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c# - 如何对轮廓进行排序?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 02:36:41 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我正在尝试检测“事件” - 在本例中,事件被定义为 4 帧的运动增长。

如果轮廓“增长”/在 4 个连续帧中具有更大的轮廓区域,则会记录一个事件,并且我必须存储并输出增长的第一帧的轮廓中心位置。

如果只检测到一个事件,我可以通过对轮廓区域列表执行成对检查来粗略地检测事件的起源,如果这是真的,则通过采用 (currentFrameNo - 4) 位置元素轮廓位置列表。


在任何给定的帧上,可能会找到 (n) 个轮廓。每个轮廓都被传递到一个候选对象中,并具有表征轮廓的属性,例如帧号、位置和轮廓大小。



我希望在使用 linq/排序集合方面有更多经验的人可以帮助确定合适的方法。


public class CandidateList
public List<Candidate> candidates;

public CandidateList()
candidates = new List<Candidate> candidates;

public void Add(Candidate candidate)

public class Candidate
//Attributes shown in constructor.

public Candidate(VectorOfPoint contour, int frameNumber, double contourSize, Point location)
Contour = contour;
FrameNumber = frameNumber;
ContourSize = contourSize;
Location = location;
Location_x = Location.X;
Location_y = Location.Y;

_vc = new VideoCapture(someURLorFilePath);
_candidates = new CandidateList();
_vc.ImageGrabbed += ProcessFrame;

public void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs e)
Mat _frame = new Mat();
// read frame.. + other operations to get desired data.

Mat _contourOutput = _frame.Clone();
VectorOfVectorOfPoint _contours = new VectorOfVectorOfPoint();

CvInvoke.FindContours(_contourOutput, _contours, new Mat(), RetrType.External, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple);

// If there are any contours
if (_contours.Size > 0)
// Iterate through contours
for (var i = 0; i < _contours.Size; i++)
// Find contour area of each contour (VectorOfPoint)
double _contourArea = CvInvoke.ContourArea(_contours[i]);

// Find centre of contour
Moments M = CvInvoke.Moments(_contours[i]);

Point _contourCentre = new Point(Convert.ToInt16(M.M10 / M.M00), Convert.ToInt16(M.M01 / M.M00));

// Create a candidate based on frame number, contourSize and location
Candidate _candidate = new Candidate(_contours[i], _currentFrameNo, _contourArea, _contourCentre);


_currentFrameNo ++


第 1 帧 - 四名候选人。

Frame 1 - four candidates

第 2 帧 - 四位候选者,位置略有偏移

Frame 2 - four candidates

第 3 帧 - 四位候选者,位置略有偏移

Frame 3 - four candidates

第 4 帧 - 四名候选人,移动位置 检测到两个事件。从第 1 帧检索中心位置。

Frame 4 - Two events detected.


您可以使用 circular buffers 的列表存储每个候选人的历史记录:

public class CandidateBufferList
private List<CircularBuffer<Candidate>> _candidateList = new List<CircularBuffer<Candidate>>();
private void Add(Candidate candidate)
//Find a matching buffer for the candidate based on distance. More on this later
//here maxDistance is the maximum distance a candidate can move each frame
var matches = _candidateList.Where(cb => Distance(candidate.Location, cb.Last.Location) < maxDistance);
int matchCount = matches.Count();

if (matchCount == 0)
var cb = new CircularBuffer<Candidate>();
else if (matchCount == 1)
var match = matches.First();
if (match.Last.FrameNumber == candidate.FrameNumber)
// Ambiguous match 1.
throw new Exception("A candidate was already added to this buffer this frame.");
// Ambiguous match 2.
throw new Exception("More than one matching buffer was found for this candidate");

public void Update(int frameNumber, List<Candidate> candidates)
candidates.ForEach(c => Add(c));
//Remove buffers that didn't match this frame.
_candidateList.RemoveAll(cb => cb.Last.FrameNumber != frameNumber);

public List<Point> GetEvents()
return _candidateList
.Where(cb => ContourHasGrouwn(cb))
.Select(cb => cb.First.Location)

private bool ContourHasGrouwn(CircularBuffer<Candidate> cb)
//if contour is not older than 4 frames
if (!cb.IsFull) return false;

for (int i = 1; i < cb.Size; i++)
if (cb[i].ContourSize < cb[i - 1].ContourSize) return false;
return true;

在每个 ProcessFrame 上:

//CandidateBufferList candidatesHistory
//List<Candidate> candidatesThisFrame
candidatesHistory.Update(frameNumber, candidatesThisFrame);
var events = candidatesHistory.GetEvents();


  • 候选人可能更接近另一个候选人中心,例如。一个新的候选者被添加到靠近另一个候选者的中心(模糊匹配 1)

  • 候选人可能会获得多个匹配项,您可以选择距离最小的匹配项,但如何确定这是正确的? (不明确匹配 2)

  • 更糟糕的是,您可以有 2 个候选对象,并且在下一帧中两者都可以更接近对方的中心。


class CircularBuffer<T>
private const int _size = 4;
private int _index;
private T[] _elements = new T[_size];

public int Size => _size;
public int Count { get; private set; }
public bool IsFull => Count == Size;

public T this[int i] => _elements[(_index + i)%_size];
public T First => this[0];
public T Last => this[_size-1];

public void Add(T element)
_elements[_index] = element;
_index = (_index+1) % _size;
if (Count < _size) Count++;

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