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arrays - 如何在 Perl 中正确替换哈希数组中的值?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 01:57:41 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

如下所示,我有一个 foreach 循环,其中哈希数组中的值将被另一个哈希数组中的值替换。

第二个 foreach 循环只是打印并测试值是否分配正确。

foreach my $row (0 .. $#row_buff) {
$row_buff[$row]{'offset'} = $vars[$row]{'expression'};
print $row_buff[$row]{'offset'},"\n";

foreach (0 .. $#row_buff) {
print $row_buff[$_]{'offset'},"\n";



push @row_buff, \%hash;

问题:假设第一个 foreach 打印中的打印语句如下所示:


然后第二个 foreach 循环中的打印语句如下所示:




我可以添加一些信息,对此大家表示歉意。在 foreach 之前还有一行,就像这样:

@row_buff = (@row_buff) x $itercnt;
foreach my $row (0 .. $#row_buff) {
$row_buff[$row]{'offset'} = $vars[$row]{'expression'};
print $row_buff[$row]{'offset'},"\n";

foreach (0 .. $#row_buff) {
print $row_buff[$_]{'offset'},"\n";

$itercnt 是一个整数。我用它多次复制 @row_buff。





use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Data::Dump qw(dd);
# use Storable qw(dclone);

my %h = ( a => 1, b => 2 );

my @ary_w_refs;

for my $i (1..3) {
$h{a} = $i;
push @ary_w_refs, \%h; # almost certainly WRONG

# push @ary_w_refs, { %h }; # *copy* data
# push @ary_w_refs, dclone \%h; # may be necessary, or just safer

dd $_ for @ary_w_refs;



{ a => 3, b => 2 }{ a => 3, b => 2 }{ a => 3, b => 2 }

See how that value for key a, that we changed in the hash each time, and so supposedly set for each array element, to a different value (1, 2, 3) -- is the same in the end, and equal to the one we assigned last? (This appears to be the case in the question.)

This is because we assigned a reference to the hash %h to each element, so even though every time through the loop we first change the value in the hash for that key in the end it's just the reference there, at each element, to that same hash.

So when the array is queried after the loop we can only get what is in the hash (at key a it's the last assigned number, 3). The array doesn't have its own data, only a pointer to hash's data. (Thus hash's data can be changed by writing to the array as well, as seen in the example below.)

Most of the time, we want a separate, independent copy. Solution? Copy the data.

Naively, instead of

push @ary_w_refs, \%h;


push @ary_w_refs, { %h };

此处 {} 是匿名哈希的构造函数, 因此内部的 %h 被复制。那么实际数据进入数组后一切都很好吗?在本例中,是的,其中哈希值是纯字符串/数字。

但是当哈希值本身是引用时怎么办?然后这些引用被复制,并且 @ary_w_refs 再次没有自己的数据!我们会遇到完全相同的问题。 (尝试上面的哈希值 ( a => [1..10] ))

如果我们有一个复杂的数据结构,包含值的引用,我们需要一个深拷贝。一种好方法是使用库,并且 Storabledclone非常好

use Storable qw(dclone);

push @ary_w_refs, dclone \%h;

现在数组元素拥有自己的数据,与 %h 无关(但在复制时相等)。


另一个例子。让我们用 hashref 填充一个数组,然后将其复制到另一个数组

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Data::Dump qw(dd pp);

my %h = ( a => 1, b => 2 );

my @ary_src = \%h;
say "Source array: ", pp \@ary_src;

my @ary_tgt = $ary_src[0];
say "Target array: ", pp \@ary_tgt;

$h{a} = 10;
say "Target array: ", pp(\@ary_tgt), " (after hash change)";

$ary_src[0]{b} = 20;
say "Target array: ", pp(\@ary_tgt), " (after hash change)";

$ary_tgt[0]{a} = 100;
dd \%h;



Source array: [{ a => 1, b => 2 }]Target array: [{ a => 1, b => 2 }]Target array: [{ a => 10, b => 2 }] (after hash change)Target array: [{ a => 10, b => 20 }] (after hash change){ a => 100, b => 20 }

That "target" array, which supposedly was merely copied off of a source array, changes when the distant hash changes! And when its source array changes. Again, it is because a reference to the hash gets copied, first to one array and then to the other.

In order to get independent data copies, again, copy the data, each time. I'd again advise to be on the safe side and use Storable::dclone (or an equivalent library of course), even with simple hashes and arrays.

Finally, note a slightly sinister last case -- writing to that array changes the hash! This (second-copied) array may be far removed from the hash, in a function (in another module) that the hash doesn't even know of. This kind of an error can be a source of really hidden bugs.

Now if you clarify where references get copied, with a more complete (simple) representation of your problem, we can offer a more specific remedy.

An important way of using a reference that is correct, and which is often used, is when the structure taken the reference of is declared as a lexical variable every time through

for my $elem (@data) { 
my %h = ...
push @results, \%h; # all good

每次都会重新引入词法 %h,以便保留其在数组上的引用数据,因为数组在循环之外持续存在,对于每个元素都是独立的。

这样做的效率也更高,因为 %h 中的数据不会像 { %h } 那样被复制,而只是“重新调整用途”,也就是说,从在迭代结束时被销毁的词法 %h 到数组中的引用。



sub some_func {
my %h = ...
return \%h; # good

my $hashref = some_func();

同样,当函数返回时,词法 %h 超出了范围,并且它不再存在,但它携带的数据和对它的引用被保留,因为它被返回并进行分配,使其引用计数非零。 (至少返回给调用者,也就是说;它可能在子执行过程中被传递到其他地方,所以我们可能仍然会遇到多个使用相同引用的 Actor 的困惑。)所以$hashref 具有对子中创建的数据的引用。



这是对“指针”一词的宽松使用,用于表示引用的作用,但如果要引用 C,我会说它有点“修饰” C指针

在不同的上下文中它可以是一个 block

关于arrays - 如何在 Perl 中正确替换哈希数组中的值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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