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Temperature = 0 to 30 c
Pressure = 0 to 200 bar
Density = 0.5 to 0.95 g/cc.
Temperature = 31 to 60 c
Pressure = 201 to 400 bar
Density = 0 to 0.5 g/cc.
Temperature = 61 to 90 c
Pressure = 401 to 600 bar
Density = 0.956 to 1,15 g/cc.
Temperature = 91 to 120 c
Pressure = 601 to 800 bar
Density = 1.2 to 1.35 g/cc.
Temperature = 121 to 150 c
Pressure = 801 to 1000 bar
Density = 1.15 to 1.3 g/cc.
6)Not identified
all the conditions failed.
private void DrawPercentages(int[] percentages, Color[] colors, float[] volumetransfer)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height);
Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
// Create a Graphics object to draw on the picturebox
//Graphics G = pictureBox1.CreateGraphics();
// Calculate the number of pixels per 1 percent
float pixelsPerPercent = pictureBox1.Height / volumetransfer[0];
// Keep track of the height at which to start drawing (starting from the bottom going up)
int drawHeight = pictureBox1.Height;
// Loop through all percentages and draw a rectangle for each
for (int i = 0; i < percentages.Length; i++)
// Create a brush with the current color
SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(colors[i]);
// Update the height at which the next rectangle is drawn.
drawHeight -= (int)(pixelsPerPercent * percentages[i]);
// Draw a filled rectangle
G.FillRectangle(brush, 0, drawHeight, pictureBox1.Width, pixelsPerPercent * percentages[i]);
pictureBox1.Image = bmp;
private void chkTransferTemp_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (chkTransferTemp.Checked)
Tempvalue = SystemNames.Temp.Data;
public void DrawVolume(double volume, VolumeTypes volumeType, PictureBox pictureBottle)
ucSample sample = new ucSample();
Color color = pictureBottle.BackColor;
switch (volumeType)
case VolumeTypes.Gas: color = Color.Lime;
case VolumeTypes.HydrocarboneLiquid: color = Color.Red;
case VolumeTypes.Water: color = Color.Blue;
case VolumeTypes.WaterBasedMud: color = Color.SaddleBrown;
case VolumeTypes.OliBasedMud: color = Color.Chocolate;
case VolumeTypes.NotIdentified: color = Color.Gray;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pictureBottle.Width, pictureBottle.Height);
Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
float pixelsPerPercent = (float)(pictureBottle.Height * (volume / ucSample.Volume));
int drawHeight = (int)volume;
SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(color);
G.FillRectangle(brush, 0, drawHeight, pictureBottle.Width, (int)(pixelsPerPercent * volume));
pictureBottle.Image = bmp;
public enum VolumeTypes { Water, Gas, HydrocarboneLiquid, OliBasedMud, WaterBasedMud, NotIdentified, None }
public VolumeTypes GetVolumeType(double density, double temprature, double pressure)
bool isDensityChecked = true;
bool isTempratureChecked = true;
bool isPressureChecked = true;
bool IsGasePhase = (isDensityChecked) ? (density >= 0 && density <= 0.4) : true && (isTempratureChecked) ? (temprature >= 0 && temprature <= 30) : true &&
(isPressureChecked) ? (pressure >= 0 && pressure <= 100) : true;
bool isHydrocarbanliquid = (isDensityChecked) ? (density >= 0.5 && density <= 1) : true && (isTempratureChecked) ? (temprature >= 31 && temprature <= 60) : true &&
(isPressureChecked) ? (pressure >= 101 && pressure <= 200) : true;
bool isWater = (isDensityChecked) ? (density >= 1 && density <= 2) : true && (isTempratureChecked) ? (temprature >= 61 && temprature <= 90) : true &&
(isPressureChecked) ? (pressure >= 201 && pressure <= 300) : true;
bool isWaterBasedMud = (isDensityChecked) ? (density >= 2.1 && density <= 3) : true && (isTempratureChecked) ? (temprature >= 91 && temprature <= 120) : true &&
(isPressureChecked) ? (pressure >= 301 && pressure <= 400) : true;
bool isOilBasedMud = (isDensityChecked) ? (density >= 3.1 && density <= 4) : true && (isTempratureChecked) ? (temprature >= 121 && temprature <= 150) : true &&
(isPressureChecked) ? (pressure >= 401 && pressure <= 500) : true;
bool isNotIdentified = (isDensityChecked) ? (density >= 4.1 && density <= 5) : true && (isTempratureChecked) ? (temprature >= 151 && temprature <= 200) : true &&
(isPressureChecked) ? (pressure >= 501 && pressure <= 600) : true;
VolumeTypes volumeType = VolumeTypes.None;
if (IsGasePhase) volumeType = VolumeTypes.Gas;
if (isHydrocarbanliquid) volumeType = VolumeTypes.HydrocarboneLiquid;
if (isWater) volumeType = VolumeTypes.Water;
if (isWaterBasedMud) volumeType = VolumeTypes.WaterBasedMud;
if (isOilBasedMud) volumeType = VolumeTypes.OliBasedMud;
if (isNotIdentified) volumeType = VolumeTypes.NotIdentified;
return volumeType;
public void DrawVolume(double volume, VolumeTypes volumeType, PictureBox pictureBottle)
int x, y, width, height;
x = 0;
ucSample sample = new ucSample();
y = (int)((1 - (volume / ucSample.Volume)) * pictureBottle.Height);
// MessageBox.Show(ucSample.Volume +"");
width = pictureBottle.Width;
height = (int)((volume / ucSample.Volume) * pictureBottle.Height);
Color color = pictureBottle.BackColor;
switch (volumeType)
case VolumeTypes.Gas: color = Color.Lime;
case VolumeTypes.HydrocarboneLiquid: color = Color.Red;
case VolumeTypes.Water: color = Color.Blue;
case VolumeTypes.WaterBasedMud: color = Color.SaddleBrown;
case VolumeTypes.OliBasedMud: color = Color.Chocolate;
case VolumeTypes.NotIdentified: color = Color.Gray;
Graphics graphics = pictureBottle.CreateGraphics();
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(color), rec);
//Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pictureBottle.Width, pictureBottle.Height);
//Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
//float pixelsPerPercent = (float)(pictureBottle.Height * (volume / ucSample.Volume));
//int drawHeight = (int)volume;
//SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(color);
//G.FillRectangle(brush, 0, drawHeight, pictureBottle.Width, (int)(pixelsPerPercent * volume));
//pictureBottle.Image = bmp;
private void UpdateTable(AnalogSensorData data)
DataRow row = _table.Rows.Find(_recs);
if (row == null)
row = _table.NewRow();
row["Index"] = _recs;
row["DateTime"] = data.Time;
row["Time"] = data.Time.ToLongTimeString();
row[data.SystemName] = data.Eng;
_logs = 1;
row[data.SystemName] = data.Eng;
if (++_logs >= SensorUC.NumberOfActive)
int i = 1;
double density = 0, temprature = 0, pressure = 0, volume = 0;
foreach (var item in row.ItemArray)
sheet.Cells[(int)_recs + 3, i].Value = item;
//if (i == 4)
// object densityCell = item;
// density = (densityCell != null) ? (double)densityCell : 0;
// MessageBox.Show("density is : " + density + "");
if (i == 8)
object pressureCell = item;
pressure = (pressureCell != null) ? (double)pressureCell : 0;
//MessageBox.Show("pressure is : " + pressure + "");
else if (i == 12)
object tempratureCell = item;
temprature = (tempratureCell != null) ? (double)tempratureCell : 0;
// MessageBox.Show("temprature is : "+ temprature + "");
if (i == 11)
object volumeCell = item;
volume = (volumeCell != null) ? (double)volumeCell : 0;
//MessageBox.Show("Volume is : "+ volume + "");
VolumeTypes volumeType = GetVolumeType(density, temprature, pressure);
DrawVolume(volume, volumeType, pictureBottle);
if (!_list.Columns[data.SystemName].HeaderText.Equals(data.SensorName))
_table.Columns[data.SystemName].Caption = data.SensorName;
_list.Columns[data.SystemName].HeaderText = data.SensorName;
_list.FirstDisplayedCell = _list.Rows[_list.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[0];
public void DrawVolume(double volume, VolumeTypes volumeType, PictureBox pictureBottle)
int x, y, width, height;
x = 0;
y = (int)((1 - (volume / ucSample.Volume)) * pictureBottle.Height) ;
width = pictureBottle.Width;
height = (int)((volume / ucSample.Volume) * pictureBottle.Height);
Color color = pictureBottle.BackColor;
switch (volumeType)
case VolumeTypes.Gas: color = Color.Lime;
case VolumeTypes.HydrocarboneLiquid: color = Color.Red;
case VolumeTypes.Water: color = Color.Blue;
case VolumeTypes.WaterBasedMud: color = Color.SaddleBrown;
case VolumeTypes.OliBasedMud: color = Color.Chocolate;
case VolumeTypes.NotIdentified: color = Color.Gray;
int myCurrentHeight = height - lastHeight;
if (color != currentColor)
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(x, y, width, myCurrentHeight);
myRectangles.Add(new MyRectangle(rec,color));
currentColor = color;
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(x,y,width,myCurrentHeight+myRectangles.Last<MyRectangle>().rectangle.Height);
myRectangles.Last<MyRectangle>().rectangle = rec;
lastHeight = height;
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Log.frmSample.PictureBottle.Width, Log.frmSample.PictureBottle.Height);
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
foreach (MyRectangle myRectangle in myRectangles)
graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(myRectangle.color), myRectangle.rectangle);
Log.frmSample.PictureBottle.Image = bitmap;
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