gpt4 book ai didi

css - 如何在 R 中创建动态 HTML 表格

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 04:19:51 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我在 R 中使用以下结构化数据框。


seq      count  percentage   Marking     count     Percentage     batch_no   count    Percentage
FRD 1 12.50% S1 2 25.00% 6 1 12.50%
FHL 1 12.50% S2 1 12.50% 7 2 25.00%
ABC 2 25.00% S3 1 12.50% 8 2 25.00%
DEF 1 12.50% Hold 2 25.00% 9 1 12.50%
XYZ 1 12.50% NA 1 12.50% NA 1 12.50%
ZZZ 1 12.50% (Blank) 1 12.50% (Blank) 1 12.50%
FRD 1 12.50% - - - - - -
NA 1 12.50% - - - - - -
(Blank) 0 0.00% - - - - - -
Total 8 112.50% - 8 100.00% - 8 100.00%

数据框的列数是静态的,但行数可以有所不同。例如,在某些条件下,行数可能为 15 或更少,可能为 4 或 5。

我需要将表格标题颜色添加为带有粗体的浅绿色,并将表格的最后一行添加为带有粗体的黄色。另外,需要添加条件如果 Percentage保持标记和 Percentage batch_no 中的 8 个大于 25% 将其标记为深红色并带有粗体白色字体。

如果可能的话,我们可以在 S3中添加后缀吗?如 S3 (In Progress)9 as `9 (In Progress) 其中 (In Progress) 的字体将比变量名称少 2 字体。

添加的文本 (In Progress)应该是带粗体的黄色字体。


add_font <- function(x) {
x <- gsub('\\(', '\\(<font size="-1">', x)
x <- gsub('\\)', '</font>\\)', x)
return(prettyNum(x, big.mark = ','))

Html_Table<-Dataframe %>%
mutate(`Marking` = add_font(`Marking`),
`batch_no` = add_font(`batch_no`)) %>%
tableHTML(rownames = FALSE,
escape = FALSE,
widths = rep(100, 12),
caption = "Dataframe: Test",
theme='scientific') %>%
add_css_caption(css = list(c("font-weight", "border","font-size"),
c("bold", "1px solid black","16px"))) %>%
add_css_row(css = list(c("background-color"), c("lightblue")), rows = 0:1)%>%
add_css_caption(css = list(c("background-color"), c("lightblue"))) %>%
add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#f2f2f2'),
rows = odd(1:10)) %>%
add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#e6f0ff'),
rows = even(1:10)) %>%
add_css_row(css = list(c("background-color","font-weight"), c("yellow", "bold")),
rows = even(2:3)) %>%
add_css_row(css = list(c("font-style","font-size"), c("italic","12px")),
rows = 4:8)


我不确定我是否正确理解了您的所有需求,但这里是使用包 flextable 做出的答案.

dat <- tibble::tribble(
~seq, ~count1, ~percentage1, ~Marking, ~count2, ~percentage2, ~batch_no, ~count3, ~percentage3,
"FRD", 1, "12.50%", "S1", "2", "25.00%", "6", "1", "12.50%",
"FHL", 1, "12.50%", "S2", "1", "12.50%", "7", "2", "25.00%",
"ABC", 2, "25.00%", "S3", "1", "12.50%", "8", "2", "45.00%",
"DEF", 1, "12.50%", "Hold", "2", "45.00%", "9", "1", "12.50%",
"XYZ", 1, "12.50%", "NA", "1", "12.50%", "NA", "1", "12.50%",
"ZZZ", 1, "12.50%", "(Blank)", "1", "12.50%", "(Blank)", "1", "12.50%",
"FRD", 1, "12.50%", NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
"NA", 1, "12.50%", NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
"(Blank)", 0, "0.00%", NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
"Total", 8, "112.50%", NA_character_, "8", "100.00%", NA_character_, "8", "100.00%"
dat$percentage1 <- gsub("%", "", dat$percentage1) %>% as.double()
dat$percentage2 <- gsub("%", "", dat$percentage2) %>% as.double()
dat$percentage3 <- gsub("%", "", dat$percentage3) %>% as.double()

# I need to add table header color as light green
# with bold font and last row of the table as orange
# with bold font.
flextable(dat) %>%
fontsize(size = 11, part = "all") %>%
bold(part = "header") %>%
color(color = "#90EE90", part = "header") %>%
color(color = "orange", i = ~ seq %in% "Total") %>%
bold(i = ~ seq %in% "Total") %>%
#' Also, Need to add the condition that if Percentage of Hold
#' in marking and Percentage of 8 in batch_no is >25% mark it
#' as a dark red with bold white font.
color(i = ~ percentage1 > 10 & Marking %in% "Hold",
j = c("count1", "percentage1", "Marking"),
color = "red", part = "body") %>%
color(i = ~ percentage2 > 10 & batch_no %in% "8",
j = c("count2", "percentage2", "batch_no"),
color = "red", part = "body") %>%
bold(i = ~ percentage1 > 10 & Marking %in% "Hold",
j = c("count1", "percentage1", "Marking"),) %>%
bold(i = ~ percentage2 > 10 & batch_no %in% "8",
j = c("count2", "percentage2", "batch_no")) %>%

#' If possible, can we add the suffix in S3 as S3 (In Progress)
#' and 9 as `9 (In Progress) where the font of (In Progress) will
#' be 2 font less than variable name.
#' The added text (In Progress) should be in orange font with bold.
compose(i = ~ Marking %in% "S3", j = "Marking",
value = as_paragraph(
"S3 ",
as_chunk("(In Progress)",
props = fp_text(color = "orange", bold = TRUE, font.size = 5.5))
) %>%

enter image description here

关于css - 如何在 R 中创建动态 HTML 表格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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