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import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
{- Creates and writes num grids of dimensions aa x aa -}
writeGrids :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
writeGrids num aa = do
rng <- newPureMT
let (grids,shuffleds) = createGrids rng aa
createDirectoryIfMissing True "data/grids/"
B.writeFile (gridFileName num aa)
(encode (take num grids))
B.writeFile (shuffledFileName num aa)
(encode (take num shuffleds))
但是,这会消耗与 num
大小成比例的内存。我知道 createGrids 是一个足够懒的函数,因为我已经通过将错误“不够懒”(如 Haskell wiki here 所建议的)附加到列表末尾来测试它它返回并且不会引发任何错误。 take
是一个在 Data.List
中定义的惰性函数。 encode
也是 Data.Binary
中定义的惰性函数。 B.writeFile
在 Data.ByteString.Lazy
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Binary
import GHC.Float (double2Float)
import System.Random (next)
import System.Random.Mersenne.Pure64 (PureMT, newPureMT, randomDouble)
import System.Random.Shuffle (shuffle')
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
main :: IO ()
main = writeGrids 1000 64
{- Creates and writes num grids of dimensions aa x aa -}
writeGrids :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
writeGrids num aa = do
rng <- newPureMT
let (grids,shuffleds) = createGrids rng aa
B.writeFile "grids.bin" (encode (take num grids))
B.writeFile "shuffleds.bin" (encode (take num shuffleds))
{- a random number generator, dimension of grids to make
returns a pair of lists, the first is a list of grids of dimensions
aa x aa, the second is a list of the shuffled grids corresponding to the first list -}
createGrids :: PureMT -> Int -> ([[(Float,Float)]],[[(Float,Float)]])
createGrids rng aa = (grids,shuffleds) where
rs = randomFloats rng
grids = map (getGridR aa) (chunksOf (2 * aa * aa) rs)
shuffleds = shuffler (aa * aa) rng grids
{- length of each grid, a random number generator, a list of grids
returns a the list with each grid shuffled -}
shuffler :: Int -> PureMT -> [[(Float,Float)]] -> [[(Float,Float)]]
shuffler n rng (xs:xss) = shuffle' xs n rng : shuffler n (snd (next rng)) xss
shuffler _ _ [] = []
{- divides list into chunks of size n -}
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf n = go
where go xs = case splitAt n xs of
(ys,zs) | null ys -> []
| otherwise -> ys : go zs
{- dimension of grid, list of random floats [0,1]
returns a list of (x,y) points of length n^2 such that all
points are in the range [0,1] and the points are a randomly
perturbed regular grid -}
getGridR :: Int -> [Float] -> [(Float,Float)]
getGridR n rs = pts where
nn = n * n
(irs,jrs) = splitAt nn rs
n' = fromIntegral n
grid = [ (p,q) | p <- [0..n'-1], q <- [0..n'-1] ]
pts = zipWith (\(p,q) (ir,jr) -> ((p+ir)/n',(q+jr)/n')) grid (zip irs jrs)
{- an infinite list of random floats in range [0,1] -}
randomFloats :: PureMT -> [Float]
randomFloats rng = let (d,rng') = first double2Float (randomDouble rng)
in d : randomFloats rng'
所需的包是: , 字节串 , 二进制 , 随机的 , mersenne-random-pure64 ,随机洗牌
似乎没有在恒定空间中运行。以下程序使用 910 MB 内存:
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
len = 10000000 :: Int
main = B.writeFile "grids.bin" $ encode [0..len]
如果我们在 len
中留下 0
,我们会得到 97 MB 的内存使用量。
相比之下,以下程序使用 1 MB:
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
main = B.writeFile "grids.bin" $ B.pack $ show [0..(1000000::Int)]
包含对 grids
内容的引用,这会阻止 grids
。您的程序的以下版本仍然消耗大量内存,但如果我们用 B.writeFile
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
writeGrids :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
writeGrids num aa = do
rng <- newPureMT
let (grids,shuffleds) = createGrids rng aa
B.writeFile "grids.bin" (B.pack $ show (take num grids))
B.writeFile "shuffleds.bin" (B.pack $ show (take num shuffleds))
关于haskell - 为什么这不能在恒定内存中运行?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31541058/
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