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我正在编写卸载脚本,因此我想“撤消”安装对系统所做的修改。为了实现这个目标,我想解析 PATH 变量,并删除安装添加到 PATH 的任何值。
为此,我开发了以下伪代码 -
字符作为分隔符将 PATH
但是,当我尝试循环遍历每个 token 时,它不会按我的预期工作。
FOR /F "delims=;" %%A IN (%TEMP_PATH%) DO ECHO %%A
此命令仅输出第一个 token ,不会回显后续 token 。
所以,我有两个问题 -
下面的批处理代码使用 PathToRemove1
、... 删除脚本顶部定义的一个或多个文件夹路径
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
Windows command SETX 默认情况下在 Windows Vista 和更高版本的 Windows 上可用。它在 Windows XP 甚至以前版本的 Windows 上不可用。请阅读有关 SetX 的 SS64 文章和 Microsoft 的 SetX 文档,了解有关命令 SETX 可用性的更多信息。
有关 Windows XP 与更高版本的 Windows 版本上的 reg.exe
输出差异,请参阅 Rob van der Woude 的 Reading NT's Registry with REG Query 。下面的批处理代码考虑了 reg.exe
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "PathToRemove1=C:\Temp\Test"
set "PathToRemove2=C:\Temp"
rem Get directly from Windows registry the system PATH variable value.
for /F "skip=2 tokens=1,2*" %%G in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "Path" 2^>nul') do (
if /I "%%G" == "Path" (
set "SystemPath=%%I"
if defined SystemPath goto CheckSystemPath
echo Error: System environment variable PATH not found with a value in Windows registry.
goto UserPath
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Does the system PATH not end with a semicolon, append one temporarily.
if not "!SystemPath:~-1!" == ";" set "SystemPath=!SystemPath!;"
rem System PATH should contain only backslashes and not slashes.
set "SystemPath=!SystemPath:/=\!"
rem Check case-insensitive for the folder paths to remove as defined at top
rem of this batch script and remove them if indeed found in system PATH.
set "PathModified=0"
for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%I in ('set PathToRemove') do (
if not "!SystemPath:%%J;=!" == "!SystemPath!" (
set "SystemPath=!SystemPath:%%J;=!"
set "PathModified=1"
) else if not "!SystemPath:%%J\;=!" == "!SystemPath!" (
set "SystemPath=!SystemPath:%%J\;=!"
set "PathModified=1"
rem Replace all two or more ; in series by just one ; in system path.
if not "!SystemPath:;;=;!" == "!SystemPath!" set "SystemPath=!SystemPath:;;=;!" & goto CleanSystem
rem Remove the semicolon at end of system PATH if there is one.
if "!SystemPath:~-1!" == ";" set "SystemPath=!SystemPath:~0,-1!"
rem Remove a backslash at end of system PATH if there is one.
if "!SystemPath:~-1!" == "\" set "SystemPath=!SystemPath:~0,-1!"
rem Update system PATH using command SETX which requires administrator
rem privileges if the system PATH needs to be modified at all. SETX is
rem by default not installed on Windows XP and truncates string values
rem longer than 1024 characters to 1024 characters. So use alternatively
rem command REG to add system PATH if command SETX cannot be used or is
rem not available at all.
if %PathModified% == 1 (
set "UseSetx=1"
if not "!SystemPath:~1024,1!" == "" set "UseSetx="
if not exist %SystemRoot%\System32\setx.exe set "UseSetx="
if defined UseSetx (
%SystemRoot%\System32\setx.exe Path "!SystemPath!" /M >nul
) else (
set "ValueType=REG_EXPAND_SZ"
if "!SystemPath:%%=!" == "!SystemPath!" set "ValueType=REG_SZ"
%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe ADD "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /f /v Path /t !ValueType! /d "!SystemPath!" >nul
rem Get directly from Windows registry the user PATH variable value.
for /F "skip=2 tokens=1,2*" %%G in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe query "HKCU\Environment" /v "Path" 2^>nul') do (
if /I "%%G" == "Path" (
set "UserPath=%%I"
if defined UserPath goto CheckUserPath
rem User PATH exists, but with no value, delete user PATH.
goto DeleteUserPath
rem This PATH variable does often not exist and therefore nothing to do here.
goto PathUpdateDone
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Does the user PATH not end with a semicolon, append one temporarily.
if not "!UserPath:~-1!" == ";" set "UserPath=!UserPath!;"
rem Check case-insensitive for the folder paths to remove as defined at top
rem of this batch script and remove them if indeed found in user PATH.
set "PathModified=0"
for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%I in ('set PathToRemove') do (
if not "!UserPath:%%J;=!" == "!UserPath!" (
set "UserPath=!UserPath:%%J;=!"
set "PathModified=1"
if not defined UserPath goto DeleteUserPath
) else if not "!UserPath:%%J\;=!" == "!UserPath!" (
set "UserPath=!UserPath:%%J\;=!"
set "PathModified=1"
if not defined UserPath goto DeleteUserPath
rem Replace all two or more ; in series by just one ; in user path.
if not "!UserPath:;;=;!" == "!UserPath!" set "UserPath=!UserPath:;;=;!" & goto CleanUser
rem Remove the semicolon at end of user PATH if there is one.
if "!UserPath:~-1!" == ";" set "UserPath=!UserPath:~0,-1!"
if not defined UserPath goto DeleteUserPath
rem Update user PATH using command SETX which does not require administrator
rem privileges if the user PATH needs to be modified at all. SETX is
rem by default not installed on Windows XP and truncates string values
rem longer than 1024 characters to 1024 characters. So use alternatively
rem command REG to add user PATH if command SETX cannot be used or is
rem not available at all.
if %PathModified% == 1 (
set "UseSetx=1"
if not "!UserPath:~1024,1!" == "" set "UseSetx="
if not exist %SystemRoot%\System32\setx.exe set "UseSetx="
if defined UseSetx (
%SystemRoot%\System32\setx.exe Path "!UserPath!" /M >nul
) else (
set "ValueType=REG_EXPAND_SZ"
if "!UserPath:%%=!" == "!UserPath!" set "ValueType=REG_SZ"
%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe ADD "HKCU\Environment" /f /v Path /t !ValueType! /d "!UserPath!" >nul
goto PathUpdateDone
rem Delete the user PATH as it contains only folder paths to remove.
%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe delete "HKCU\Environment" /v "Path" /f >nul
rem Other code could be inserted here.
上面的批处理代码使用简单的不区分大小写的字符串替换和区分大小写的字符串比较来检查要删除的当前路径是否存在于用户或系统PATH中。仅当众所周知文件夹路径之前是如何添加的并且用户在此期间没有修改它们时,此方法才有效。有关检查 PATH 是否包含文件夹路径的更安全方法,请参阅 How to check if directory exists in %PATH%? 编写的 dbenham 上的答案。
注意:此批处理代码并非旨在处理系统或用户 PATH
的非常罕见的用例> 包含一个文件夹路径,路径字符串中包含一个或多个分号,并用双引号引起来获取 ;
由 Windows 将双引号文件夹路径字符串中的解释为文字字符,而不是文件夹路径之间的分隔符。
要了解所使用的命令及其工作原理,请打开 command prompt 窗口,在其中执行以下命令,并完整、仔细地阅读每个命令显示的帮助页面。
reg 添加/?
reg 删除/?
reg 查询/?
另请参阅 Microsoft 关于 Using command redirection operators 的文章,了解 >nul
和 2>nul
的说明,其中重定向运算符 >
使用 进行转义^
在执行 reg.exe
时使用重定向,而不是将 2>nul
解释为命令 FOR 的错误位置,这会导致由于语法错误,Windows 命令处理器退出批处理。
关于batch-file - 如何使用 .bat 文件从 PATH 环境变量中删除特定标记?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38656375/
这段代码: class Bat{ public: Bat(); Bat(int i=0); virtual ~B
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我有一些 bats我运行以测试某些功能的脚本如何在脚本中回显 bats 文件名? 我的 bats 脚本如下所示: #!/usr/bin/env bats load test_helper echo $
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