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r - 如何使用 fitdistr 确定左截断分布的威 bool 参数?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 03:19:01 30 4
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我希望找到使用 R 的 fitdistr 函数 (MLE) 截断的分布的威 bool 形状和尺度参数。使用树木直径数据样本(最小为 2.8):


wb<-fitdistr(data,'weibull',lower=0.1) # MLE for weibull parameter determination

1.36605920 9.97356797

鉴于数据分布,人们会期望出现负单调曲线(例如形状<1)。然而,这些结果表明 shape>1,因为 fitdistr 没有考虑数据被截断的事实。在其他地方,提出了以下建议:

ltwei<-function(x,shape,scale=1,log=FALSE){dweibull(x,shape,scale,log)/pweibull(1,shape,scale,lower=FALSE) } 

但这会导致更大的威 bool 形状值。如何生成考虑数据左截断的分布的形状和尺度参数?非常感谢。


这是对给出的建议的修改,因为我认为分母不正确。尝试将分母更改为 1-pweibull(trunc, ...) 看看这是否会产生更好的拟合:

> ptwei <- function(x, shape, scale , log = FALSE) 
+ pweibull(x, shape, scale, log)/(1-
+ pweibull(2.8, shape, scale, lower=FALSE))
> dtwei <- function(x, shape, scale , log = FALSE)
+ dweibull(x, shape, scale, log)/(1-
+ pweibull(2.8, shape, scale, lower=FALSE))
> fitdist(data, dtwei, start=list(shape=1.2, scale=4))
Fitting of the distribution ' twei ' by maximum likelihood
estimate Std. Error
shape 0.4555414 0.02660275
scale 0.8751571 0.12236256

我现在意识到 Ripley 教授正在使用 lower 参数来实现我上面所做的事情,因此只要使用 lower 调用 ltwei 函数,原始代码就可以工作=假


这是遵循 Brian Ripley 教授在 2008 年 10 月 7 日的 Rhelp 帖子中发现的建议:

ltwei <- function(x, shape, scale = 1, log = FALSE) 
dweibull(x, shape, scale, log)/
pweibull(2.8, shape, scale, lower=FALSE)

威 bool 密度通过除以截断点处的 CMF 进行归一化。 (当 lower=FALSE 时,pweibull 函数返回从截断点到 Inf 的积​​分密度。)

wb<-fitdistr(data,ltwei,start=list(shape=1,scale=1) )

There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
> wb
shape scale
1.81253163 12.72912552
( 0.07199877) ( 0.54855731)
> warnings()[1:5]
Warning messages:
1: In dweibull(x, shape, scale, log) : NaNs produced
2: In pweibull(2.8, shape, scale, lower = FALSE) : NaNs produced
3: In dweibull(x, shape, scale, log) : NaNs produced
4: In pweibull(2.8, shape, scale, lower = FALSE) : NaNs produced
5: In dweibull(x, shape, scale, log) : NaNs produced
> library(MASS)
> wb<-fitdistr(data,ltwei,start=list(shape=1.1,scale=10) )
> wb
shape scale
1.81253113 12.72912870
( 0.07199877) ( 0.54855782)

您可以看到某些起始值生成警告,但算法仍然成功。如果您从更接近“真实值”的值开始,则不会出现警告。恐怕没有达到您的期望。有时,威 bool 分布的参数化会令人困惑,因为它们的处理方式有不同的约定。这是 Terry Therneau 在他的 Survival::survreg 帮助页面中的内容:

# There are multiple ways to parameterize a Weibull distribution. The survreg 
# function imbeds it in a general location-scale familiy, which is a
# different parameterization than the rweibull function, and often leads
# to confusion.
# survreg's scale = 1/(rweibull shape)
# survreg's intercept = log(rweibull scale)
# For the log-likelihood all parameterizations lead to the same value.

由于您似乎对 fitdistr 的结果不满意,我还从“fitdistrplus”包中运行了 fitdist 并得到了几乎相同的答案。我仍然认为您需要检查参数的解释,并且可能还需要检查这必然是威 bool 分布的数据的关键假设:

 dtwei <- function(x, shape, scale , log = FALSE) 
dweibull(x, shape, scale, log)/
pweibull(2.8, shape, scale, lower=FALSE)

ptwei <- function(x, shape, scale , log = FALSE)
pweibull(x, shape, scale, log)/
pweibull(2.8, shape, scale, lower=FALSE)
fitdist(data, dtwei, start=list(shape=1.2, scale=4))
Fitting of the distribution ' twei ' by maximum likelihood
estimate Std. Error
shape 1.812706 0.07199987
scale 12.728087 0.54839034

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