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reactjs - 有没有办法在父 block 中知道您正在编辑该父 block 的内部 block ?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 03:16:35 25 4
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仅当您位于父 block 内部时,父 block 的 props.isSelected 才为 true,但当您在该 block 的 innerBlocks 内进行编辑时则不然。

如何从父 block 检查用户是否正在编辑该父 block 的内部 block (无论多深)

我这么问是因为我想为父级的innerBlocks执行某种切换功能,直到您选择父级 block 并尝试使用props.isSelected时才可见,但显然当您开始编辑内部 block 时,它会立即消失,因为不再选择父级


registerBlockType('test/parent', {
name: 'Parent',
edit: (props) => {
const template = [['test/child'],['test/child']];
if (props.isSelected) {
return <InnerBlocks template={template}/>;
return <div>Click me to see my inner block</div>;
save: (props) => {
return <InnerBlocks.Content />;
registerBlockType('test/child', {
name: 'Child',
parent: ['test/parent'],
edit: (props) => {
return <div>I'm the child I can have some more nested blocks but if you click on me I will be gone because my parent won't want me anymore, I wish somebody could edit me :(</div><InnerBlocks />;
save: (props) => {
return <div>I'm the child</div><InnerBlocks.content />;


经过大量研究后,我制作了自己的函数来确定是否选择内部 block (需要 wp-data)


registerBlockType('test/parent', {
name: 'Parent',
edit: (props) => {
const template = [['test/child'],['test/child']];
if (props.isSelected || hasSelectedInnerBlock(props)) {
return <InnerBlocks template={template}/>;
return <div>Click me to see my inner block</div>;
save: (props) => {
return <InnerBlocks.Content />;

function hasSelectedInnerBlock(props) {
const select ='core/editor');
const selected = select.getBlockSelectionStart();
const inner = select.getBlock(props.clientId).innerBlocks;
for (let i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) {
if (inner[i].clientId === selected || inner[i].innerBlocks.length && hasSelectedInnerBlock(inner[i])) {
return true;
return false;

关于reactjs - 有没有办法在父 block 中知道您正在编辑该父 block 的内部 block ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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