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我正在尝试将 SQL 查询转换为 Linq,但出现异常:
- The user created the structure (id is 'stamped into' the structure record).
- An entry exists in the PermissionUsers table, linking the Permissions Table with the users table.
- an entry exists in the PermissionGroups table, linking the Permissions table with the Groups table and the user is referenced in the UsersGroups table, linking Users table with the Users table.
public class LinqTest : CommandBasedIntegrationTestBase
[Test, Category("SuperIntegration"), RequiresSTAAttribute]
public void TestThat()
var dataContextProvider = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IDataContextProvider>();
const int userId = 1;
var environment = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IState>().DatabaseEnvironment;
var dataClasses1DataContext = dataContextProvider.GetContext(environment);
var idsByCreator = from r in dataClasses1DataContext.Structures where r.CreatedUserId == userId select r.StructureId;
var idsByUserAccess = from r in dataClasses1DataContext.PermissionUsers where r.UserId == userId select r.StructureId;
var idsOfGroupsContainingUser = from r in dataClasses1DataContext.UsersGroups where r.UserId == userId select r.GroupId;
var idsByGroupAccess = from r in dataClasses1DataContext.PermissionGroups where idsOfGroupsContainingUser.Contains( r.GroupId ) select r.StructureId;
var res = from s in dataClasses1DataContext.Structures
idsByCreator.Contains(s.StructureId) ||
idsByUserAccess.Contains(s.StructureId) ||
select s;
foreach (var structure in res)
var ctx = dataContextProvider.GetContext(environment);
var byCreator = from r in ctx.Structures where r.CreatedUserId == userId select r;
var byUserAccess = from r in ctx.PermissionUsers
join s in ctx.Structures on r.StructureId equals s.StructureId
where r.UserId == userId select s;
var byGroups = from ug in ctx.UsersGroups
join pg in ctx.PermissionGroups on ug.GroupId equals pg.GroupId
join s in ctx.Structures on pg.StructureId equals s.StructureId
where ug.UserId == userId select s;
var res = byCreator.Union(byUserAccess).Union(byGroups);
根据@Magnus 的评论,我已经删除了对 Distinct()
的不必要的调用。仅当使用 Concat()
而不是 Union()
时,才需要调用 Distinct()
关于.net - Linq - 'Queries with local collections are not supported' 时该怎么办,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14157404/
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关闭。这个问题是opinion-based .它目前不接受答案。 想改善这个问题吗?更新问题,以便可以通过 editing this post 用事实和引文回答问题. 3个月前关闭。 Improve