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appium - xcodebuild 失败 : "xcodebuild failed with code 65 is displaying when tried to start session with Appium Desktop

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 03:45:15 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

当我尝试使用 appium 桌面启动 session 时出现以下错误:

处理命令时发生未知的服务器端错误。原始错误:由于 xcodebuild 失败而无法启动 WebDriverAgent:“xcodebuild 失败,代码为 65”。确保按照 上的教程进行操作.尝试从设备中删除 WebDriverAgentRunner 应用程序(如果已安装)并重新启动设备。

Appium Desktop 中所需的功能:

"platformName": "iOS",
"deviceName": "iPhone 7",
"udid": "93551a7d721b790b0188642402f1ada96892b816",
"app": "/Users/globalit/Desktop/",
"automationName": "XCUITest",
"noReset": true

配置:iOS 11、OSX 10.12、Xcode 8.1、Appium Desktop 1.2.5


[Xcode] 2017-10-27 15:27:28.943 xcodebuild[871:24036] Error Code=-12 "Unable to launch" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to launch, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd602a29400 {Error Domain=DTXMessage Code=1 "(null)" UserInfo={DTXExceptionKey=The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to launch because it has an invalid code signature, inadequate entitlements or its profile has not been explicitly trusted by the user. : Failed to launch process with bundle identifier ''}}}
[Xcode] 2017-10-27 15:27:28.943 xcodebuild[871:24036] Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=5 "Early unexpected exit, operation never finished bootstrapping - no restart will be attempted" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Early unexpected exit, operation never finished bootstrapping - no restart will be attempted}
[XCUITest] xcodebuild exited with code '65' and signal 'null'
[BaseDriver] Event 'wdaStartFailed' logged at 1509098248985 (15:27:28 GMT+0530 (IST))
[XCUITest] Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: "xcodebuild failed with code 65". Make sure you follow the tutorial at Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device.
[XCUITest] Quitting and uninstalling WebDriverAgent, then retrying
[XCUITest] Shutting down sub-processes
[XCUITest] Shutting down iproxy process (pid 870)
[XCUITest] iproxy exited with code 'null'
[XCUITest] Removing WDA application from device
[XCUITest] Error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: "xcodebuild failed with code 65". Make sure you follow the tutorial at Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device.
at XCUITestDriver.quitAndUninstall$ (/Applications/
at tryCatch (/Applications/
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (/Applications/
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (/Applications/
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke (/Applications/
Error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: "xcodebuild failed with code 65". Make sure you follow the tutorial at Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device.
at XCUITestDriver.quitAndUninstall$ (/Applications/
at tryCatch (/Applications/
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (/Applications/
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (/Applications/
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke (/Applications/
[XCUITest] Not clearing log files. Use `clearSystemFiles` capability to turn on.
[iOSLog] Stopping iOS log capture
[MJSONWP] Encountered internal error running command: Error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: "xcodebuild failed with code 65". Make sure you follow the tutorial at Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device.
at XCUITestDriver.quitAndUninstall$ (/Applications/
at tryCatch (/Applications/
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (/Applications/
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (/Applications/
at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke (/Applications/
[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session 500 29571 ms - 470
[HTTP] --> DELETE /wd/hub/session {}
[HTTP] No route found. Setting content type to 'text/plain'
[HTTP] <-- DELETE /wd/hub/session 404 13 ms - 57


请运行一次位于您设备上的 Xcode 项目:/Applications/


关于appium - xcodebuild 失败 : "xcodebuild failed with code 65 is displaying when tried to start session with Appium Desktop,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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