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javascript - Nervgh Angular 文件上传 - 如何限制要上传的图像数量?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 05:37:00 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我刚刚测试了这个用于文件上传的 Angular 模块“Nervgh Angular File Upload”,到目前为止,我能够按照说明中给出的示例运行它,这非常棒。这允许多次上传。虽然我通读了我可以使用的属性和方法,但我仍然不知道如何限制允许的上传数量。例如,在我的表单中,我不想让用户上传超过 3 张照片。我该怎么做?


    <!DOCTYPE html>
<html id="ng-app" ng-app="app"> <!-- id="ng-app" IE<8 -->

<title>Uploads only images (with canvas preview)</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />

<!-- Fix for old browsers -->
<script src="../bower_components/es5-shim/es5-shim.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script src="//"></script>

<!--<script src="../bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>-->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="../../angular-file-upload.js"></script>
<script src="controllers.js"></script>
<script src="directives.js"></script>

.my-drop-zone { border: dotted 3px lightgray; }
.ng-file-over { border: dotted 3px red; } /* Default class applied to drop zones on over */
.another-file-over-class { border: dotted 3px green; }

html, body { height: 100%; }

canvas {
background-color: #f3f3f3;
-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px 0 #e3e3e3;
-moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px 0 #e3e3e3;
box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px 0 #e3e3e3;
border: 1px solid #c3c3c3;
height: 100px;
margin: 6px 0 0 6px;


<!-- 1. ng-file-drop | ng-file-drop="options" -->
<body ng-controller="TestController" ng-file-drop>

<div class="container">

<div class="navbar navbar-default">
<div class="navbar-header">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="">Angular File Upload</a>
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li class="active dropdown">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Demos <b class="caret"></b></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a href="../simple">Simple example</a></li>
<li class="active"><a href="#">Uploads only images (with canvas preview)</a></li>
<li><a href="../without-bootstrap">Without bootstrap example</a></li>
<li><a href="">View on Github</a></li>
<li><a href="">Download</a></li>

<div class="row">

<div class="col-md-3">

<h3>Select files</h3>

<div ng-show="uploader.isHTML5">
<!-- 3. ng-file-over | ng-file-over="className" -->
<div class="well my-drop-zone" ng-file-over>
Base drop zone

<!-- Example: ng-file-drop | ng-file-drop="options" -->
<div class="well my-drop-zone" ng-file-drop="{ url: '/foo' }" ng-file-over="another-file-over-class">
Another drop zone with its own settings

<!-- 2. ng-file-select | ng-file-select="options" -->
<input ng-file-select type="file" multiple />


<div class="col-md-9" style="margin-bottom: 40px">
<h2>Uploads only images (with canvas preview)</h2>
<h3>The queue</h3>
<p>Queue length: {{ uploader.queue.length }}</p>

<table class="table">
<th width="50%">Name</th>
<th ng-show="uploader.isHTML5">Size</th>
<th ng-show="uploader.isHTML5">Progress</th>
<tr ng-repeat="item in uploader.queue">
<strong>{{ }}</strong>
<!-- Image preview -->
<!--auto height-->
<!--<div ng-thumb="{ file: item.file, width: 100 }"></div>-->
<!--auto width-->
<div ng-show="uploader.isHTML5" ng-thumb="{ file: item.file, height: 100 }"></div>
<!--fixed width and height -->
<!--<div ng-thumb="{ file: item.file, width: 100, height: 100 }"></div>-->
<td ng-show="uploader.isHTML5" nowrap>{{ item.file.size/1024/1024|number:2 }} MB</td>
<td ng-show="uploader.isHTML5">
<div class="progress" style="margin-bottom: 0;">
<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" ng-style="{ 'width': item.progress + '%' }"></div>
<td class="text-center">
<span ng-show="item.isSuccess"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i></span>
<span ng-show="item.isCancel"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></i></span>
<span ng-show="item.isError"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i></span>
<td nowrap>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-xs" ng-click="item.upload()" ng-disabled="item.isReady || item.isUploading || item.isSuccess">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></span> Upload
<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning btn-xs" ng-click="item.cancel()" ng-disabled="!item.isUploading">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span> Cancel
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" ng-click="item.remove()">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Remove

Queue progress:
<div class="progress" style="">
<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" ng-style="{ 'width': uploader.progress + '%' }"></div>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-s" ng-click="uploader.uploadAll()" ng-disabled="!uploader.getNotUploadedItems().length">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></span> Upload all
<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning btn-s" ng-click="uploader.cancelAll()" ng-disabled="!uploader.isUploading">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span> Cancel all
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-s" ng-click="uploader.clearQueue()" ng-disabled="!uploader.queue.length">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Remove all







使用 Angular 文件上传 v1.0.2



  • 文件夹
  • 队列限制


var uploader = new FileUploader({
queueLimit: 1

然后在 View 中。

<element nv-file-drop filters="queueLimit"></element>

如果您已将 queueLimit 设置为 1 但不想应用它。将过滤器属性设置为空字符串。如果未设置过滤器属性,则应用所有过滤器。

<element nv-file-drop filters=""></element>


<element nv-file-drop filters="filterName1,filterName2"></element>

关于javascript - Nervgh Angular 文件上传 - 如何限制要上传的图像数量?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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