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r - 箭头函数不适用于 R 中的错​​误栏

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 03:24:36 25 4
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我非常感谢这个论坛中乐于助人的社区的帮助,解决我在使用 R 时遇到的一个小问题,以及在尝试绘制错误栏时的箭头功能。我选择使用箭头函数来生成我的错误栏,因为它们可以简单地添加到我已经创建的图表中。

我已经成功地使用 plot() 为下表绘制了两个散点图

     X sitting.time exercise.time se.sit.time se.ex.time
1 535.7308 70.08000 45.39388 13.23958
2 512.8800 65.80000 50.92198 13.98714
3 500.2727 80.09091 47.00300 13.90255
4 504.4762 77.35000 48.38485 17.22151
5 487.0588 84.00000 51.62004 14.62120
6 487.3333 83.53333 51.15082 17.52736
7 462.5294 83.52941 49.97000 17.61185
8 458.1111 71.78947 47.30922 12.64716
9 471.9333 73.66667 57.13613 16.97271
10 517.1333 84.92857 62.34817 18.61450
11 526.5625 73.93750 50.25767 17.67990
12 484.0000 96.22222 73.67854 23.97266

在表格中,sitting.timeexercise.time 是我的 y 值,X 是 x 值,se.sit.timese.ex.time 是标准错误。


xaxt="n", yaxt="n",xlab="Week",
ylab="Time (minutes)", type="p",col="red")
xlab="Week", ylab="Time", col="red")
xlab='', ylab='', axes=FALSE, col="blue")
xlab='', ylab='', col="blue")
legend=c("Sitting Time", "Exercise Time"),
col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2, cex=0.8)

但是,在尝试在第一个图之后添加 arrows() 之后,我没有看到任何错误栏以与主题类似帖子的原始答案相同的方式生成:Scatter plot with error bars

arrows(weekly.times$sitting.time, sitCI.down, 
weekly.times$sitting.time, sitCI.up, length=0.05, angle=90, code=3)


enter image description here

我在图表中包含两个图的输出。我最终希望这两个图表都有误差线。我也试过在这里运行 arrows() 但没有成功:

enter image description here


在遵循@rbatt 的解决方案之后,我得到了可以处理错误图的图表,如下所示:

enter image description here


p1.ylim <- range(c(weekly.times$sitting.time, sitCI.down, sitCI.up))
p1.xlim <- range(weekly.times$X)
plot(weekly.times$X, weekly.times$sitting.time, xlim=p1.xlim, ylim=p1.ylim, ylab="Sitting Time (minutes)", xlab="Week", type="o",col="red", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
red2 <- adjustcolor("red", alpha.f=0.25)
arrows(weekly.times$X, sitCI.down, weekly.times$X, sitCI.up, length=0.05, angle=90, code=3, col=red2)
plot(weekly.times$X,weekly.times$exercise.time, xlab='', ylab='', axes=FALSE, col="blue", type="o")
blue2 <- adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f=0.25)
arrows(weekly.times$X, exCI.down, weekly.times$X, exCI.up, length=0.05, angle=90, code=3, col=blue2)
mtext("Exercise Time (minutes)", side=4, line=3)
legend("bottom",inset=c(-0.3,0), legend=c("Sitting Time", "Exercise Time"), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2, cex=0.8)


week sitting.time exercise.time se.sit.time se.ex.time
1 1 3643.087 471.5833 349.5165 98.06667
2 2 3516.478 472.7917 337.8359 99.83149
3 3 3373.000 535.6667 344.9220 103.70350
4 4 3480.952 510.2857 352.2140 118.32880
5 5 3235.882 571.3529 345.0725 104.53620
6 6 3359.000 587.1333 349.3253 122.10290
7 7 3246.250 554.1250 358.0210 131.71030
8 8 3173.889 502.7895 326.9745 88.58391
9 9 3438.643 513.0667 354.2999 119.08770
10 10 3581.154 807.7143 323.0524 230.90890
11 11 3661.250 693.7059 357.1707 212.60630
12 12 3297.500 909.0000 589.6690 276.65540


enter image description here




您遇到了两个主要问题。首先,您向 arrows 的 x0x1 参数提供了一个 y 轴变量 weekly.times$sitting.time ();我已将它们更改为 weekly.times$X,即星期,位于您的 x 轴上。其次,您尝试在调用 par(new=TRUE) 并添加练习时间后添加箭头,练习时间的范围在 ~60 到 ~100 之间,因为 ylim 不是set 和你的 arrows 在 500-600 范围内,它们将被创建远离情节(即使第一个问题已经解决)。

以下代码对您的原始代码进行了最少的更改,以生成合适的图形。请注意,您没有提供对象 sitCI.downsitCI.up 的数据,所以我只在坐着时间周围做了 ±10%。此外,我首先将 dput() 的输出包含在我从您的问题中手动复制的 data.frame 中;将来,如果您对数据使用 dput() 并将输出复制到您的问题中,那么重现结果会容易得多。

使用 dput 的输出创建数据集

weekly.times <- structure(list(X = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), 
sitting.time = c(535.7308, 512.88, 500.2727, 504.4762, 487.0588,
487.3333, 462.5294, 458.1111, 471.9333, 517.1333, 526.5625,
484), exercise.time = c(70.08, 65.8, 80.09091, 77.35, 84,
83.53333, 83.52941, 71.78947, 73.66667, 84.92857, 73.9375,
96.22222), se.sit.time = c(45.39388, 50.92198, 47.003, 48.38485,
51.62004, 51.15082, 49.97, 47.30922, 57.13613, 62.34817,
50.25767, 73.67854), se.ex.time = c(13.23958, 13.98714, 13.90255,
17.22151, 14.6212, 17.52736, 17.61185, 12.64716, 16.97271,
18.6145, 17.6799, 23.97266)), .Names = c("X", "sitting.time",
"exercise.time", "se.sit.time", "se.ex.time"), row.names = c(NA,
-12L), class = "data.frame")


plot(weekly.times$X, weekly.times$sitting.time, xlim=c(1,12), ylim=c(0,600), ylab="Time (minutes)", type="p",col="red")
lines(weekly.times$X, weekly.times$sitting.time, xlab="Week", ylab="Time", col="red")

sitCI.down <- weekly.times$sitting.time + c(-0.1)*weekly.times$sitting.time
sitCI.up <- weekly.times$sitting.time + c(0.1)*weekly.times$sitting.time
arrows(weekly.times$X, sitCI.down, weekly.times$X, sitCI.up, length=0.05, angle=90, code=3)

plot(weekly.times$X,weekly.times$exercise.time, xlab='', ylab='', axes=FALSE, col="blue")
lines(weekly.times$X,weekly.times$exercise.time, xlab='', ylab='', col="blue")
legend("bottom",inset=c(-0.3,0), legend=c("Sitting Time", "Exercise Time"), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2, cex=0.8)

enter image description here



# Calculate CI's first to account for them in ylim of plot
sitCI.down <- weekly.times$sitting.time + c(-0.1)*weekly.times$sitting.time
sitCI.up <- weekly.times$sitting.time + c(0.1)*weekly.times$sitting.time

# I very frequently follow this idiom for making sure the ylims are set properly
# It is better to define ylims programmatically than by using magic numbers like c(0,600)
p1.ylim <- range(c(weekly.times$sitting.time, sitCI.down, sitCI.up))
p1.xlim <- range(weekly.times$X) # same idea for xlim, but simpler case

# When creating your plot, you can set type="o" do draw the points and the lines at the same time
# Also, if you're going to create the axes with axis(), you can also not draw them in the plot
# Turn axes off using xaxt="n" and yaxt="n"
# Finally, if you are going to use par(new=TRUE), you are creating an
# independent y-axis, and you should leave room in the right margin to draw it
plot(weekly.times$X, weekly.times$sitting.time, xlim=p1.xlim, ylim=p1.ylim, ylab="Sitting Time (minutes)", xlab="Week", type="o",col="red", xaxt="n", yaxt="n") # I would also change the axis label

# When drawing axes, avoid magic numbers

# When drawing the errors, you might want to keep the color of the line
# but maybe make it a bit lighter so it isn't easily confused
# making the error bars fainter makes the figure much easier on the eyes
red2 <- adjustcolor("red", alpha.f=0.25)
arrows(weekly.times$X, sitCI.down, weekly.times$X, sitCI.up, length=0.05, angle=90, code=3, col=red2)

# again in this plot, just use type="o" to accomplish in 1 line what you're doing in 2
plot(weekly.times$X,weekly.times$exercise.time, xlab='', ylab='', axes=FALSE, col="blue", type="o")
axis(side=4) # add the axis for the blue line
mtext("Exercise Time (minutes)", side=4, line=3)
legend("bottom",inset=c(-0.3,0), legend=c("Sitting Time", "Exercise Time"), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2, cex=0.8)

enter image description here

关于r - 箭头函数不适用于 R 中的错​​误栏,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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