gpt4 book ai didi

javascript - 如何使用 rowspans 将树状结构转换为纯 HTML 表格?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 01:28:17 29 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


const nodes = [
{ dataSourceId: "a", id: "a-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: undefined, dependsOnNodes: [] },
{ dataSourceId: "a", id: "a-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: undefined, dependsOnNodes: [] },
{ dataSourceId: "a", id: "a-3", dependsOnDataSourceId: undefined, dependsOnNodes: [] },
{ dataSourceId: "b", id: "b-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "b", id: "b-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "b", id: "b-3", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1", "a-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-3", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-4", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-5", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2", "b-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-6", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2", "b-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "e", id: "e-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "c", dependsOnNodes: ["c-1", "c-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "e", id: "e-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "c", dependsOnNodes: ["c-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "self-reference", id: "a-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "d", id: "d-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "d", id: "d-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },


我想使用行跨度将此结构表示为 HTML 表。我所知道的是列的顺序,其中每个数据源代表一列

const dataSourceIds = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "self-reference"];

dataSourceIds 中的第一项( "a") 始终代表根节点组。


table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
<td rowspan="9">a-1</td>
<td><!-- Empty for source d --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by a-1 rowspan --></td>
<td rowspan="6">b-2</td>
<td><!-- Empty for source e --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source self-reference --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by a-1 rowspan --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by b-2 rowspan --></td>
<td rowspan="2">c-3</td>
<td><!-- Empty for source a-to-a --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by a-1 rowspan --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by b-2 rowspan --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by c-3 rowspan --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source d --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source self-reference --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by a-1 rowspan --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by b-2 rowspan --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source d --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source e --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source self-reference --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by a-1 rowspan --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by b-2 rowspan --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source d --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source e --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source self-reference --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by a-1 rowspan --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by b-2 rowspan --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source d --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source e --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source self-reference --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by a-1 rowspan --></td>
<td rowspan="2">b-3</td>
<td><!-- Empty for source d --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source e --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source self-reference --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by a-1 rowspan --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by b-3 rowspan --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source d --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source e --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source self-reference --></td>
<td rowspan="2">a-2</td>
<td rowspan="2">b-3</td>
<td><!-- Empty for source d --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source e --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source self-reference --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by a-2 rowspan --></td>
<td style="display: none"><!-- Covered by b-3 rowspan --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source d --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source e --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source self-reference --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source b --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source c --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source d --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source e --></td>
<td><!-- Empty for source self-reference --></td>


const nodes = [
{ dataSourceId: "a", id: "a-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: undefined, dependsOnNodes: [] },
{ dataSourceId: "a", id: "a-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: undefined, dependsOnNodes: [] },
{ dataSourceId: "a", id: "a-3", dependsOnDataSourceId: undefined, dependsOnNodes: [] },
{ dataSourceId: "b", id: "b-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "b", id: "b-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "b", id: "b-3", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1", "a-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-3", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-4", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-5", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2", "b-3"] },
// breaks here because c-6 must also replace a-2 with a rowspan
// { dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-6", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2", "b-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "e", id: "e-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "c", dependsOnNodes: ["c-1", "c-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "e", id: "e-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "c", dependsOnNodes: ["c-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "self-reference", id: "a-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "d", id: "d-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
// breaks here because b-2 must be added at c-3 but it tries to add it at c-2
// { dataSourceId: "d", id: "d-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },

const dataSourceIds = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "self-reference"];

// group the nodes by source so it's easier to inspect them
const groupedNodes = {};

for (const dataSourceId of dataSourceIds) {
groupedNodes[dataSourceId] = nodes.filter(node => node.dataSourceId === dataSourceId);

// extract the root node id so dataSourceIds only contains child sources
const rootNodeId = dataSourceIds.shift();

const rootNodes = groupedNodes[rootNodeId];

let rows = [];

// setup the initial rows with root nodes
for (const rootNode of rootNodes) {
const row = {
[rootNodeId]: rootNode

for (const dataSourceId of dataSourceIds) {
row[dataSourceId] = "empty";


// fill the rows with child nodes
for (let dataSourceIdIndex = 0; dataSourceIdIndex < dataSourceIds.length; dataSourceIdIndex++) {
const dataSourceId = dataSourceIds[dataSourceIdIndex];
const childNodes = groupedNodes[dataSourceId];

for (const childNode of childNodes) {
const { dependsOnDataSourceId, dependsOnNodes } = childNode;

for (const parentNodeId of dependsOnNodes) {
for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rows.length; rowIndex++) {
const row = rows[rowIndex];
const parentNode = row[dependsOnDataSourceId];

// parent node must exist in this row
if (parentNode === "empty") {

// parent node id must match
if ( !== parentNodeId) {

// what if parent is covered?

// simply add it if there is no value yet
if (row[dataSourceId] === "empty") {
row[dataSourceId] = childNode;

// this row already has a value for this data source so we have to duplicate it
const duplicatedRow = structuredClone(row);

// replace the parent node with a rowspan
duplicatedRow[dependsOnDataSourceId] = { coveredByRowIndex: rowIndex };

// replace the previous child node with the current one
duplicatedRow[dataSourceId] = childNode;

// set all data source values between dependsOnDataSourceId ( exclusive ) and dataSourceIdIndex ( exclusive ) to empty because they are siblings with no data
const dependsOnDataSourceIdIndex = dataSourceIds.findIndex(previousDataSourceId => previousDataSourceId === dependsOnDataSourceId);

for (let emptyDataSourceIndex = dependsOnDataSourceIdIndex + 1; emptyDataSourceIndex < dataSourceIdIndex; emptyDataSourceIndex++) {
const emptyDataSourceId = dataSourceIds[emptyDataSourceIndex];
duplicatedRow[emptyDataSourceId] = "empty";

// check if there already are any covered rows
const amountOfCoveredRows = rows.filter(rowToInspect => {
const dataSourceValue = rowToInspect[dependsOnDataSourceId];

if (dataSourceValue.coveredByRowIndex === undefined) {
return false;

return dataSourceValue.coveredByRowIndex === rowIndex;

const insertDuplicatedRowIndex = rowIndex + amountOfCoveredRows + 1;

// insert the new row after the last covered row
const previousRows = rows.slice(0, insertDuplicatedRowIndex);
const nextRows = rows.slice(insertDuplicatedRowIndex, rows.length);

rows = [

// but don't inspect this one in the next run



  • "empty"意味着 <td>元素为空
  • coveredByRowIndex意味着它应该使用 style="display: none"


如您所见 rows尚未包含预期结果。有 2 个节点破坏了算法。我对如何手动完成的想法

  • group nodes by dataSourceId
  • for each a, create a new row with empty values ( except for a )
  • fill b
  • if there already is a b, duplicate the row and replace the a with a "covered" index
  • repeat for c
  • repeat for c-6 but c-6 depends on b-3 and b-3 depends on a-2 so you must set a rowspan for a-2
  • repeat for d
  • repeat for d-2 but d-2 depends on b-2. It must not duplicate the row because there is enough space in the c-3 row
  • repeat for e-1
  • repeat for e-2 but you must replace d-2 with an "empty" value ( set all sources between parent key and own key to "empty" )
  • repeat for self-reference



我不是 100% 确信我已经理解您正在使用的完全通用的数据集可能是什么样子,但下面的代码将执行以下操作:

  • 解析任意长度和任意依赖关系的节点的任意列表深度。
  • 以任意依赖顺序处理任意数量的源。


  • 只有根节点可以自引用。这是可以改变的,但是这样做并非易事。
  • 依赖源顺序与源排序顺序相同,目前按字母顺序排列。但这可以很容易地设置而不是派生根据数据,例如,根据您上面的已知信息之一。
  • 虽然节点之间可以有多条路径,但不能有任何循环,例如“a”依赖于“b”、“c”、“a”。这将导致无限循环。


  • 创建节点的结构化链表。
  • 获取根节点。
  • 递归解析根节点及其后代。



const nodes = [
{ dataSourceId: "a", id: "a-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: undefined, dependsOnNodes: [] },
{ dataSourceId: "a", id: "a-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: undefined, dependsOnNodes: [] },
{ dataSourceId: "a", id: "a-3", dependsOnDataSourceId: undefined, dependsOnNodes: [] },
{ dataSourceId: "b", id: "b-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "b", id: "b-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "b", id: "b-3", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1", "a-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-3", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-4", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-5", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2", "b-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "c", id: "c-6", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2", "b-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "e", id: "e-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "c", dependsOnNodes: ["c-1", "c-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "e", id: "e-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "c", dependsOnNodes: ["c-3"] },
{ dataSourceId: "self-reference", id: "a-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "a", dependsOnNodes: ["a-1"] },
{ dataSourceId: "d", id: "d-1", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "d", id: "d-2", dependsOnDataSourceId: "b", dependsOnNodes: ["b-2"] },
{ dataSourceId: "d", id: "d-3", dependsOnDataSourceId: "c", dependsOnNodes: ["c-3"] }

// Build a list of structured nodes
dataSourceIds = [];
list = [];
selfRefs = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
if ( nodes[i].dataSourceId == "self-reference" ) {
} else {
if ( ! dataSourceIds.includes(nodes[i].dataSourceId) ) dataSourceIds.push(nodes[i].dataSourceId);
list.push([ nodes[i].id, nodes[i].dataSourceId, [], nodes[i].dependsOnNodes, undefined ]);

// A utility, given a node id return the structured node
function getListNode(id) {
for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) {
if ( list[i][0] == id ) return list[i];
return undefined;

// Populate structured nodes with their structured parents
for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) {
var parents = [];
for ( var j = 0; j < list[i][3].length; j++ ) {
list[i][3] = parents;

// Populate structured nodes with their structured children
for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 0; j < list[i][3].length; j++ ) {

// Get the structured nodes with no parents
treeRoots = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) {
if ( list[i][3].length == 0 ) treeRoots.push(list[i]);

function spanner(node) {
// Calculate the row span required for a node, by recursively walking the tree for the node
var span;
if ( node[2].length == 0 ) {
span = 1
node[4] = span;
} else {
var span = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < node[2].length; i++ ) {
span += spanner(node[2][i]);
node[4] = span
return span

// Utility to print a tree root
function printTR(treeRoots) {
var text = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < treeRoots.length; i++ ) {
text += printNT(treeRoots[i], 0);
return text;

// Utility to space out fields, indent, etc.
function spacer(n) {
var N = n * 4;
var text = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
text += "&nbsp;"
return text;

// Utility to print a node tree
function printNT(node, depth) {
var text = "";
text += '<br>' + spacer(depth) + node[0] + spacer(1) + node[4] + spacer(1) + node[1];
for ( var j = 0; j < node[2].length; j++ ) {
text += printNT(node[2][j], depth + 1);
return text;

function tableTR(treeRoots) {
// Convert a root tree into a set of rows
var text = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < treeRoots.length; i++ ) {
var textRoot = '<tr>' + tableNT(treeRoots[i], "").replaceAll("</tr>", "<td></td></tr>");
// Add in a self reference
if ( selfRefs.indexOf(treeRoots[i][0]) != -1 ) {
ndx = textRoot.indexOf("</td></tr>");
text += textRoot.slice(0,ndx) + treeRoots[i][0] + textRoot.slice(ndx);
} else {
text += textRoot;
return text;

function sourcePadding(parent, child) {
// Generate empty table cells when child source is more than one source away from parent source.
// $ is to end of row of sources.
var text = "";
if ( child == "$" ) {
for ( var i = 1; i < dataSourceIds.length - dataSourceIds.indexOf(parent); i++ ) {
text += '<td>' + '</td>';
} else if ( parent != child && parent != "" ) {
for ( var i = 1; i < dataSourceIds.indexOf(child) - dataSourceIds.indexOf(parent); i++ ) {
text += '<td>' + '</td>';
return text;

function tableNT(node, parentSource) {
// Convert a node tree into table rows
var text = "";
if ( node[4] == 1 ) {
if ( node[2].length == 1 ) {
text += sourcePadding(parentSource, node[1]) + '<td>' + node[0] + '</td>' + tableNTfr(node[2][0], node[1]);
} else {
text += sourcePadding(parentSource, node[1]) + '<td>' + node[0] + '</td>' + sourcePadding(node[1], "$") + '</tr>';
} else {
text += sourcePadding(parentSource, node[1]) + '<td rowspan="' + node[4] + '">' + node[0] + '</td>' + tableNTfr(node[2][0], node[1]);
text += tableNTor(node[2][0], [ [ node[1], node[2][0][1] ] ]);
for ( var i = 1; i < node[2].length; i++ ) {
text += '<tr>' + tableNT(node[2][i], node[1])
return text;

function tableNTfr(node, parentSource) {
// The first row in a row span
var text = "";
if ( node[4] == 1 ) {
if ( node[2].length == 1 ) {
text += sourcePadding(parentSource, node[1]) + '<td>' + node[0] + '</td>' + tableNTfr(node[2][0], node[1]);
} else {
text += sourcePadding(parentSource, node[1]) + '<td>' + node[0] + '</td>' + sourcePadding(node[1], "$") + '</tr>';
} else {
text += sourcePadding(parentSource, node[1]) + '<td rowspan="' + node[4] + '">' + node[0] + '</td>' + tableNTfr(node[2][0], node[1]);
return text;

function tableNTor(node, skips) {
// The other rows in a row span
var text = "";
var skipped = [ ...skips ];
if ( node[2].length != 0 ) {
if ( node[4] > 1 ) {
skipped.push([ node[1], node[2][0][1] ]);
text += tableNTor(node[2][0], skipped)
for ( var i = 1; i < node[2].length; i++ ) {
text += '<tr>'
for ( var j = 0; j < skipped.length - 1; j++ ) {
text += sourcePadding(skipped[j][0], skipped[j][1], 0);
text += tableNT(node[2][i], node[1])
return text;

function tableHead(dataSourceIds) {
text = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < dataSourceIds.length; i++ ) {
text += '<th>' + dataSourceIds[i] + '</th>';
text += '<th>' + 'self-reference' + '</th>';
return '<tr>' + text + '</tr>';

function doStuff() {
for ( var i = 0; i < treeRoots.length; i++ ) {
spanner( treeRoots[i] );
var printerOne = document.getElementById("printerOne");
printerOne.innerHTML = printTR( treeRoots );
var treeTable = document.getElementById("treeTable");
treeTable.innerHTML = tableHead(dataSourceIds) + tableTR(treeRoots);
table {
border: 1px solid black;

td {
border: 1px solid black;
<body onload="doStuff()">
Parsed nodes with calculated row spans and source:
<div id="printerOne">
Tree converted to table rows:<br>&nbsp;
<table id="treeTable">

关于javascript - 如何使用 rowspans 将树状结构转换为纯 HTML 表格?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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