gpt4 book ai didi

php - 比较 PERL md5() 和 PHP md5()

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 06:25:03 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我所有的应用程序都是用 PHP 编写的,bar 1 脚本恰好创建了一个 md5 散列,稍后通过 PHP 脚本使用。问题是它们不匹配。


#$linkTrue = ''

出于测试目的,我在 PHP 中做了这个:

echo md5("");


编辑:整个 PHP 脚本


echo md5("");


完整的 PERL 脚本(抱歉太长了)

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
require LWP::UserAgent;
sub trim($);
use DBI;
use Net::FTP;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html>\n<head>\n</head><body>\n";

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

#my %get = ();
#for (split /\&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) { my ($key, $val) = split /=/; $val =~ s/\+/ /g; $val =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge; $get{$key} = $val; }
#my %post = ();
#for (split /\&/, <STDIN>) { my ($key, $val) = split /=/; $val =~ s/\+/ /g; $val =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge; $post{$key} = $val; }
my %get = ('findAllPages' => 'true' );
my %post = ('ki' => '############################' );

sub trim($){
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
sub extention {
my($data) = @_;
if( substr( trim($data), -1) eq "/" ){
my @extArray = ('.html', '.php', '.htm', '.asp', '.shtml', '.aspx');
my $ext = $_;
my $testResponse = $ua->get('http://' . trim($data . "index" . $ext));
my $testResponseCode = $testResponse->code;
if( $testResponseCode == 200 || $testResponseCode == 301 || $testResponseCode == 302 ){
return trim($data . "index" . $ext);
return $data;
if( defined( $get{findAllPages} ) && defined( $post{ki} ) ){
my ($database, $hostname, $port, $password, $user );
$database = "##########";
$hostname = "############";
$password = "##########";
$user = "#########";
my $KI = $post{ki};
# connect to the database
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE KI = '$KI' ") or die "Could not select from table" . $DBI::errstr;
if( $sth->rows != 0 ) {
my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
my $domain = $ref->{website};
my $DB_username = $ref->{db_name};
my $DB_password = $ref->{db_pass};
my $DB_ftpuser = $ref->{ftpuser};
my $DB_ftppass = $ref->{ftppass};
my $DB_ftpserver = $ref->{ftpserver};

chomp(my $url = trim($domain));
# try and find full path
sub findFullPath {

my($link, $landingPage) = @_;

# strip ./ and / from beggining of string
$link =~ s/^(?:(?:\/)|(?:\.\/))//g;

# find out whether link is backtracing to previous folder
if( $link =~ m/^\.\.\// ) { # link desination is back tracing

if( $landingPage =~ m/(?:(?:\.html)|(?:\.php)|(?:\.htm)|(?:\.asp)|(?:\.shtml)|(?:\.aspx))$/g ) {
# find destination folder from landing page
my @folders = split( "/", $landingPage );
#find size of array
my $foldersSize = scalar @folders;
delete $folders[$foldersSize - 1];
$foldersSize = scalar @folders;
my @backFolders = ( $link =~ m/\.\.\//g ); # get rid of ../
my $amountOfBackFolders = scalar @backFolders; # find how many folders back
for( my $x=0; $x < $amountOfBackFolders; $x++ ) {
my $numberToDelete = ($foldersSize - 1) - $x;
delete $folders[$numberToDelete];
$landingPage = join( "/", @folders );
$link =~ s/\.\.\///g;
return $landingPage . "/" . $link . "\n";
} elsif( $landingPage =~ m/(?:\/)$/g ) {
my @folders = split( "/", $landingPage );
#find size of array
my $foldersSize = scalar @folders;
delete $folders[$foldersSize - 1];
$foldersSize = scalar @folders;
my @backFolders = ( $link =~ m/\.\.\//g ); # get rid of ../
my $amountOfBackFolders = scalar @backFolders; # find how many folders back
for( my $x=0; $x < $amountOfBackFolders; $x++ ) {
my $numberToDelete = ($foldersSize) - $x;
delete $folders[$numberToDelete];
$landingPage = join( "/", @folders );
$link =~ s/\.\.\///g;
return $landingPage . "/" . $link . "\n";
} else {


if( substr( $landingPage, -1) eq "/" ){
return $landingPage . $link;
my @splitLandingPage = split( "/", $landingPage );
my $amountSplit = scalar @splitLandingPage;
my $toDelete = $amountSplit - 1;
my $lastEntry = $splitLandingPage[$toDelete];
if( $lastEntry =~ m/(?:(?:com)|(?:co\.uk)|(?:net)|(?:org)|(?:cc)|(?:tv)|(?:info)|(?:org\.uk)|(?:me\.uk)|(?:biz)|(?:name)|(?:eu)|(?:uk\.com)|(?:eu\.com)|(?:gb\.com)|(?:gb\.net)|(?:uk\.net)|(?:me)|(?:mobi))$/g ) {
return join( "/", @splitLandingPage ) . "/" . $link . "\n";
delete $splitLandingPage[$toDelete];
return join( "/", @splitLandingPage ) . "/" . $link . "\n";

# get HTTP details
my $response = $ua->get('http://' . trim($url));
my $responseCode = $response->code;
my $responseLocation = $response->header( 'Location' );

# contintue only if status code is 200 or 301
if( $responseCode != 200 && $responseCode != 301 && $responseCode != 302 ){
print "<span class=\"red\"> error: http://" . trim($url) . "Domain name invalid, please use differnet domain name: http status - " . $responseCode . "</span><br />\n";

# change url if domain status eq 301
if( $responseCode == 301 || $responseCode == 302 ){
if($response->header( 'Location' ) =~ m/^http:\/\/www\./g ) {
$url = substr( $response->header( 'Location' ), 11 );
}elsif($response->header( 'Location' ) =~ m/^http:\/\//g ) {
$url = substr( $response->header( 'Location' ), 7 );
$url = findFullPath($response->header( 'Location' ), $url);

my @pagesArray = ($url);
my @pagesScannedArray;
my @mainPagesArray;
my @pagesNotScanned;
my $z = 0;

#print "\nGethering all valid links from " . $domain . "...\n\n";

while ( @pagesArray && $z < 100 ) {
# get the next in queue for proccessing
my $page = trim(shift @pagesArray);
if( ! grep {$_ eq trim($page)} @pagesNotScanned ) {
# check page http status
$response = $ua->get("http://" . trim($page));
$responseCode = $response->code;
if( $responseCode == 200 || $responseCode == 301 || $responseCode == 302 ){
# change page url if 301 redirect
if( $responseCode == 301 || $responseCode == 302 ){
if($response->header( 'Location' ) =~ m/^http:\/\/www\./g ) {
$page = substr( $response->header( 'Location' ), 11 );
}elsif($response->header( 'Location' ) =~ m/^http:\/\//g ) {
$page = substr( $response->header( 'Location' ), 7 );
$page = findFullPath($response->header( 'Location' ), $url);
# connect to page and get contents
if( my $pageData = get "http://" . trim($page) ) {
# get all links on page
my @pageLinksArray = ( $pageData =~ m/href=["']([^"']*)["']/g );
# foreach link on the page
foreach( @pageLinksArray ) {
my $link = trim($_);
# remove url if located on same domain
$link =~ s/(?:http:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?$url//g;
# if link is format we are looking for
if( $link =~ m/(?:(?:\.html)|(?:\.php)|(?:\.htm)|(?:\.asp)|(?:\.shtml)|(?:\.aspx)|(?:\/))$/ ) {
# if link is outbound
if( $link =~ m/^http:\/\//g ) {
if( ! grep {$_ eq trim($link)} @pagesNotScanned ) {
if( ! grep {$_ eq trim($page)} @mainPagesArray ) {
push ( @pagesNotScanned, trim($link) );
# find full path for link
my $newUrl = &findFullPath(trim($link), trim($page));
# if link has not already been claimed to be a main page
if( ! grep {$_ eq trim($newUrl)} @mainPagesArray ) {
# if link is not already in queue
if( ! grep {$_ eq trim($newUrl)} @pagesArray ) {
push ( @pagesArray, trim($newUrl) );
if( ! grep {$_ eq trim($page)} @mainPagesArray ) {
push ( @mainPagesArray, trim($page) );
if( ! grep {$_ eq trim($page)} @pagesNotScanned ) {
if( ! grep {$_ eq trim($page)} @mainPagesArray ) {
push ( @pagesNotScanned, trim($page) );

if( scalar @mainPagesArray != 0 ) {
my ($database, $hostname, $port, $password, $user );
$database = $DB_username;
$hostname = "###########";
$password = $DB_password;
$user = $DB_username;

# connect to the database
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password) or die " error: Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;

print "\nTesting links' extentions from " . $domain . "...\n\n";

my $root;
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($DB_ftpserver, Debug => 0) or die "Cannot connect to $@";
$ftp->login($DB_ftpuser, $DB_ftppass) or die "Cannot login ", $ftp->message;
my @list = $ftp->dir;
if( scalar @list != 0 ) {
foreach( @list ){
if( $_ =~ m/((?:www)|(?:public_html)|(?:htdocs))$/g ){
$root = $1;
if( $root eq "" ) {
print "error: could not identify root directory.<br />\n";

foreach( @mainPagesArray ) {
my $webpage = &extention(trim($_));
if( trim($webpage) ne trim($domain) ){
my $webpageQuote = $dbh->quote("http://www." . $webpage);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM page_names WHERE linkTrue = $webpageQuote ") or die "Could not select from table" . $DBI::errstr;
if( $sth->rows == 0 ) {
print "http://www." . $webpage . "<br />\n";
my $linkTrue = $dbh->quote("http://www." . $webpage);
my $string = ($webpage =~ s/^$domain//g);
my $linkFromRoot = $dbh->quote($root . $webpage);
my $page_name = $dbh->quote("");
my $table_name = $dbh->quote(md5_hex(trim($linkTrue)));
my $navigation = $dbh->quote("");
my $location = $dbh->quote("");
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO page_names (linkFromRoot, linkTrue, page_name, table_name, navigation, location) VALUES ( $linkFromRoot, $linkTrue, $page_name, $table_name, $navigation, $location )") or die " error: Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;
print "<span class=\"red\"> error: No pages where found. This CMS is designed for pre-existing sites. Please contact support for more information.</span><br />\n";
print "<span class=\"red\"> error: input key incorrerct.</span><br />\n";
print "<span class=\"red\"> error: This area is forbidden please locate back to</span><br />\n";

print "</body>\n</html>";

我相信它在第 274 行。代码可能很乱,但它是我的第一个 perl 脚本,只用了一个星期。

我知道了。 $dbh->quote() 在值周围添加单引号。
十六进制:58030da397e8a071bc192e67744faeb3 值:[' ']
十六进制:569c081a2974da39758a3cbf3c3407d2 值:[' ']
十六进制:ac94f84cf6b27bca0c23cd6b0e0f1fc9 值:[' ']
十六进制:e88d7e8e16ffc0a72b56a884d4c6c06b 值:[' ']
十六进制:8924fa24bdde1c4e072f99826d957b77 值:[' ']
十六进制:1f2fae70048359734a9d1b3ca29cce55 值:[' ']
十六进制:9961f75109590c3924e4018768ecd44e 值:[' ']
十六进制:fbca4996156b038f4635467ee13e1615 值:[' ']
十六进制:6f03046cbe90c490e4993c5325a44aa7 值:[' ']
十六进制:5304b5e9bd933fb920a4f8749c27094b 值:[' ']
十六进制:96225fa657ef60b4969d277d01d8b577 值:[' ']
十六进制:327c1bc37354aad202c90efe0dfa756b 值:[' ']
十六进制:54c074a1881a0c958c7c2b8ff88f63d6 值:[' ']
十六进制:486c944b10ef539aa7ba4bfe607861f2 值:[' ']


当我尝试时,两个程序都返回 a4cbeef10b3c6d44ca30d96370619eef

我觉得您没有向我们展示全部情况。向我们展示导致此问题的代码。特别是检查换行符。你在 perl 脚本中使用过 chomp 吗?

自己试试吧。这是我使用的完整 php 脚本:

echo md5("");

这是我使用的完整 perl 脚本:

use Digest::Perl::MD5 'md5_hex';

$linkTrue = '';
print md5_hex($linkTrue);


如果这两个脚本没有为 md5 返回那个值呢?那是有错误的那个。记录您传递给 md5 的值(在前面使用“[”,在后面使用“]”来检测额外的空格)。该值是否符合您的预期?

编辑 2:


print md5_hex("''");


关于php - 比较 PERL md5() 和 PHP md5(),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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