loop on array
t = Timer
arr = rngLookup.Value
t1 = Round(Timer - t, 3)
ub = UBound(arr, 1)
For l = 1 To NUM_IDS
For rw = 1 To ub
If arr(rw, 1) = l Then
End If
Next rw
Next l
t2 = Round(Timer - t, 3)
t1 = 0
Debug.Print "Loop (array)", "Map: 0", "Lookup: " & t2, "Total: " & (t1 + t2)
'regular use of Find()
t = Timer
For l = 1 To NUM_IDS
Set f = rngLookup.Find(l, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not f Is Nothing Then
v = f.Row
v = 0
End If
Next l
t2 = Round(Timer - t, 3)
t1 = 0
Debug.Print "Find", "Map: 0", "Lookup: " & t2, "Total: " & (t1 + t2)
'create a lookup map using a dictionary
t = Timer
Set d = GetMapDict(rngLookup)
t1 = Round(Timer - t, 3)
t = Timer
For l = 1 To NUM_IDS
If d.exists(l) Then
v = d(l)
v = 0
End If
Next l
t2 = Round(Timer - t, 5)
Debug.Print "Dictionary", "Map: " & t1, "Lookup: " & t2, "Total: " & (t1 + t2)
Set d = Nothing
'create a lookup map using a collection
t = Timer
Set d2 = GetMapCollection(rngLookup)
t1 = Round(Timer - t, 3)
t = Timer
On Error Resume Next
For l = 1 To NUM_IDS
d2.Add 0, CStr(l)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
End If
Next l
t2 = Round(Timer - t, 5)
Debug.Print "Collection", "Map: " & t1, "Lookup: " & t2, "Total: " & (t1 + t2)
Set d = Nothing
'use Match()
t1 = 0
t = Timer
For l = 1 To NUM_IDS
v = Application.Match(l, rngLookup, 0)
If IsError(v) Then v = 0
Next l
t2 = Round(Timer - t, 3)
Debug.Print "Match", "Map: " & t1, "Lookup: " & t2, "Total: " & (t1 + t2)
End Sub
Function GetMapCollection(rng) As Object
Dim d As New Collection, v, arr, ub As Long, r As Long, r1 As Long
Dim c As Range
arr = rng.Value
r1 = rng.Cells(1).Row
ub = UBound(arr, 1)
For r = 1 To ub
v = arr(r, 1)
If Len(v) > 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
d.Add r1 + (r - 1), CStr(v)
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next r
Set GetMapCollection = d
End Function
Function GetMapDict(rng) As Object
Dim d, v, arr, ub As Long, r As Long, r1 As Long
Dim c As Range
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
arr = rng.Value
r1 = rng.Cells(1).Row
ub = UBound(arr, 1)
For r = 1 To ub
v = arr(r, 1)
If Len(v) > 0 Then
If d.exists(v) Then
d(v) = d(v) & "|" & r1 + (r - 1)
d.Add v, r1 + (r - 1)
End If
End If
Next r
Set GetMapDict = d
End Function
关于vba - Excel VBA-遍历一个工作簿中的列,将信息粘贴到相应的工作簿中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19404152/
我想制作一个引用另一个 excel 文件中的单元格的公式。我已经弄清楚了,如下所示: ='C:\Users\17\Desktop\[JAN-11 2011.xlsx]1'!$H$44 但由于此工作表中
有谁知道是否可以在 Excel 中生成缺少地址门牌号的报告? 例如,我们在 Apple St (no.5, 9, 11) 有三个地址记录,是否可以生成一个报告: 列出工作簿中每条街道的所有记录街道编号
这个问题已经有答案了: VBA auto hide ribbon in Excel 2013 (7 个回答) 已关闭 4 年前。 我试图在打开工作文件时隐藏我的丝带。 我已点击以下链接,但不断收到运行
我编写了一个 VBA 程序来删除元音。我无法从 excel 调用该函数。我收到 #NAME 错误。下面的代码 Function REMOVEVOWELS(Txt) As String 'Removes
嗨,我正在尝试在 MS excel 中应用一个函数(正确函数) 但是当我编写这个函数并使用填充句柄将其复制到其他单元格时,我在所有复制的单元格中得到相同的输出。 但是当我点击单元格时,引用是好的。但结
假设我有一个格式如下的电子表格: Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 name email | name e
我正在尝试简化财务报告中的数据输入,因此我尝试使用 Excel Visual Basic 制作表格。 到目前为止我做了2个用户表单,以后我会做5个。我做了用户表单,以便数据输入运算符(operator
我需要对单元格公式而不是单元格内容执行 Mid 或 Find。 如果我的单元格公式是: =[功能](Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) 我需要能够将 Arg2 提取到另一个单元格。 如果不使用 VBA
我想用 VBA 管理嵌入在另一个 Excel 文件中的 Excel 文件。我可以使用 .docx 文档找到很多结果,但我坚持使用 .xlsx 文档。 我最后一次尝试是使用 OLE 对象,但停留在“Sa
我最近一直在尝试使用 perl 和一些模块来读取 Excel 文件,尤其是单元格的格式。 例如,我写了一段使用 ParseExcel 模块读取单元格背景颜色的 perl 代码。然而,在测试时我注意到对
我目前正在使用 Maatwebsite 的 Excel 包,并且能够很好地生成一个包含我想要的列和值的表格,但我希望能够生成表格,其他表格位于单个 Excel 工作表的下方。可能吗? 上面附上的屏幕截
我需要以下方面的指导。我有一个包含 150000 条记录的文件 (excel)。收到另一个包含 5000-6000 条记录的 excel 文件,需要根据第二个文件中信息的某些条件删除该行。 我使用字典
我有我认为的标准公式,根据我使用的 Excel 版本、Excel 365 或 Excel 2019 的不同,它的行为会有所不同 =IF(F5=$M$1;IFERROR(IF(AND(IFERROR(F
信息: 我有一个名为 Demo.xlsm 的 Excel 文件 此文件包含一个名为 UserForm1 的用户表单,该用户表单会在打开文件时自动加载。 打开文件时,名为 Demo.xlsm 的工作簿也
我在A Excel工作表中有一个列,其值是1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4....,在B Excel工作表中有另一列,其值1 2 4 ....,什么我想要的是从 B 读取值并查看它们是否
所以,我有这个问题,我想通过使用 OR 函数检查调整列的条件来找到列的平均值,我尝试将 OR 放入 AverageIf 函数,失败,还尝试了“Average(IF( OR("再次不是正确的返回。认为这
假设我想要这种类型的formula = SUM(startcell:endcell)的答案,但是startcell和endcell组件发生了变化。 因此,我希望能够使用 和 中的任何值,而不是直接在公
我正在寻找一个简单的 Excel 宏,它可以根据单元格中的特定数字/值将行从一张工作表复制到 Excel 中的另一张工作表。我有两张纸。一个称为“master”,另一个表称为“top10”。 这是数据
我正在尝试调用另一个工作簿中的 Excel 宏。它是一个特定于工作表的宏,但 Microsoft 文档和网上研究给出的语法仅提供了一种仅通过工作簿访问宏的方法。该语法是: Application.Ru
我检查了很多不同的帖子,但似乎找不到我正在寻找的确切代码。另外,我以前从未使用过 VBA,因此我尝试从其他帖子中获取代码并输入我的信息以使其正常工作。还没有运气。在工作中,我们有一个 Excel 薪资