gpt4 book ai didi

r - 尝试下载 Google 趋势数据但日期参数被忽略?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 01:55:30 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试以 csv 格式下载 Google 趋势数据。对于基本查询,我已经成功了(在 Christoph Riedl 的 blog post 之后)。

问题:默认情况下从 2004 年 1 月开始返回趋势。我希望它返回从 2011 年 1 月开始的趋势。但是当我向 url 请求添加日期参数时,它被完全忽略。我不确定如何克服这个问题。


# Just copy/paste this stuff - these are helper functions

# This gets the GALX cookie which we need to pass back with the login form
getGALX <- function(curl) {
txt = basicTextGatherer()
curlPerform( url=loginURL, curl=curl, writefunction=txt$update, header=TRUE, ssl.verifypeer=FALSE )

tmp <- txt$value()

val <- grep("Cookie: GALX", strsplit(tmp, "\n")[[1]], val = TRUE)
strsplit(val, "[:=;]")[[1]][3]

return( strsplit( val, "[:=;]")[[1]][3])

# Function to perform Google login and get cookies ready
gLogin <- function(username, password) {
ch <- getCurlHandle()

ans <- (curlSetOpt(curl = ch,
ssl.verifypeer = FALSE,
useragent = getOption('HTTPUserAgent', "R"),
timeout = 60,
followlocation = TRUE,
cookiejar = "./cookies",
cookiefile = ""))

galx <- getGALX(ch)
authenticatePage <- postForm(authenticateURL, .params=list(Email=username, Passwd=password, GALX=galx, PersistentCookie="yes", continue=""), curl=ch)

authenticatePage2 <- getURL("", curl=ch)

if(getCurlInfo(ch)$response.code == 200) {
print("Google login successful!")
} else {
print("Google login failed!")

# returns string w/o leading or trailing whitespace
trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)

get_interest_over_time <- function(res, clean.col.names = TRUE) {
# remove all text before "Interest over time" data block begins
data <- gsub(".*Interest over time", "", res)

# remove all text after "Interest over time" data block ends
data <- gsub("\n\n.*", "", data)

# convert "interest over time" data block into data.frame
data.df <- read.table(text = data, sep =",", header=TRUE)

# Split data range into to only end of week date
data.df$Week <- gsub(".*\\s-\\s", "", data.df$Week)
data.df$Week <- as.Date(data.df$Week)

# clean column names
if(clean.col.names == TRUE) colnames(data.df) <- gsub("\\.\\..*", "", colnames(data.df))

# return "interest over time" data.frame

请在您的浏览器中登录 Google(例如登录 gmail)。在 R 中运行以下命令:

# Username and password
username <- "email@address"
password <- "password"

# Login and Authentication URLs
loginURL <- ""
authenticateURL <- ""
trendsURL <- ""

# Google authentication
ch <- gLogin( username, password )
authenticatePage2 <- getURL("", curl=ch)

以下成功返回自 2004 年 1 月以来的谷歌趋势数据(即没有日期参数)

res <- getForm(trendsURL, q="ggplot2, ggplot", content=1, export=1, graph="all_csv", curl=ch)
df <- get_interest_over_time(res)

Week ggplot2 ggplot
1 2004-01-10 0 0
2 2004-01-17 0 0
3 2004-01-24 0 0
4 2004-01-31 0 0
5 2004-02-07 0 0
6 2004-02-14 0 0

但是,忽略添加日期参数以返回从 2013 年 1 月开始的趋势

res <- getForm(trendsURL, q="ggplot2, ggplot", date = "1/2013 11m", content=1, export=1, graph="all_csv", curl=ch)
df <- get_interest_over_time(res)

Week ggplot2 ggplot
1 2004-01-10 0 0
2 2004-01-17 0 0
3 2004-01-24 0 0
4 2004-01-31 0 0
5 2004-02-07 0 0
6 2004-02-14 0 0

注意 1:同样的事情发生在 cat=category 参数上。上面只是更容易显示日期。

注意 2:由于 Google 根据开始日期重新缩放数据,因此这不是简单地过滤 data.frame 的情况。我对为什么忽略日期参数很感兴趣。




res <- getForm(trendsURL, q="ggplot2, ggplot", date = "2013", content=1, export=1, graph="all_csv", curl=ch)

但是我不知道如何在日期上加上月和日。可能是因为在 GoogleTrends 网页上您可以从列表中选择时间范围:

"Past 7 days", "Past 30 days",..., "2013", "2012",...

但如果我尝试 date="Past 90 days" 它仍然不起作用。

关于r - 尝试下载 Google 趋势数据但日期参数被忽略?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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