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r - 如何在不在 igraph 中创建重复边的情况下生成基于随机属性的边?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 02:59:07 25 4
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g <-, 151 , type = "gnm" , directed = F , loops = F)%>%
set_vertex_attr("a", value = 0)

V(g)$a <- sample(c(0, 1), vcount(g), replace = TRUE, prob = c(.25, .75))

g <- add_edges(g,c(sample(V(g)[V(g)$a==0],1), sample(V(g)[V(g)$a == 1], 1)))




library(purrr) # For map function

# Create graph reproducibly
g <-, 151 , type = "gnm" , directed = F , loops = F) %>%
set_vertex_attr("a", value = 0)

V(g)$a <- sample(c(0, 1), vcount(g), replace = TRUE, prob = c(.25, .75))

# List all possible pairs of nodes
all_pairs = apply(combn(1:vcount(g), 2), 2, paste, collapse="-")

# List all pairs of nodes with edges between them
current_pairs = apply(get.edgelist(g), 1, paste, collapse="-")

# List all pairs of nodes with no edge between them
eligible_pairs = setdiff(all_pairs, current_pairs)

# Get indices of eligible pairs with desired attribute a criteria
attr_select = map_lgl(strsplit(eligible_pairs, "-"), function(p) {
(p[1] %in% V(g)[V(g)$a==0] & p[2] %in% V(g)[V(g)$a==1]) |
(p[1] %in% V(g)[V(g)$a==1] & p[2] %in% V(g)[V(g)$a==0])

# Keep only those pairs that meet the attribute a condition above
eligible_pairs = eligible_pairs[attr_select]

# Add an edge at random between two nodes that don't currently have an edge between them
# and that meet the attribute a criteria
set.seed(10) # This is just for reproducibility of this example. Remove this if you want a different pair selected each time in your actual use case.
new_edge = unlist(strsplit(sample(eligible_pairs, 1), "-"))

g <- add_edges(g, new_edge)

关于r - 如何在不在 igraph 中创建重复边的情况下生成基于随机属性的边?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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